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Do you think using Ecstacy a few times...


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Can cause permanent damage at some point...

Now a friend of mine tried it just about 4 times about a year ago, and now, she's been in and out of the psychiatric wards of a couple hospitals for the past 3 months....

what do you guys think?



Round and Round we go...Where we stop Nobody Knows....

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Yeah, there might be something else wrong. If you only do X a few times, its not enough to do permanent damage. If you roll once every six weeks, your seretonin level rises back to your normal state. So, if you've only done it a few times - most likely there is no permanent damage done.

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It doesn't even take that long for your seretonin to rise back to normal state, only 2 weeks from recent studies. Also less risk if you per/post load with the proper pills(i.e. anti-oxidents,5htp) plus you get better rolls. But hey, even watching TV too much can damage your body. So what the fuck, if your going to fuck it, better do it in style.

Its not worth it to go blind over jerry springer, but to fly to the moon and back, well thats a 'trip' worth takin, ehehhehe.


I took the red pill, then i took the blue pill, then the yellow, then the red.

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regardless of your experiences, the truth is that no one really knows what doing ecstasy does to you. there not been sufficient studies on humans (the FDA generally won't allow it) to determine what the long term effects are. the tests on rats at high dosages have indicated that nerve/brain damage results. everyone's body chemistry is different, so exposure even to something that is seeming innocuous, like toothpaste, could, for certain people, cause a really bad reaction. plus, some people's bodies might not be able to generate more seratonin or repair damage at the same rate as others. also, sometimes certain drugs trigger other things, other reactions, which is why ecstasy is used in therapy. so, it could cause damage even at low dosages, or it could cause other triggered reactions. it might be that it is worth the risk to you, but you shouldn't ignore the risk or pretend that it's not there.


kid_wearingdadsclothes_md_clr.gif wait, who's supposed to be an adult?

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Yeh i have to agree & disagree.

Everybody is different, there have been documented cases of people who have a family history of mental health problems, having bouts of attacks kicked off by MDMA, LSD * even Marajuana.

a very small percentage but it happens every year.

What i would say is WHY are you trusting people on this board with something so important? The people who are looking after her now are the people who have taken years of training to look at these things.

99% of people who post here havn't got a clue... including myself (even though i work in medicin).

Wrong place to find out i am afraid, trust the people who's hands she is in.

What i would say, is she NEEDS for her and other people to be honest.. now is not the time to keep the facts out of the BIG picture.

Hope everything works out for your frind.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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