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Miami = Big City , But does it live upto Big City Life ?

Guest DJ Nova

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Guest DJSkeemWestchesta

People, I am glad we are starting to get it... If you think we have diversity in this town, you obviously are not going to the same places I am. It is not diversity of the venue we speak of here. Yes are clubs and bars are splendid, they all sport amazing themes which are all geared to make money off those people only out for the Sex and alcohol. But as a "musichead" there is an obvious gripe that needs to be fixed in order for us to get passed this tourism exploitation period this town has been blessed with. You can mock us all you want for wanting to go against the norm, but unfortunately we are Techno artists, that is what we are known for. Going against the grain. Imagine if we were all like the sheep and religiously spent $50 to go see Danny Howells or whatever garbage these promoters are pushing on people. Wait a minute... it's already happening.

Like you all continue to insinuate, I do fly to Detroit to go see Rich play, and D May, and John Arnold etc. But I do so because they are my friends and I suport them like they have I in the past. Unfortunately for all of you who are going to probably start complaining that they don't have enough money to see them play, you will never get such a treat because as I continuously hear from them, they will not make an effort to come because of the same crap we are discussing in this forum. Aside from the money issue, which to some is really not an issue at all, the fact that people would rather get fucked up than go hear REAL good music is a huge problem. You may all think that its fine and gravy, but belive it or not, we are the laughing stock of the entire music comminuty, not just in Florida, USA, but the entire world. Fuck that we used to be a Breakbeat haven, because if you haven't noticed, that shit is dead down here, as is Beat Camp jungle, etc. We have nothing to look foward to but sirens and DJs waving their arms at the crowd. I hardly call that musical diversity.

I would much rather see a Blackman & Arnold any day of the week and twice on Sundays than Sander Kleinsaucer or whoever you are all prentending to be good and if it takes flying 1800 miles to do so, so be it. I think its just sad that we as a society can be so naive to think that there is nothing else out there that we can expose ourselves to that just maybe may be better than what we have right now. Just a thought. Slam me if you will, but I think I know my music, and I will continue to struggle to educate for the love of the music.

Detroit 4-Life. Don't be deceieved!

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Guest deejay

Remember kids....Being the new guy to town, this info and chatter is potentially very important to me and others. I have not been to Miami yet...but it seems like the same scenario as with most other places. People have opinions and different interests. At least we have the choice to be involved or not. Some places, like Montana..lol...probably don't have a choice. If I lived in Montana, the only local talent that I would see is my girlfriends cousin Jed and his toothless one eyed go-go dancing sister....I'd rather just be patient and wait for Rabbit in the moon...even if I have seen them 10 other times...at least I'd have fun and meet like minded people. The idea is to have a party...where a person can have fun...maybe even be enlightened. Have you ever watched a movie for the 5th time and then found the true meaning behind it? That's how I feel about talent that is back again. Pay closer attention to the message that the music brings and there will be less time for complaining about something that is not there. Come on people...let's remember our roots..PLUR 8) ;D :D ;D 8)

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Guest colione98

I think its just sad that we as a society can be so naive to think that there is nothing else out there that we can expose ourselves to that just maybe may be better than what we have right now.

This is the true topic of what we should stay on course to.... it defeats all others!

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Guest Chica

Im sure there is lots of undiscovered talent out there, is just hard to get the opportunity they are waiting for to show us what they have, and that is the big problem for them unless they know someone or get lucky, for those talented out there I advice to keep trying ... ;)

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Guest pod

Try living in Montana lol


I would have liked to have seen Montana...


That being said, no one is forcing you to go out and see "garbage" like Danny Howells or Sander. I tell this to everyone, if they don't like something, vote with your wallet and don't go. Enough people do so, and the clubs get the message and change things up.

Conversely, vote with your wallet when Derrick May and Richie do make a rare appearance in Miami. Tell all your friends, in other words...promote!

I've told this to many in the "techno" scene as well. Be more accomodating. Half the reason a lot of my friends don't make the effort to go see more obscure artists is because they don't feel welcome at these events. Hell, I show up and it is time to attack. How dare someone from the media show up to "our" event? It is funny, they want their event to be "underground", then bitch when no one supports. You want the support, you gotta promote, advertise, and go after the people that normally wouldn't go out.

And when they get to your event, make them feel like they're included, too. I don't know about you, but I usually leave places that I don't feel wanted at.

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Guest musicalmissionary

Danny Howells or whatever garbage these promoters are pushing on people.

Danny Howells is garbage?

Your own rage has blinded you. Danny plays a lot of techno tracks. Have you bothered to listen to him lately? Or is he not "underground" enough?

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Guest Spankmeister

Interesting thread...

Being a Detroit Native myself...I can totally see where some folks here are coming from...But also, living in Europe (Great Britian) and travelling to Toronto and Chicago quite extensively to go clubbing, I can see other viewpoints as well...

