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Happiest moment of your life?


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If you could freeze time what moment would u freeze it on?

in other words whats the happiest moment of your life?


1. graduating FIU magna cum laude. i worked my ass off and being called to rise in the auditorium while everyone else was seated blew my mind

2. my barmitzvah another great moment as well

3. sister being born dec 25, 1983

whatcha bout u all ?

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Guest Devilicious

My happiest moments have not been during major accomplishments, but rather during the simple blissful moments in which I appreciate life and the other blessings I have received.... in short, the little things.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

When the Seahawks win the Superbowl and when my Mariners win the World Series..Those are a couple of my future happiest moments.

As of now mine are

1. The moment I fell in love with Sarah

2. The moment my daughter Sofia was born. The second time I fell in love!

3. One of those drunken and drugged out gigs that I played out at a long, long time ago...LOL....!!

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Guest JMT

unless Danny comes out of retirement and leads the 'Fins to a superbowl victory, my "happiest moment" doesnt exist.

so ill go with Sugar Bowl, New Orleans 1/4/00.

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Guest Cosmigonon

My happiest moments have not been during major accomplishments, but rather during the simple blissful moments in which I appreciate life and the other blessings I have received.... in short, the little things.

What she said...

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Meeting my wonderful boyfriend ;D

Holding my nephew for the first time when he was 10 months old... truly magical!

Sitting 15 rows up from 1st base at Fenway Park - watching the red sox beat the ny yankee's. Not that i care about either team, just being in the legendary fenway park and being so close was, well - wow :o

Watching my fav driver, #3 Dale Earnhardt, win the Daytona 500 in 1998.. i was in turn 3.. it was fucking awesome.. i cried like a baby..

Buying my 1st condo three years ago ;D

Attending my first college football game in september.. Ohio State vs. Texas in columbus, OH... it was siick.. lol

Celebrating the little things in life.. and achieving the personal goals i've set for myself..

Realizing that i've met my circle of friends that i know i'll grow old with and make a billion more memories with.. from clubbing to hanging out, watching sports and just being there for each other. SOo many good times :)

Future happy moments - going to Detroit for the SUPERBOWL in February!

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Guest michael^heaven

---I have several...

<>My first tube

<>My first wave

<>Simons during the golden years :P :P :P

<>The moment I exited Victoria Station & saw my first double-decker

<>My first trip to Costa Rica

<>Solo road trips across country

<>My first Fabric experience

<>Jenn & Amy ;)

<>Me & my best mate...both in the tube, on the same wave

<>Oceanside sessions

<>The time me & a mate skipped school & hit up Sebastian Inlet...perfect overhead waves all day!!

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Guest Damon7278

I think that would be the happiest moment of his life too. Damon, you're a smart guy, you shouldn't associate with such riff-raff either.

LOL, u know something you're a funny guy ;D

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Guest Spankmeister

Mine hasn't happened yet...

If I thought that it had, why would I continue to go on?

We can't relive the past, and our memories are falliable, live in the moment, enjoy the blessings we all have on a daily basis...It will be then that we realize that happiness is a renewable resource from within ourselves.

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Guest Seb

its pretty hard to narrow it down to one event but if I had to it would have to be the first time I rolled with my wife. Ya I know its drug induced but sometimes you can't feel that same intensity with out it. Sharing something like that with someone you love, there are no words to describe. :)

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Guest ShampooBabe

- August 1994: I received the news that i just won a trip to "El Valle" with my favourite boy-band.

- Someday 1996 - I came back home from school, and i had the feeling that the guy i wanted, wanted me too... I could hear the birds singing, i was so in love...

- November 1999 - New York City - I just gave his first kiss to a guy much younger than me, and i was alone in my room, looking out the window, looking at the streets and thinking: I'm in NY and i couldnt be happier! and then i went out, walk in Central Park, and i felt like i wanted to have that feeling forever...

- February 2003 - Windsor, Canada - I was walking down the streets to get the bus, listerning to music, and thinking about how fortunate to be loved by the must amazing guy (until that day). I sat in the bus, and i just coulnt stop smiling... i felt so, so happy!

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Guest dre4

when greece won the euro in 2004 by beating portugal twice in portugal czeck france and tying spain

also being in palladium acapulco the greatest club in the world w/ my girl on spring break listening to some beats and seeing the devil dance

and in 5 months from now graduating law school

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when greece won the euro in 2004 by beating portugal twice in portugal czeck france and tying spain

also being in palladium acapulco the greatest club in the world w/ my girl on spring break listening to some beats and seeing the devil dance

and in 5 months from now graduating law school

congrats on law school.... what school?

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August 8th 1992, back home in Ex-Yugoslavia, war time. For those who don't know war lasted from April 92-December 95. Anyway happiest moment was when my dad came home after we were told 5 days ago that he is dead. There is no words to explain that feeling...

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