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What is my destiny?


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Quick background:

I'm a 17 year old girl living in London whose been clubbing for 2 years. I'm in the last year of A levels at an all girls' school. Recently a few friends came up to me and asked what clubbign is like.... so I told them about my experiances: what the clubs were like/ what taking E's etc is like/ the kinds of people you meet. They were shocked that I could take DRUGS! Anyways... we ended up having a massive row and they said I would ruin my life.

BUT : I'm an A grade student who has been accepted to all the Uni's I applied for. I recently began doing visuals and flyers for clubs and now do this as a regular feature. Therefore... I believe that clubbing has enhanced my life rather than ruined it.

BUT: My mates are unable to see this. "What about the long term effects?" They ask.

SO: I need YOUR help. experianced clubbers unite and bless me with your wisdom. Tell me what long-term effects you have recieved and the good/bad consequences of clubing. I don't need the scientific details of the effects, I know that. I want PERSONAL experiances.

PLEASE help me to compile some evidence for and against so the next time this row arises I have some ammunition.


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Your still young

forget your friends and do what you like to do.. if you feel clubbin has made you a better person then stick with it..

You find the older you get the less you hang around with your highschool friends..

5 yrs from now you will look back and laugh at this

Do what you want to do!!

dont listen to your friends

i loved London, gr8 city, just like NYC

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Well I have been going to Raves for over 8 years now, and I did Ecstasy for about 6 years. I have completed college and currently have two degrees. I was a VP of Marketing for an interent firm before they filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. You just have to remember that during the week you are one person and on the weekends it's time to let loose.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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I have the same issues with a few of my friends. Its unfortunate, but it happens. Before I came on the scene with E, I had the same feelings. The best advise I can give, is to not share that part of your life with your mates that aren't part of it. It will only lead to more arguments and maybe losing them all together. If you are doing well in school and it is not affecting your life negatively, then don't lose too much sleep over it. I am not telling you to lie, just leave that part out of conversations with them.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Just be carefull now, i am English and i know what it's like over there. There are people taking far too much E in England.

My experiances are two fold, i have a degree and a very good jobs and can still function after 10 years of taking pills and 5 years abusing (IMO taking every weekend is abusing). But i have noticed a drop off of memory recall, just about everybody i know who has taken for this long has notice one of 2 things. Memory problems or had some pretty severe depression.

One guy hasn't left his house in 2 years. Another guy has just been diagnosed with a bladder problem. Aparently this problems with young people bladders has sudenly 'appeared' in the last 5 years in Europe. His specialist knew he has been taking drugs because everybody he see's with the problem was a clubber. Basically his bladder doesn't empty properly so he gets infections... it may not be E, it could be associated with Amphetamines.

But the evedance at the moment is depression & working memory loss, for people who take it too far.

Don't want to sound like the bringer of doom, as not everybody will have these problems. But the risk IS there.

Just take care, take vitamins i would say only take once a month if you are going to.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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I have been clubbing every weekend for about 5 years, taking E every time. I hold down a job, and have a very successful career. I agree with E-Tarded. You have to be one person during the week, but on the weekends let loose.... Let's all have fun while we are young enough to..




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