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beer and E


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dropped 2 bombs on thursday night and felt very light roll...got home at 2am and started drinking some beer and then was totally fucked off my ass for the rest of the night...and the beer tasted so damn good too...so im drinking beer everytime i roll now...

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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Thats definitely a bad idea since beer and mdma and broken down by the same enzyme in your liver known as the CYP2D6 enzyme (pronounced "sip-two-dee-six"). If you take MDMA along with another drug that is metabolized by the CYP2D6 enzyme, they will both be metabolized much more slowly, as the same enzymes struggle to break down two drugs at the same time. I would assume one or two beers wouldnt not adversely affect someone, but you can never be too sure.



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[This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 11-14-2000).]

[This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 11-14-2000).]

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hey e,

so what are the dangers of that...like you said, its usually just a couple of beers. but i dont want to fuck myself up. what are the dangers that could come of that....

thanks e.

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~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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Alchohol and E are both substances that can cause dehydration. You are taking the risk of dehydration every time you roll, by drinking beer instead of water you are doubling your chances. This is some info that I got off the Dancesafe and Ecstacy.org websites. They recommend that when you are rolling you should drink a minimum of 16oz of water per hour if you are dancing or active. They say that too much water will kill your roll. But 16oz will do you well.

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thanks e for checking that out...let me know.

and also, i was not at a club when i drank the beers. it was after we came home and i was just chillin with everyone. so there wasnt much dancing, jsut the usual walking around and what not. so i figure it wasnt that bad. i did switch on and off with the water...

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~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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Originally posted by aliebling:

How the hell can too much water kill you? I believe it, but I just don't understand how that would happen. Explanation, anyone?

If you drink to much water and have bad luck

that E caused your body to excreate excesive

antidiuretic hormone you can get what is colled SIADH syndrome of inapropriate ADH secretion.Basicaly althou your body have enough/too much water your urin is still concentrated(lots of Na) and you can get acute hyponatriemia with confusion,lethargy,

and general fuckdupness even unto death.

Way to avoid it is among other things drink


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When ever i do E i find anything you drink is so goood but drinking a beer to me is like drinking a glass of water when i'm on E which can be bad at times cause you don't really watch how much your drinking your thinking of other things

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e-tard will explain this better, but the E reduces the ability for you livers to process water. Idealy you sould be drinking juice not water as your body can process this better.

There was a case a few years back where a girl Leighe Betts, took a pill at a party. Her dad (a cop) forced her to drink nearly 2 gallons of water over a 1.5 hour period.. she died because of the water. There have been many cases before and since.

The worst thing you can do is drink too much water.

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Whenever i do E i find that whatever i drink tastes so goood but beer tastes even better. It's like drinking water which can be bad at times cause i don't really watch what i'm drinking but i'm ushally thinking of other things anyways



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Here is some info, as lelu says it's hard sometime to know how much time has passed let alone how much you have drunk in the last hour. There is no exact science to this, body weight,how much you sweat etc all play a part.. juices are far safer than water.. having said that the risks are quiet low (but 4 out of 11 people in the UK died from from an E related death drank too much water, in 1998)



Drinking too much water is reported to have killed 3 people so far, all in the past year, presumably because 'harm prevention' advice has concentrated on drinking plenty of water. The point is that overheating is the main danger of taking Ecstasy; sweating is essential to avoid overheating and water is essential in order to sweat. However, water can be harmful if you drink more than you can get rid of by sweating or pissing. It may then dilute your blood, and diluted blood causes tissue cells to swell, but the brain cannot swell inside the skull and the pressure can build up to a dangerous level. There should be no problem if your you drink plenty of water and piss plenty of pale piss. Danger signs to look out for are compulsive drinking, not being able to piss or dark piss in spite of drinking lots of water.

There are several other dangers associated with Ecstasy use, but by knowing about and recognising the dangers, it is possible to reduce the risks to a minimum. The most important thing to be aware of is that Ecstasy masks discomfort and pain, so that you may feel OK and carry on doing something when you would normally feel awful and stop. Most Ecstasy-related deaths are due to overheating and dehydration from dancing: instead of rushing outside gasping for air and cold water, some people just carry on getting hotter until they reach a fatal temperature (which is only a few degrees above normal). Asthmatics have been known to die from attacks while on Ecstasy, and it may be that again the usual warning signals were not felt. Another effect of Ecstasy that can be dangerous is that it causes an increase in blood pressure, normally no problem but possibly fatal for someone with a weak heart. The same dangers also apply to amphetamine. Some bad reactions may also be due to allergies and interactions with other drugs such as inhalers used by asthmatics; this is an area that should be researched.

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Originally posted by p-poppin:

They say that too much water will kill your roll. But 16oz will do you well.

I hope dancesafe aren't telling you this, too much water will do more than kill your role, it will kill you as sure as dam it.... and it's not a nice death either.

I am going to check this out and give them some serious shit if that's right... but I haven't seen it.

As for drink and E, I really don't thing the negative effects are as bad as some other concoctions. Although (as the motto of this board should be), everything in moderation.

As for the reason this happened, did you eat before? We always used to do a shot of brandy to bring the pills up, don't know why it works (probably increasing the acid in your stomach).

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Originally posted by lelu:

When ever i do E i find anything you drink is so goood but drinking a beer to me is like drinking a glass of water when i'm on E

exactly...bud ice light was what i had, and man am i craving it now...delicious.

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

I scream I scream so much you know what I mean, this electric stream, my tears in league with wires and energy, my machine this is my beautiful dream dream dream, Of hurting no one, hurting no one, hurting no one, I'm hurting no one I wanna give you everything I wanna give you energy, I wanna give a good thing I wanna give you everything -underworld

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  • 2 weeks later...

It never ceases to amaze me how many times someone will say you "shouldn't mix drug A with drug B" yadda, yadda, yadda. Look, I know there are risks in putting anything into your body. Christ, they're going to tell you in 10 years that corn on the cob will give you colon cancer. Everything is a calculated risk. Do the pros outweigh the cons. That's it. Do your homework and decide what--if anything--you want to try. Don't kid yourself. People wouldn't do drugs if they weren't fun. Know what you're getting into, decide what risks you want to take, and do it.

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