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The Official list of clubs that have failed or never materialized in Miami..

V. Barbarino

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Guest vynelmuzik

Curious to see how many we can name.. Go as far back as possible... Wonder if potential club operators will learn something from this list... Some may be still open but are a failure due to not living up to the hype or they are barley hanging on and some never got off the ground example: Crobar downtown's bid for old space, players and now noc and maybe NV..

Cafe Nostalgia 1

Cielo 2

Club Downtown

Crobar Downtown







Ice Palace

Living Room Downtown



Power Studios

Pure 3

Rio 4


Sky Lounge 5

The Beach





BillBoard Live

These are all the same venue, 66 sw 6th street. It is under renovation yet again.

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Guest rollyp66

How many clubs can you name off the top of your head that have been open and successful for more than five years?

Crobar going on 6 years this month

Space has been open for 5

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Guest james stratus

How many clubs can you name off the top of your head that have been open and successful for more than five years?

Crobar going on 6 years this month

Space has been open for 5


And I almost forgot that Bash was around for like 8 years or more.

If that question is not exclusive to Miami then I have to ad CBGB's and Webster Hall. Is Paladium still open?

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Guest pod

whatever happened to Pacha ever coming to Miami?

It did in like 1992. Didn't fly.

It was speculated about for a bit again recently, but never materialized.

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Guest Miss_Digital

If they dont make some changes real quick you can add Shine to that list.

What changes? Please elaborate.

LOL as guessed No Comment, i guess his nuts were too lumpy to log on and reply... Geez I wonder who's Fake SN that is ::)

lol lumpy nutz

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Guest djjoncowan

If they dont make some changes real quick you can add Shine to that list.

What changes? Please elaborate.

LOL as guessed No Comment, i guess his nuts were too lumpy to log on and reply... Geez I wonder who's Fake SN that is ::)

lol, bet i can guess - but in all seriousness i'd love any comments or feedback. always looking to improve or make things better. every week since opening though all the numbers have done is go up so in my opinion, so far so good... always kinks to work out since opening so please keep your suggestions coming.... ;)

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Guest dj Lumpynutz

LOL as guessed No Comment, i guess his nuts were too lumpy to log on and reply... Geez I wonder who's Fake SN that is.

Ok heres my comments sorry if its a bit late coming but i have a real 9-5 job and cant spend all my time jerking off and kissing ass on this board.

I was actually very excited for Shine to open and have gone many times with an open mind, the hope that i would have a great night out and excited about the music. my first night was Mark Farina. im a huge fan and was pumped to see him and the new club. the place was a freakin mess, my self and my girl were treated like shit by security. i took for ever to get in and when we left the room to go to the bathroom we were stuck outside the rest of the night.

went back the next week thinking it would be a bit calmer and they would sort out the opening night mess. it was totally dead. i mean scary dead. like 60 people in a club that just opend and had 2000 the week before.

few weeks later same thing totally dead. no vibe, no people, the place just felt weird and not like the night club it seems they are trying to be. all this and they are only open for like a month.

The topic here was clubs that are over or maybe will not last. Im just saying, they need to make some changes or it looks like they may not last.

im not in the club business and am not pretending to have the answers im just a fan and bedroom dj making an observation. maybe some new promotions, maybe try to make it feel a bit more like a club and not a hotel lobby. the dj bookings for the most part are pretty damn good but it seems you need much more in this town to bring people out.

B side, i didnt get personal with you, you dont know me. i just moved here from new orleans 2 months ago and have given you no reason to bash me. Since you want to take it there, here goes > I caught your "dj set" at Shine and you sir are a fake and an embarrassment. you couldnt mix a salad.

So maybe Shine can start with finding some other dj to take your place as a suggestion.

Im not sure what you mean by the fake SN comment but if anything im always real. if i see you out i'll introduce myself and tell you the same to your face. good day.

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Guest Justin Johnson

LOL as guessed No Comment, i guess his nuts were too lumpy to log on and reply... Geez I wonder who's Fake SN that is.

