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anybody heard/ saw what happened @ Nocturnal???

Guest Fez

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i cant believe it took me this long to read this...all i know if that security in clubs have been getting worse and worse through the years...i personally hope that Crobar/Nocturnal do not bring ANY of the old security force from Crobar in SOBE...those guys HAVE to be the most aggressive and unprofessional crew i have seen in a long time...

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Guest JustDade

And now for the other side........

Fuck Richie Hawtin and his disrespectful bullshit. Why is it that everyone assumes that the bouncers were out of line and overreacted? Lewis Tyree, who runs the security at Noc has been around clubs since Shadow and is tops at the job. If it got physical, it was Richie's fault. Maybe RH and his crew should respect the club, its employees and rules a little more.

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Guest pod

I've found whenever there is situations like this that make it to the messageboards, there's always things you can count on people posting:

1. The club is automatically at fault.

2. Being a bouncer magically converts you to a thug.

3. DJs/performers/clubgoers are always the victims.

Now don't get me wrong, I've seen situations where the club can certainly be blamed for an incident. I've been going out for ten years now and have been "working" the industry for close to eight in some way shape or form, so I've seen a lot. But I've found that largely, there is usually an unmentioned factor that precipitates an incident such as the above. It is really easy to blame the club.

Count me as shocked though about Richie. Like I said, I never met the guy, but from the interviews I've read and seen, he's always struck me as the "artist" sort, that would show up, do his thing, say a few hellos, and then dip. Heck, I thought he was straightedge.

For what it is worth though, if an artist or an entourage member, or anyone for that matter is disrespecting or damaging my venue, I will take the appropriate steps to rectify the situation, up to and including removal of the offending patrons, no matter who they are. They can bitch on their websites or to magazines all they want afterward.

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Guest Marina22

I've found whenever there is situations like this that make it to the messageboards, there's always things you can count on people posting:

1. The club is automatically at fault.

2. Being a bouncer magically converts you to a thug.

3. DJs/performers/clubgoers are always the victims.

Now don't get me wrong, I've seen situations where the club can certainly be blamed for an incident. I've been going out for ten years now and have been "working" the industry for close to eight in some way shape or form, so I've seen a lot. But I've found that largely, there is usually an unmentioned factor that precipitates an incident such as the above. It is really easy to blame the club.

Count me as shocked though about Richie. Like I said, I never met the guy, but from the interviews I've read and seen, he's always struck me as the "artist" sort, that would show up, do his thing, say a few hellos, and then dip. Heck, I thought he was straightedge.

For what it is worth though, if an artist or an entourage member, or anyone for that matter is disrespecting or damaging my venue, I will take the appropriate steps to rectify the situation, up to and including removal of the offending patrons, no matter who they are. They can bitch on their websites or to magazines all they want afterward.

Good conclusion to this shite, completely agree. As a matter of fact, since Saleen should retire, I think you should be the "club legend". Also, wasn't the major malfunction on Richie and crew that they were spilling drinks on the equiptment? Zero tolerance >:(

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Guest Chica

I DON'T know and I DON'T care what happened to Nocturnal or what's going to happen to Noctural......the END.

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Guest pod

Like I said in another post, if someone, be it a DJ or entourage member is spilling anything on gear I invested good money in (and if I ran a club, believe me, my DJ booth would be worth more than your car), you'd be out on your ass or at least paying me on the spot for whatever you fucked up.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

And now for the other side........

Fuck Richie Hawtin and his disrespectful bullshit. Why is it that everyone assumes that the bouncers were out of line and overreacted? Lewis Tyree, who runs the security at Noc has been around clubs since Shadow and is tops at the job. If it got physical, it was Richie's fault. Maybe RH and his crew should respect the club, its employees and rules a little more.

Respect is the true meaning behind this all. As for all and none, I was there next to Richie and the whole crew and all that really happened was that the booth got a bit too full with all the djs and no there was no equipment messed up at all but their own records. Its conference, it was fun and I'm glad I was part of it!

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Seriously, I've never understood that. I know a lot of guys that bounce, and they only really get thuggish if the detained party gets thuggish.

or if the detained party detests to said detainment? i know many bouncers as well...many have worked in the large clubs that are still in operation now...and they will tell you, some are very nice guys, but most are just LOOKING for ANY excuse to beat some one down....

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Guest pod

Like I've said, I've been doing what I do for awhile, and I've seen my share of unjustified beat-downs, while on the contrary, some guys I've seen get thrown out of clubs have gotten off easy in my opinion. I just think club staff in general (bouncers, bartenders, etc...) get a bad rap in this town due to a few outstanding jerks.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

hawtins group was acting like a bunch of fuctards on the patio...... ::) ::)

---Hmmm....so...you're saying that Richie was acting in a violent & disruptive manner & compromising the safety of others?? That's the only justifiable reason for someone to be physically assaulted by a venue's security staff & to be removed from said establishment.