House, Tribal, Progressive, Trance, Techno....to me, whatever crumbles your cookie is all good by me...I know that I have enjoyed good sets by DJ's in all those different genres...and depending on my mood, I will still queue up sets of different genres to this day.

Labels are just friggin that...Labels. No matter what you are talking about....what completely turns my stomach is when self-righteous fucktards start spouting about how much 'better' one form of music is to another...I am not a fan of Trance, yes, at one point I did listen to it, but today it isn't my thing...am I going to start saying that everyone that listens to Trance sucks? No, I will just say that I don't care for it...

Coming from the midwest, South Florida is much different on many different levels. Doormen don't have their own websites in Detroit for example..LOL... ;D ....not that having your own website is a bad thing, it is just different.

If you don't like the scene you are in, then take steps to change it. In doing this, someone has to understand the 'rules of the game' and how things work. You can't expect, if you only speak english and move to germany to not acclimate and learn the language. Same rule applies here. In the very short time I have been here, I already know that there are different rules. Many times substance doesn't rule the day, style does. In order to change the scene, you have to first become part of the scene, then you can work to change things from within.

Everyone should spend some time in Toronto...great city, great clubs, great people...but the best thing is that the folks up there don't give a rats ass about labels....You get the same people at a Armin VanBuuren show as a Carl Cox/Richie Hawtin show...they just love Dance Music...Best city in Midwest North America.

But Miami/So Fla is not in the Midwest...it is not in the north...Miami and SoFla is a tourist/vacation spot. You can have DJ Cameltoe spinning at a club on the beach and with good flyering and a little promotion you can have the place packed. You are not going to change the mentality of the tourists, and that is what the beach is run on. Tourists don't care who is spinning, they don't care if it is house, trance, techno, hip hop...whatever...They want to get banged up and have a good time. Now I could be full of shit, and often am.

Crap, I have to get back to work here...I have a few other things that I would like to contribute, but after I pay a few bills here....LOL

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Guest dj_release

That being said, no one is forcing you to go out and see "garbage" like Danny Howells or Sander. I tell this to everyone, if they don't like something, vote with your wallet and don't go. Enough people do so, and the clubs get the message and change things up.

Conversely, vote with your wallet when Derrick May and Richie do make a rare appearance in Miami. Tell all your friends, in other words...promote!

I've told this to many in the "techno" scene as well. Be more accomodating. Half the reason a lot of my friends don't make the effort to go see more obscure artists is because they don't feel welcome at these events. Hell, I show up and it is time to attack. How dare someone from the media show up to "our" event? It is funny, they want their event to be "underground", then bitch when no one supports. You want the support, you gotta promote, advertise, and go after the people that normally wouldn't go out.

And when they get to your event, make them feel like they're included, too. I don't know about you, but I usually leave places that I don't feel wanted at.

just curious to know when was the last time Richie and Derrick came to Miami.... I must have missed this

and yeah Danny Howells garbage... dude get over yourself ffs! ::)

yeah it's not Montana.... it's not Detroit... it's not Jacksonville... but it is supposed to be one of the biggest and better citites of the world then why don't we make it so... if you won't let us compare to the better cities then don't go compare it to the wrost citites yourself

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Guest ramon

I guess not. The minute you start making money doing something, you've "sold out".

I'd hate to tell DJ Skeem here that his idol isn't exactly broke, either. Oh, and he's hanging with trance superstars too:


as long as he doesn't defer the quality of his music i could give a fuck who he hangs out with .. you'd be quite surprised to hear what kind of records the trance kids are playing and what kind of records the techno kids are playing .. barriers are coming down and there's just going to be good music or bad music.

who wouldve fuckin thought that tiesto wouldve played a rheinard voigt track on his nyana cd?

richie's on another level and if he's the one that it takes to turn people on to this music so be it.

FFS there's more than house trance and techno out there.

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Guest ramon

That being said, no one is forcing you to go out and see "garbage" like Danny Howells or Sander. I tell this to everyone, if they don't like something, vote with your wallet and don't go. Enough people do so, and the clubs get the message and change things up.

Conversely, vote with your wallet when Derrick May and Richie do make a rare appearance in Miami. Tell all your friends, in other words...promote!

I've told this to many in the "techno" scene as well. Be more accomodating. Half the reason a lot of my friends don't make the effort to go see more obscure artists is because they don't feel welcome at these events. Hell, I show up and it is time to attack. How dare someone from the media show up to "our" event? It is funny, they want their event to be "underground", then bitch when no one supports. You want the support, you gotta promote, advertise, and go after the people that normally wouldn't go out.

