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weight gainers?


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Someone please post an intelligent response.

I go to the gym like 3-4 days a week. I've always been in pretty good shape. Been lifting about 4-5 months. I eat pretty healthy, lots of protein & Carbs. Probably drink too much alkohole.

I lift with guys that obviously know what they are doing, i do the right exercises...I hear all this shit about creatine this, myoplex that...blah blah blah....i just can't gain any weight. I'm 6', 165.

I don't want to get like a big Johnny, but a little muscle would be nice. Ideas comments suggestions??

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Have you boosted your caloric intake? Also you may have a high metabolism therefore using up more calories that most people. When I used to life I used creatine which helped me bulk up pretty good. Usually the guys at GNC are pretty knowledgeable also try asking one of the guys at the gym.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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1) liquid creatine is SHIT, DO NOT BUT IT. creatine is not stable in liquid form

2)99% of GNC employees have no fucking clue about supps, they will try and sell you the most expensive shit that will not do a thing and waste your time.

If you wanna gain weight, just eat like a horse. IF your hungry, ever, something is wrong. Eat every 2 hours, and forget supplements for right now except a tub of protein, i use EAS simply protein. Good value. Myoplexx is HIGHLY overrated. go on a high protein diet, try and get 1.5x your bodyweight in grams of protein, and with the rest just eat sensible. And get to the nearest gym and do SQUATS!!! i cant stress this enough, Gaining weight and getting bigger takes time and hard work....any more Q's you have email me @ FeverUSC@aol.com or IM me at Carson11115.

Good luck,

Carson cwm11.gif



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You need to intake a certain amount of calories to gain 1 pound. i forget how to find out. Go buy weight gainer. drink 4-5 shakes a day and eat big meals frequently and take creatin and protein. I PROMISE YOU, you will gain 20 pounds a month or more! it may cost you alot of money for those supplements. but in 3 months you will be like 50-60 pounds heavier. after that quit weight gainer and continue to use the other supps.

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you are categorized as a "hardgainer" ....I have been a personal trainer, amatuer bodybuilder and pro wrestler...it will be difficult for you to gain "good" weight, but not impossible...first...nutritionally dense calories..at least 3,000 to 4,000 per day...next..creatine monohydride ... next...your training...train every other day...each muscle group once a week..no more that 45min per workout..day one:chest/shoulders, day two:back/traps, day three:arms, day four: legs,, utilize the basic..muscle building exercises: bench press, bent over rows, squats, mititary press..train in the 4 -8 repitition range...5-8 intense sets per body part...keep a log of what you lift and how many repititions you do..good luck.

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okay....number 1

DON'T do arms on a serperate day...there is no need if you are a newbie.

number 2, chuck the creatine in the closet and save it for a rainy day when you hit a plateau. Your at a plateau cause you don't eat right obviously cause there is no such thing as a hardgainer, but there is such thing as someone who doesnt eat right...


Carson cwm11.gif



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