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the different ways to take rollz......


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what are some different and creative ways to drop bombs...one kid i knew crushed it up and then took a small piece of toilet paper and wrapped it up. then swallowed....called it parachutes. makes it hit quicker and harder, kinda like snorting it.

peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy?!?....FRANKIE BONES

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e-tard, back me up on this one - taking a pill with toilet paper is not going to make you roll harder, faster, longer, sweeter. It will just come in handy if you are tossing someone's salad later (sorry, i know that was gross)

Some other fun ways include plugigng the pill up your bum, crushing and snorting, chewing, or with acid!!!


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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the only thing crushing your pill will do is maybe result in a quicker absorption. Since its pretty much broken down into a powder and not a solid pill. If you want to get more of the pill, plug it. Do a search and you will find all the info in this forum.



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I have a friend who can't swallow any sort of pills so he does like I remember my mom doin' for me when I was a kid.. he crushes it up with spoons and then pours water in the spoon with the dust and takes it like that.. it doesn't make him roll harder but it does hit him quicker than the rest of us...I don't know.. cwm16.gif


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Originally posted by tiestoisgod:

e-tard, back me up on this one - taking a pill with toilet paper is not going to make you roll harder, faster, longer, sweeter. It will just come in handy if you are tossing someone's salad later (sorry, i know that was gross)

Some other fun ways include plugigng the pill up your bum, crushing and snorting, chewing, or with acid!!!


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Originally posted by ~surreal~:



yeah, really...and how does that work anyway? i'm not talking about the procedure, but WHY does plugging make a difference? does it absorb into your system differently or more intensely? i hear that plugging e burns like hell, so i don't understand why this would give anyone a pleasant roll. i personally wouldn't want my ass to feel like flames were coming out of it while i'm rolling - that kinda defeats the purpose, dontcha think? i dunno...just wondering if it's worth it....

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I think the general concensus is that it works for a couple reasons. First of all, instead of getting caught up in your saliva and stomach acid, placing it up your anus and near your rectum allows it to be digested by the latter end of your intestines and allows more of the MDMA to be absorbed instead of filtered out. Also, it will hit faster and harder than if it were to be dilluted in your bodily juices. Instead of the usual hour, it'll probably take somewhere on the order of 15 to 20 minutes. And as far as the pain, if get it in there far enough and you start rolling, the pain will almost become pleasent. Strange as it sounds, it can help to blow you up until you don't feel anything anymore. Just have to shove it way up there.

Does anyone know if you can roll sublingualy, under your tongue? I know certain hormones and medicines can work through absorbing under your tongue and is usually more effective than ingestion. Is snorting any stronger than swallowing?

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I have no diea about the "under the tongue" method, I really never thought of that before- might be worth checking up on (although that has just got to taste horrible while it dissolves).

Regarding the snorting, in my experiences, the roll kicked in a little quicker and stronger at first, but tended to taper off a lot faster also. I really don't think it is worth it, especially since the drip you get in the back of your throat when snorting E is dreadful. I know there are people who actually enjoy the drip of coke, but this really is 100 times worse.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Just know a few things about plugging, never tried it, dont plan on it since i stopped eating pills but you have to put it up to the 2nd knuckle for it to work...thats where the absorption in the colon (which is said to be 80% of the mdma in the pill as opposed to 50-60 in the stomach) and remember not to go to the bathroom for the next 40 min even tho it will feel like you gotta go..oh, did i mention it BURNS too? for about 20 min..if its all worth it, go plug away....



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There was one time that for some reason i didnt want to swallow the pill so my bf at the time cut it up into a powder and i took it that way. I didnt snort it. Man that tasted like SHIT. I couldnt get that taste outta my mouth for the longest time. Ugh!! I must say it hit me really fast but it didnt last as long as it normally did. I must say i had an awesome time that night though. cwm2.gifcwm32.gifcwm30.gif


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Oh GOD when you snort it and it starts to drip down the back of your throat it is so nastey!!!! I started to gag it was so bad. And it definantly did not last as long as it usually does by chewing it then swallowing it.

