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People at Drive-Thru's.....

Guest michael^heaven

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Guest michael^heaven

.....are f@#king annoying!! I always get stuck behind some tard that takes fifty years to order. Give me a break!! It's the same menu since the beginning of time. Doesn't matter what fast food joint you're at!! Last night was the worst! These stupid beeeeeep(insert rude slang adjectives here ;D) took forever to order just a couple of items.

"Yeh....uhhh......yeh....uhhh.....I want 2 seperate orders"<----I hate that!! "Yeh.....uhhhh....uhhhh....I want blah blah blah with....uhhhh....extra blah on the side...uhh.....and....uhhhh....and only a little of this & that...uhhhh but only....." >:(

--F@#king-A man!! It's not an upscale restaurant!! Enough to make you want a drink. Or a bottle!! ;D

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I agree. Can I add #2 to this grievance? It's when the guy in front of you is done ordering and drives up a bit and stops, with half a car length in front of him, and not enough room in front of you to pull up enough to place your own order. And all he has to do it pull up 2 and a half feet for you to get up to the speaker, but he sits there with his thumb up his butt with a half a car length between him and the car in front of him. So you beep your horn to jolt him awake to do the obvious and move his car up a few feet. And he yells out the window at you, "Where the hell do you expect me to go? Quit bitching and stop rushing me!"

BTW, there are always 10 jerks like him at every red light with a whole length between them and the car in front of them waiting for the light to turn, so that you're so far away at the back of the line that it takes 3 green lights before you move up far enough to make a light.

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Guest michael^heaven

---So true!! Or the nerd that adds that last second item to their order at the window & then takes forever to find the extra change for it. Ridiculous!!

---Also, I always love the people that don't know how a traffic light works. If you stop too far back, it won't ever turn green. Of course, I'm always directly behind this lagger. Arghh!! >:(

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Guest pod

I hate the fatties that order the whole menu for them and their herd too. The staff in the McDonalds or Taco Smell keeps a certain amount of food mutating under the heat lamps, but then the fatties fuck it up and the staff has to cook more shit at that point just for them.

Hence I rarely hit up fast food nowadays. I'm lazy, I order out or raid Publix for a pre-made sub or something. When I was on crutches a few weeks ago, a friend of mine came over to help me out and she wondered where all my food was. I think I only had a can of soup and some iced tea in the house. Wasn't a problem until I was unable to walk.

Nonetheless when the entire Double-H Ranch herd shows up to a drive-through, it's a pain.

Even worse is the stoners on a food run that take an hour to decide what to order.

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Guest lyrik

Yeah fuck people in drive thrus...but more so the people that work there...if you can't get working at Wendys or Mickeys right you might as well just slight your wrists and call it a life...went to 3 different wendys yesterday during lunch because the people are fuckin STUPID slow tards.

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Guest LeVeL

I hate going to drive thru's for that reason too but I really would like Fast Food Joints to start implementing automated system where the customer can order via a touch screen instead of dealing with an idiot who's in the front of the line or even worse the employee who's taking the order for you and seems to fuck up your order everytime even though you repeat yourself more than once.

Can you imagine how easy it would be to go to a fast food joint and having a touch screen at your arsenal. It would hurry up the process of ordering and also you'll get your food much quicker.

Acourse you have to think of the people who are technically challenged are going to have problems but I really think Fast Food Joints need to implement this, ordering has become such a hassle.

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Guest JMT

they fuck you at the drive-thru, ok? they fuck you at the drive-thru. they know you're gonna be miles away before you find out you got fucked. they know you're not gonna turn around and go back, so they don't care. so who gets fucked? oh, Leo Getz!

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Guest lulamishka

LOL @ this thread! All these complaints are SO TRUUUE!

And Pod, OMG man, you made me cry from laughter with your use of the word mutating. LMAO @ your post. ;D

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in & out burger in cali pays their employees like $9/$10 an hour. this gives them the ability to choose the best employees for the job. everyone that works there is friendly, competent, and energetic. it's a wonderful fast food experience.

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Guest lulamishka

Actually, I'll add to this discussion...