Throwing, tripping, and serving drinks on top of equipment as well. What a mess and lack of professionalism. Adam Beyer was the only jock acting half right. And yes that is one tall foker!

Know your facts before you start talking smack. He was enjoying himself as everyone was. I know cuz I was next to him (partying! like u should of been too ;D)

Throwing water doesnt mean shit. Hell, I throw water and what!

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Guest subdigital-sy

And now for the other side........

Fuck Richie Hawtin and his disrespectful bullshit. Why is it that everyone assumes that the bouncers were out of line and overreacted? Lewis Tyree, who runs the security at Noc has been around clubs since Shadow and is tops at the job. If it got physical, it was Richie's fault. Maybe RH and his crew should respect the club, its employees and rules a little more.

Wow that’s not a professional thing to say. Rich was not being disrespectful to anyone in that club. He was having a good time with his friends but the bouncers didn’t like the way they were acting and it was a situation that they couldn’t control so they tried to control it by force. Which wasn’t the right thing to do. You don’t put a headlining artist in a headlock to get him out of the booth. A more professional approach would be to have the manager speak to the artist to solve whatever problem they have. I just think that it would have been better if it was kept at a professional level even if the artist wasn’t being professional himself.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

Wow that’s not a professional thing to say. Rich was not being disrespectful to anyone in that club. He was having a good time with his friends but the bouncers didn’t like the way they were acting and it was a situation that they couldn’t control so they tried to control it by force. Which wasn’t the right thing to do. You don’t put a headlining artist in a headlock to get him out of the booth. A more professional approach would be to have the manager speak to the artist to solve whatever problem they have. I just think that it would have been better if it was kept at a professional level even if the artist wasn’t being professional himself.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the way things should be done. Ha ha. Thanks man!

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Guest pod

I don't know. The guy on the right with the white hat looks like he should be on someone's watchlist.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

And now for the other side........

Fuck Richie Hawtin and his disrespectful bullshit.

What a cock! Dont know if your not there right kid? Know before you speak.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

I don't know. The guy on the right with the white hat looks like he should be on someone's watchlist.

Lets say, the cause of things getting out of had may have been cuz of the fello. ;)

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Guest subdigital-sy

I don't know. The guy on the right with the white hat looks like he should be on someone's watchlist.

The dude with the dreads looks a little suspect too!!! Who’s he praying to? Techno God? Wrong direction…Luciano is behind you….lol :P

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Okay.. I have not been on in a while.. but since I WAS THERE and WAS inside the booth observing everything that went on!

I must say their professionalism torwards equipment was perfectly fine their professionalism still remains..

In Fact when Sven Vath spun a few days after...

Who showed up and was more then welcome in..

-- Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer and then some... So their was no real scuff.. and between Richie and Security he still has a very good reputation among this batch of folks still after the incident...

(which was only Richie just having fun and dancing around WITH EVERYONE it got a little crowded more then usual but then again I HAVE SEEN WORSE AT LOCAL CELEBRITY behind the booth, but security came in to ween it out unknown people.. understandable... --no ones mad and then Richie splashed some water on his friend and accidently (Unconsciously out of a drunkeness) hit one of security with the bottle and Richie was not aware of why they were trying to kick him out and he worked against them... BUT WHEN HE CAME BACK FOR SVEN VATH, HE APOLOGIZED STATING "I AM SORRY WHAT HAPPENED GOT A LITTLE TO CARRIED AWAY, LOTS OF DRINKING" and security accepted it they shook hands and the misunderstanding was resolved...)

I didnt see anyone at THIS PARTY as I have seen before at a Local Celebrity Party

1. Use the equipment as drink coasters

2. dumping drinks on equipment

3. puke inside the DJ Booth

4. lean on monitors

I could go on and on and on and those are locals on a weekly basis... But everyone understands becuase everyone is soo F@#ked up right!

Lets not overdramatize and oversensationalize the facts here.

And Security deals with people way worse then these guys (which is nothing in comparison to the S#$t I have seen) and I know and Love every single one of the Security over at Nocturnal.. this is Minor in comparison to what they have delt with and the worser incidents have been at the local parties..

And at the end of it all Who cares everyone is there to party thats what a party is all about drunkeness confusion you get cuaght up in blurry moments, everyone does stupid shit...

And I can Guarantee that these boys and this crew Will be back and at Nocturnal as they did for Sven Vath 2 days after the events that took place!

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Guest ramon

I don't know. The guy on the right with the white hat looks like he should be on someone's watchlist.

That's the manager of DC10 in Ibiza.

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