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The Official list of clubs that have failed or never materialized in Miami..

V. Barbarino

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Guest dj Lumpynutz

"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

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Guest Untouchablepurple

"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

this guy is funny !!

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"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

O.K. if you see me post so much about myself then whats the last 3 clubs I've played in Miami?

then tell me the last three DJ products I've designed / or the companies that I designed for?

and then tell me what song was I playing while you 'stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" ' and were there any other girls / guys in the booth at the time?

Please continue to entertain me ;D try to answer the questions w/o going to my website(s)...

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Guest djjoncowan

"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

someone just tried to make amends to you for something he really didn't need to. he then offered to buy you a drink and thats your reply? your a real prick! we don't need your type or your negativity - NEXT - back to the topic -

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Guest swank

"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

someone just tried to make amends to you for something he really didn't need to. he then offered to buy you a drink and thats your reply? your a real prick! we don't need your type or your negativity - NEXT - back to the topic -

I tried to stay out of this but couldn't help myself so......

what ^ he said! and I mean JC not LN ;D

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Guest djjoncowan

"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

someone just tried to make amends to you for something he really didn't need to. he then offered to buy you a drink and thats your reply? your a real prick! we don't need your type or your negativity - NEXT - back to the topic -

I tried to stay out of this but couldn't help myself so......

what ^ he said! and I mean JC not LN ;D

thanks for having our back swank...LOL - just to disprove this guy even further and support b-side - as owner of shine I know when our talent play and when they don't. the first time b-side has played the main room was this past friday for the gerry kelly & tammy apastal coutoure fashion show. the room was full to capacity by 9:30 and the night was featured on deco drive this past monday as the event of the weekend? did you see it? anyways, we're all realists on this board who try to promote peace, love and unity within our dance scene. advice and opinions are always taken and welcomed but there is no reason for anyone to plain out be a prick especially when they can't even get there facts straight. just to show what kind of guy I am, I will invite you as my guest either friday for our open format night w/b or saturday for DJ Jazzy jeff, tarrantella and kelvin andrews for some good old house and to top it off, buy you the round that b-side so graciously offered - just don't be such a prick. its really unbecoming especially from someone new in town who claims to be trying to meet some people in town... now seriously, back to the topic at hand

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Guest swank

"Gennerally I'm a soft spoken, quiet guy (but i carry a big stick) and don't usually brag about my carrer bcz. it speaks for itself (28 countries and counting mr bedroom critic) and there's NO WAY in hell you saw me DJ the week after G.O. in the main room w no one there... ( i didn't DJ that weekend at ALL.... LOL + I'm about the only Black PRO DJ on the beach w/ Dreads so there's def. no confusing me with a white guy (whom I'm sure you saw on whatever night that was)."

This is funny bro. i read your posts and you take every opportunity you can to talk about yourself. Actually i know exactly what you look like, it was you, i asked the bartender who you were and i have stood right by the booth and watched you pretend to "dj" .

someone just tried to make amends to you for something he really didn't need to. he then offered to buy you a drink and thats your reply? your a real prick! we don't need your type or your negativity - NEXT - back to the topic -

I tried to stay out of this but couldn't help myself so......

what ^ he said! and I mean JC not LN ;D

thanks for having our back swank...LOL - just to disprove this guy even further and support b-side - as owner of shine I know when our talent play and when they don't. the first time b-side has played the main room was this past friday for the gerry kelly & tammy apastal coutoure fashion show. the room was full to capacity by 9:30 and the night was featured on deco drive this past monday as the event of the weekend? did you see it? anyways, we're all realists on this board who try to promote peace, love and unity within our dance scene. advice and opinions are always taken and welcomed but there is no reason for anyone to plain out be a prick especially when they can't even get there facts straight. just to show what kind of guy I am, I will invite you as my guest either friday for our open format night w/b or saturday for DJ Jazzy jeff, tarrantella and kelvin andrews for some good old house and to top it off, buy you the round that b-side so graciously offered - just don't be such a prick. its really unbecoming especially from someone new in town who claims to be trying to meet some people in town... now seriously, back to the topic at hand

Now that's what i'm talking about....support! ;)

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Guest dj Lumpynutz

First off i never said i saw this guy play in the main room or what day. it was in the lounge a few weeks ago. so dont cover it over by saying im just making shit up.

i took the first personal attack here after i just said that Shine needed to get it together, so i hit back. sorry yall cant take a little critisism. that was the "Topic At Hand" guess every one here can dish it out but when it hits close to home ya cant take it. yall thought it was funny to have a laugh at everyone elses faliures.

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Guest coach

oh yeah - a club around for more than 5 yrs - BASH

Don't forget Club Deep - 8 years and still rollin.

Yeah Coash I was gonna say Club Deep but didn't want the backlash of the Anti-Hip-Hop-on-the-beach-League to attack ;D

Heh, seems like ol' Lumpynutz done took the focus off that. As far as other clubs that are rolling strong, how about Mango's or Clevelander?

Oh, couple others that died: Static, and what was that one in the same place called Volcano or something? Now they tore it all out and are turning into more stores.

