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Phattest K experiences???


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Probably when I sat in a k-hole for 45 minutes at the Factory, or maybe the time that I was so fucked up that I forgot what club I was in, and where I was geographically (I was in Pennsylvania, I thought I was in seaside). Then there is also the times where I am so fucked up, I wonder if I am going to die. The constant dizziness is fun too. Obviously, Im being sarcastic. I laid off that garbage because, granted it was a great time a lot of the time, but it can also be scary as shit and take a physical toll on your body and brain. Since you just started, my advise would be to have fun, but take it easy! smile.gif

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You can dance. It effects you in different ways. It also depends what your putting it on top of (e, alcohol etc). However, there are also times when you would rather sit down because getting your two legs to hold you up is way too much effort. I try to avoid stairs too-they can be rough!

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hey ive tried k several times, and at first it didnt affect me that much, i would just get numb and trip out a little. The first itme i went into a k-hole(and last) was the craziest trip. I was basically unconscious(though i couldve come back if i wanted) and i felt like i was hurtling into space and got the crazy everything is one feeling, and i could actually see myself sitting on a chair from above(out of body experience). i had to take alot of k to get there though, but it was the best trip ive ever had, very clean and enlightening. the next time i did k, i had drank alcohol...DO NOT MIX k and alcohol! trust me. I thought i was goin to die. that was like 6 months ago and i havent tried k since. so be careful with that stuff. Hope this helps.



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use it wisely, and you will have lots of fun, and lots of experiences to talk about for years to come. it's very easy to cross into unsafe usage (i have a friend that goes through 4 jars in one sitting), so be careful, ok?

so anyway, you can dance fuckin nicely on it. it's always described to be like "dancing on white fluffy clouds". your feet feel like the same weight as feathers so you dance so fuckin hard it's unbelievable. glowstix in my hands feel like they weigh nothing so i am a crazy glowstixer on k.

but, you may think you are dancing perfectly and all that shit, but in actuality, i (and others on k) probably look like complete assholes. trust me.

i love the k voyages i go on when i am in the hole. i feel like i am entering other dimensions, i think that everyone is robots. i forget that i am human and think that my life is destined to be lived out at a club. whenever i am at SF i think i am in hell.

but see, there is obviously some scary points to this. sometimes i cannot move so i am a complete zombie, and i've seen people get their asses robbed at clubs b/c they are in this state.

well i could go on forever, and here's a tip: if you are in a scary hole, just eat some sugar you'll be out. just think positively, and be with people you trust and are safe with, and you will enjoy your experiences.



*turn it around baby*


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Nicely said Kitty! Wow, I think my best few times have been over my friends house, we sit in a dim room with the tv on, and do it, so many things happen, so many different voyages, the tv, the feel of the carpent on my hands... it always seems so skeletal for me, everytime I do it I have some strange awareness of my skeleton hahah... I don't know why. I had a hard core hole in the club a couple times too, wow. It's the best everything slows down. One time me and 3 friends were dancing, or I should say supporting each other on the dance floor hahah, but it was a scary trip... I think out of all the stuff I've done, K is the best.

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I personally love K and everytime I do it I make the "trip" different. Sometimes I just put myself into such an intense hole i can't move and couldn't dance if i tried. But as Kitty said if you do small amounts dancing can be really fun, I kinda feel weightless on it at certain levels. Definately a drug you have to be careful with, first time I did it me and 2 other guys went through 12 bottles in 2.5 hours and I almost ODed...Just gotta watch yourself and take it slowly...

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