And when they get to your event, make them feel like they're included, too. I don't know about you, but I usually leave places that I don't feel wanted at.

just curious to know when was the last time Richie and Derrick came to Miami.... I must have missed this

and yeah Danny Howells garbage... dude get over yourself ffs! ::)

yeah it's not Montana.... it's not Detroit... it's not Jacksonville... but it is supposed to be one of the biggest and better citites of the world then why don't we make it so... if you won't let us compare to the better cities then don't go compare it to the wrost citites yourself

Richie has here at Privilege in '04 and Derrick May played a few events @ WMC '05 :)

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Guest dj_release

conference doesn't count... everyone and their mother comes round here through conference... we are talking about regular miami time :P

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Guest Diabolique

It's funny....I just registered with this forum and posted about being new to Jacksonville from Los Angeles. I've been to some great parties and events since 91'. And now I find myself in Jacksonville where the parties I go to are just rooms filled with bored kids drinking alcohol. No vibe...no dancing...no nothing...You people ought to realize that you come from a place that is respected and hailed for its scene. We love Florida out in Cali...you guys have a different style of breaks than we do...and when I had an opportunity to move to Florida ...I jumped on it. The only problem was that I didn't realize that where I was moving to had....NO scene(well that is not completely true...I saw DJ Dan a few months ago and AK 1200 is coming in a week or so). Do you see my point? When DJ Dan comes to town, I get all excited like it was the first time I ever went out to a party. That really only happens because there is nothing else really for me to choose from. I am considering moving to Miami from Jacksonville but not because it's in Florida or convenient. I could move anywhere that I like. But I think that Miami may be one of the more special places to be a part of. Try living in Jax for about a year and if you haven't killed yourself, you'd move back there in a flash! You do have a lot to choose from down there and even if that's all that you have, you are rich from where I stand. Enjoy the artists that are there now...anything could happen tomarrow.

awe another displaced californian. welcome! um, I'm with you on Jax...not the best place for the scene, and those FL breaks drive me up a wall, mostly. Before I respond to this thread about the topic at hand..I just want to let you know there is an EXCELLENT breakbeat DJ moving up to jax any day now...DJFX...so keep your eyes peeled in the future for this one..he's a great talent...and a good friend. :)

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Guest Diabolique

deejay, that certainly wasn't directed at you - sorry for any confusion. I enjoyed reading your Jax post, and your comments in this thread have been interesting, too.

Like you, I think everyone should try to appreciate what they've got. If there are things people don't like about a particular music scene, they should try to make it better, move to another city, or just deal with it.

that's what I'm doing at the right time, moving either back out west or to the UK. The weather really sucks, but the music is so good, I could totally live with that. who knows though...time will tell! 8)

As far as what DJSkeemWestchesta said about the BB scene. yeah it does suck that I can't go out like I used to and enjoy it anywhere but pretty much home or a trip...or wait for wmc. and...he's right...nowadays when you tell someone in the scene you're from Miami, they look at you like you're some materialistic partier, snicker a bit, and you have to go "hey...we're not all like that. I don't even *go* to Space, man!"

I admit I travel a lot for a good set, Tampa, Cali, UK, Chicago. If the music doesn't come to you, you gotta go to it. C'est la vie... You can't get San Fransisco's Parisian sourdough bread in Miami and you can't get a cuban dish easily in San Fran. That's life. knowhudimean? :-*

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Guest pod

The one problem that I see is that people see a problem with just going out and having a good time. Like, I mean, what is wrong with going to a club to well, have a good time? Is it materialistic and vacuous? Only if you make it as such. Just because I go out and concetrate more on the visual end of things and the drinking end of things doesn't mean my form of partying is bad or worse. If a few rats on some out-of-the-way free-with-a-fillup EZBoard forum think we're all a bunch of materialsitic drug-dealing morons, I pity them for not being able to see the forest for the trees.

Like any scene it is what you make of it. I'd love to see the likes of Richie and other DJs Ramon clues me into down here. But, I'm not a promoter. I'm a photographer. I take photos of pretty (and not-so-pretty) people in world-class nightclubs. I don't book DJs, and I currently don't own a nightclub...

In other words, if trainspotters rain the clubs, there'd be no clubs.

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Guest Eidur_Johannsson

Hi all, I'm new to the board, and relatively new to the town and I guess this is as good a place as any to jump in, as I think I've got a pretty good perspective on this. I'm originally from up North and have seen pretty much all of what's on offer in Boston, Hartford, Providence and New York both from the perspective of being in the clubs and even playing in some of them from time to time, believe me-Miami is great. I think people who have always lived here are kind of blinded to just how lucky we all are to be part of what goes on here. It's really easy to say people are uneducated musically if their taste in music isn't the same as yours but from what I've seen there are more people here who are well into the music that they go see then anywhere else I've been. Speaking for myself personally, I've continued to buy records and spin and now that I've settled in I've started to miss playing for people. I know that if I find an outlet here to play the music that I love to people who feel the same way about it, that beats the hell out of banging it out to a few hundred people who don't have anywhere else to go. I go see Oscar G sometimes when he's here and I don't know a single record he plays, but he always kills it a I have a good time regardless. I prefer trance and techno or some combination thereof which may not be as well represented here as in other places but I'm never short of places to go and good DJs to see and you can't bitch about that.

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