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Guest djjoncowan

First off i never said i saw this guy play in the main room or what day. it was in the lounge a few weeks ago. so dont cover it over by saying im just making shit up.

i took the first personal attack here after i just said that Shine needed to get it together, so i hit back. sorry yall cant take a little critisism. that was the "Topic At Hand" guess every one here can dish it out but when it hits close to home ya cant take it. yall thought it was funny to have a laugh at everyone elses faliures.

nobody personally attatcked you once in this thread. people often use different screen names to get their idea's across so i think as it was stated earlier, it was a case of mistaken identity. this happens quite often on this board so it wasn't off base at all for him to think that. the first attack was you on b-side then the second when he graciously apologised and offered you a drink. great way to make friends I might ad - as for critisism and suggestions, I said I welcome them. nobody says we're perfect and like everything in life, we have alot to learn. as for b, he's a top guy if you even take the chance to know him and one of the most humble non self promoting people in the scene. he's truely in it for the music - as for hearing him in the lounge, last friday was his first official gig with shine and it was in the main room. he did drop a few back to back with justin johnson about 3 weeks ago so if you were referring to that, my apologies. anyways - anybody remember kgb or pollyeasters? those were two places to come and go rather quickly

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Guest Fez


says who?

they just changed names...but it was always the sam econcept...

even now...it's the same thing...

i remember that club from when my uncle used to go there in the 90's and i was visiting Miami on vacation....

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Guest scarab

in the late 80's early 90's, club Nu was the begining of the sobe mega-clubs, the only club evr to chnge theme and decor evry couple of months , it was amazing while it lasted.. so was the dark huge cavernous venue known as The Institute on Lincoln rd , the only club ever to have a giant metalic penis entrnce, later hotel developer's Thomas Kramer's club Hell in the old leonard hotel , which lasted maybe one month but def most bizarre club concept ever

south beach clubbing is def not as exciting and eclectic as it used to be

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Guest pod

Why is it in every scene it was always better "back in the day"?

Never understood that. I bet "back in the day", there were a bunch of people saying "back in the day", as well.

The nice thing about those things being back in the day is, well, that is where they are. It kind of forces you to move on and think of new things to wow the clubgoing populace.

I'm sure if you transported a club crowd from circa 1990 to now, they'd be amazed at these "moving lights", "digital sound systems",

"24-hour liquor licenses" ...

Everyone practices temporal chauvinism.

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Guest scarab

Why is it in every scene it was always better "back in the day"?

Never understood that. I bet "back in the day", there were a bunch of people saying "back in the day", as well.

The nice thing about those things being back in the day is, well, that is where they are. It kind of forces you to move on and think of new things to wow the clubgoing populace.

I'm sure if you transported a club crowd from circa 1990 to now, they'd be amazed at these "moving lights", "digital sound systems",

"24-hour liquor licenses" ...

Everyone practices temporal chauvinism.

your right about that, had to delete my post entirely so as not to sound like an old disgruntled clubber regarding my opinion of current club-life in miami :P

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Guest pod

That is partially true. Miami can only really support maybe 2 megaclubs. We have 4 now, with Nocturnal straddling the line between large club and megaclub...so 5 depending on your point of view. There's only so many people to go around.

That being said though, holes-in-the-wall are great for getting together with your friends on a weeknight. If I'm gonna go out and hear good music and really go off, I tend to demand something a little better. If anything, the sophisitication on the tech side that the megaclubs have has raised the bar, and shakes out a lot of bullshit venues that shouldn't have opened in the first place. Even if people aren't schooled in the ins and outs of the tech side, they do notice. Generally, the better equipped and maintained clubs tend to stay open the longest, since their ownership realizes what is at stake and tries their damndest to stay solvent. I said generally mind you, this town is replete with multi-million dollar failures as well. Rich people can be stupid, too.

If you're gonna open a club, save your pennies and do it right. Half a mill isn't gonna get you shit in this town.

But back to the back in the day argument, I don't care what year it is, there's always people saying it was better back in the day. Funny, when you are in the day, you don't usually realize it.

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Bro, why would i pretend to be some one else? whats the point in that? maybe ill pretend to be you next?

im trying to meet new people here not hide behind some fake shit!

Yea i know, it's Miami. Shady Town USA it seems.

Good luck Shine. seems like your heart is in the right place about the music, but im sayin ya'll betta step the rest of ya game up quick.

shady town? any guy that comes onto a board with that name is going to get laughed at. sorry dude. if you dont like the shady town.. u could always go back to NOLA.

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in reply to lumpynutz . personally attacking bside's dj skills as a main reason to a "dead" night at shine is completely offbased in my opinion. there are lots of factors involved as to why a night is slow.

bside is a quality dj that can throw down house, old skool hip hop and reggaee.

and he still has time to support a ton of local parties. hell i see him out and about whenever hes not at a gig.

props to bside !

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Guest coach

Bro, why would i pretend to be some one else? whats the point in that? maybe ill pretend to be you next?

im trying to meet new people here not hide behind some fake shit!

Yea i know, it's Miami. Shady Town USA it seems.

Good luck Shine. seems like your heart is in the right place about the music, but im sayin ya'll betta step the rest of ya game up quick.

shady town? any guy that comes onto a board with that name is going to get laughed at. sorry dude. if you dont like the shady town.. u could always go back to NOLA.

Very well said. Miami is only as shady as you make it.

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Guest vaughan

Ahhhhh... "THOSE" were the days... huh Pod! LOL! ;D

My personal favorite are all the househeads who refer to The Paradise Garage et al... but have never been... Ahhhh... those were the days... Nope... never been.


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Guest tbooty

Does any one remember Jail? it was open for like a month on Ocean Drive & 5th.

Hey LN you need to cool out!! there's to much hating on the board already. not a good way to start things off.

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Guest scarab

Anyone here remember 'Joseph's' in FLL? with dj LAZ! ;D

hell yeah i was a regular there, many a long nights there , or Rick's Bar in Hialeah for that matter...

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