To whoever has plugged the E, did you find that is was over with quicker than if you had swallowed it or snorted it? -SIN


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The following routes are in order of increasing strength of roll and decreasing length of roll time(this is using pure MDMA powder):

Osmosis(through the skin, like a nicotine patch)

Eyeballing(keep in mind a full 120mg dose would most definitly blind you)

swallowing - in a pill

swallowing - in a gelcap

swallowing - in a gelcap which has been popped

swallowing - with water (MDMA solution)

swallowing - with fruit juice(citric an ascorbic acid[Vit. C] make stomach more acidic, quicker absorption)

chewing up and swallowing(chewing involves lingual absorption)

lingual absorption(powder all around mouth - yech!; how acid is usually taken - sucking on tab)

sublingual absortion(under the tongue, don't have to taste it, just rub it in through the membrane)

lingual absorption with an open cut in mouth(if youre strange, but it works)

anal absorption(the farther you stick, the strength increases/length decreases; not too far though cwm24.gif )

Snorting(the objective is to get it past your sinuses to the mucus in the lungs for faster absorption)

Snorting a water + MDMA solution

Smoking with direct flame(you lose a good portion of MDMA with direct flame)

Subcutaneous injection(under the skin, arm, leg, stomach, etc.)

Vaporizing(glass/crack pipe, foil)

Intramuscular injection(into the ass or shoulder muscle)

Intravaneous Injection("Bangin" it; the more prominent the vein, the stronger/less long)-lasting)

Intrapulmonary Injection(Yeah, in the heart, Pulp Fiction style; good luck)

Obviously there are other ways, but they are too silly or not even rational (ie. rubbing the powder into an open cut, haha) but almost methods of drug absorption fall under at least one of these categories.

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Are you sure there is a definite loss of length in proportion to the strength of the roll? There must be a method of maximum efficiency (a strong roll, with decent length). Or even a method of increasing the plateu and peak of a roll. For instance I've heard it better to take 1/2 to 2/3 of a bean, and then an hour later take the other part of it. Unfortunately we can't live in ecstasy forever. cwm33.gif

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ya, im curioues about that too...what rabidpanda said...is there an way to maximize efficiency...

ill try that 1/2 then take the other later thing tomorrow night at PvD...i get him a day earlier then you peeps in NYC

peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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sorry guys, but theres no way to make your E more powerful than it already is. you have to figure out what you want out of the pill, more length or more strength, its nature taking its course.

however, there is a way to make your body more susceptible to E, thus making it feel more powerful. 5-HTP, ever heard of it? i hope you have. its in any drug store. as you know, you are supposed to take it the day after to replenish seritonin, but in order to increase the height at which your body takes it, take 5-HTP an hour BEFORE you pop the pill. trust me

taking 2/3 a pill and than taking the other 1/3 later is good for certain occasions. you are just increasing the length of the high by making TWO peaks, the first an hour after you take the first 2/3, and the second an hour after you take the 1/3 (the peak comes after an hour rather than the regular 1 1/2-2 hours because breaking the pill increases the surface area on the small part, and the broken piece gets broken down quicker). keep in mind you wont get as much power as you would if you took the whole thing at once, but you are making it last longer.

You have to decide what your night is gonna be like; if youre gonna be watching an 8-hour set or something, and you want your peak to come 2 hours into it, leave it in pill form and pop it - if you want your single pill to last longer than 4-5 hours, break it up into pieces and take largest first, and pop the others when needed.

however, if you are at a party or something and want the peak to come at a certain time, try a different way (i like sublingual myself, just crush up the pill and rub it into the membrane under your tongue, takes only a few minutes) If you want a full body orgasm while your favorite DJ plays, bang the shit! (but be sure to do an extraction first, you dont want all the pill binders in your veins...do you?)

thats the bad thing about ecstasy, the standard oral length is 4 hours. if you want something that lasts longer but still feels like E, i suggest you explore your options more and look into 2C-B(nexus), 2C-T-7(awwwesome with LSD), AMT, etc.

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used 5htp for the first time on thursday and boy did it work like a charm...i was fucked off my rocker...i also had some beers too but it defintley helped me. my clenching was no where near was bad as usual either... try the shit...fucked me up good.

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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what i did was i took 2 pills a day starting on sunday. then on thursday morning i took the regular dose of 2. then 5 hours before i dropped i took 4 pills.(100 mgs each). dropped the bomb around 1130 and i was flying high by 1245

highly recommended

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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