Ok heres my comments sorry if its a bit late coming but i have a real 9-5 job and cant spend all my time jerking off and kissing ass on this board.

I was actually very excited for Shine to open and have gone many times with an open mind, the hope that i would have a great night out and excited about the music. my first night was Mark Farina. im a huge fan and was pumped to see him and the new club. the place was a freakin mess, my self and my girl were treated like shit by security. i took for ever to get in and when we left the room to go to the bathroom we were stuck outside the rest of the night.

went back the next week thinking it would be a bit calmer and they would sort out the opening night mess. it was totally dead. i mean scary dead. like 60 people in a club that just opend and had 2000 the week before.

few weeks later same thing totally dead. no vibe, no people, the place just felt weird and not like the night club it seems they are trying to be. all this and they are only open for like a month.

The topic here was clubs that are over or maybe will not last. Im just saying, they need to make some changes or it looks like they may not last.

im not in the club business and am not pretending to have the answers im just a fan and bedroom dj making an observation. maybe some new promotions, maybe try to make it feel a bit more like a club and not a hotel lobby. the dj bookings for the most part are pretty damn good but it seems you need much more in this town to bring people out.

B side, i didnt get personal with you, you dont know me. i just moved here from new orleans 2 months ago and have given you no reason to bash me. Since you want to take it there, here goes > I caught your "dj set" at Shine and you sir are a fake and an embarrassment. you couldnt mix a salad.

So maybe Shine can start with finding some other dj to take your place as a suggestion.

Im not sure what you mean by the fake SN comment but if anything im always real. if i see you out i'll introduce myself and tell you the same to your face. good day.

Dude, I think he thought you were somebody else, pretending to be somebody else. No need to bash B-Side. He's one of the sweetest guys with one of the biggest hearts, EVER. And he doesn't suck as a DJ either.

So Shine is not your thing. All the things you've pointed out (and more) are being dealt with. It takes a little time to get things right.

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Guest pod

I still think he should go to the doctor and get that shit checked out...look what happened to Tom Green.

Editor, I think I know you.

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Guest dj Lumpynutz

Bro, why would i pretend to be some one else? whats the point in that? maybe ill pretend to be you next?

im trying to meet new people here not hide behind some fake shit!

Yea i know, it's Miami. Shady Town USA it seems.

Good luck Shine. seems like your heart is in the right place about the music, but im sayin ya'll betta step the rest of ya game up quick.

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Guest Miss_Digital

I still think he should go to the doctor and get that shit checked out...look what happened to Tom Green.

Editor, I think I know you.

lol :D

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Guest Justin Johnson

Bro, why would i pretend to be some one else? whats the point in that? maybe ill pretend to be you next?

im trying to meet new people here not hide behind some fake shit!

Yea i know, it's Miami. Shady Town USA it seems.

Good luck Shine. seems like your heart is in the right place about the music, but im sayin ya'll betta step the rest of ya game up quick.

I'm saying it's a case of 'mistaken identity', that's all.

You would be surprised at how many people log on as different identities.

Anyways, hope to meet you soon. There are definitely alot of cool heads that live here.

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Well mr/dj lumpynuts (or whatever U call yourself) I never got personal w/ you I actually just made fun of your Screen Name and the fact that you post about a club that's not even 90 days old... ( i did a search for posts you made and got nothing) which led me to believe it was a Fake Screen Name (which is not uncommon around here) and if my comment about your nuts being lumpy offends you then STFU and change your screen name :P

Anyone who reads this board and has the BALLS to make such a statement should know the 90 day rule!

Generally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was).

Here's a sample of my not-so good skills Live Mix of Deep & Latin House

And believe me I'm not sayin the club / anyone assciated with it is perfect. Every one has room for improvement esp a NEW CLUB!

But to show who and what I am.... I personally invite you to come out this Friday and see for yourself if I have skill or not, and to make amends (you can even come into the booth)... Hell I'll even buy you and your girl a round of drinks for your previous problems w/ entry into the club.

Your move DJ L.N.


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