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Ecstasy and pre-existing seizures


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Does anyone know of any complications with seizure conditions and ecstasy? A friend of mine has had it since birth, and takes Depakote daily to battle its effect. Knowing that E includes and is a strong stimulant, I am very hesitant to let my friend experiment with it. The last thing I need is a friend of mine dying and me in jail for supplying. Better safe than sorry.

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in my opinion, i dont think you should let him. youre his friend and you should look out for him. what if something happened? imagine trying to explain to his parents why you didnt stop him. it aint worth it bro.


I'm gonna go hit the pipe now...

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What kind of seizures are they? I have partial complex, they arn't the same as the ones where people fall down and stuff like that. I just miss bits and pieces of what people are saying and before I going through a period where I have siezures I get a flashy blindness in my eye, my arm and leg and toung go numb and then I get a horrible migrain. I have rolled about 8 times. However, I am not on any medication and my siezures are not due to an imbalance in my brain, I was born with a patch of grey brain tissue in with the white. I have not had problems with seizures for about 4 years. I used to be on depakote, it also treats migraines. My suggustion is as long as your friend is on the meds not to roll, that could be a problem within itself. Please be careful. Love, SIN


I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow.

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Does anyone know how E affects asthma?? My sis is dying to try E but she has asthma and I'm afraid that she'll hypeventilate dancing? Also, would she be able to use her inhaler while on E??? any feedback please! cwm33.gif


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