I hate when you actually go INTO the fast food joint, you're in line waiting and the fucktard in front of you doesn't decide what he wants until its finally his fuckin' turn to ORDER!

HEY ASSHOLE! You had time to think about that while you were WAITING IN LINE!! Geezus!

The line would move SO MUCH FASTER if you could get your act together and DECIDE YOUR FUCKIN' ORDER BEFOREHAND WHILE YOU'RE WAITING IN LINE!!!!!

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Guest ddg

Actually, I'll add to this discussion...

I hate when you actually go INTO the fast food joint, you're in line waiting and the fucktard in front of you doesn't decide what he wants until its finally his fuckin' turn to ORDER!

HEY ASSHOLE! You had time to think about that while you were WAITING IN LINE!! Geezus!

The line would move SO MUCH FASTER if you could get your act together and DECIDE YOUR FUCKIN' ORDER BEFOREHAND WHILE YOU'RE WAITING IN LINE!!!!!


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Guest Devilicious

in & out burger in cali pays their employees like $9/$10 an hour. this gives them the ability to choose the best employees for the job. everyone that works there is friendly, competent, and energetic. it's a wonderful fast food experience.

lol @ your love for in & out. They clearly need to franchise east.

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in & out burger in cali pays their employees like $9/$10 an hour. this gives them the ability to choose the best employees for the job. everyone that works there is friendly, competent, and energetic. it's a wonderful fast food experience.

lol @ your love for in & out. They clearly need to franchise east.


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Guest lulamishka

Actually, I'll add to this discussion...

I hate when you actually go INTO the fast food joint, you're in line waiting and the fucktard in front of you doesn't decide what he wants until its finally his fuckin' turn to ORDER!

HEY ASSHOLE! You had time to think about that while you were WAITING IN LINE!! Geezus!

The line would move SO MUCH FASTER if you could get your act together and DECIDE YOUR FUCKIN' ORDER BEFOREHAND WHILE YOU'RE WAITING IN LINE!!!!!



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Guest JMT

in & out burger in cali pays their employees like $9/$10 an hour. this gives them the ability to choose the best employees for the job. everyone that works there is friendly, competent, and energetic. it's a wonderful fast food experience.

the in-and-out burger is on camrose.

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in & out burger in cali pays their employees like $9/$10 an hour. this gives them the ability to choose the best employees for the job. everyone that works there is friendly, competent, and energetic. it's a wonderful fast food experience.

the in-and-out burger is on camrose.

donny, you are out of your element!

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Guest lulamishka



Haha, have any of you eaten at the Quizno's across the street from Casola's? I think that's 17th ave & US1 or somethin'??

'Cause there's a married couple that run the place and they always seem to be bickering about something or another. Seems like everyone that's been there before is aware of it, too. One time I was in line waiting to place my order and the people in front of me were even wondering out loud if they were going to bicker again that day. Ha.

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Haha, have any of you eaten at the Quizno's across the street from Casola's? I think that's 17th ave & US1 or somethin'??

'Cause there's a married couple that run the place and they always seem to be bickering about something or another. Seems like everyone that's been there before is aware of it, too. One time I was in line waiting to place my order and the people in front of me were even wondering out loud if they were going to bicker again that day. Ha.

damn that is hilarious! i know EXACTLY what you're talking about, and i haven't been there in like 2 years! they're both pricks. the lady runs the cash register...

i ran into oscar g there one time

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Guest lulamishka



Haha, have any of you eaten at the Quizno's across the street from Casola's? I think that's 17th ave & US1 or somethin'??

'Cause there's a married couple that run the place and they always seem to be bickering about something or another. Seems like everyone that's been there before is aware of it, too. One time I was in line waiting to place my order and the people in front of me were even wondering out loud if they were going to bicker again that day. Ha.

damn that is hilarious! i know EXACTLY what you're talking about, and i haven't been there in like 2 years! they're both pricks. the lady runs the cash register...

i ran into oscar g there one time

Yes yes yes! Lmao!! And she's quite stingy on the napkins. You ask her for some and she gives you ONE. LoL! And she's always in such a rush.

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Guest coach

The drive-through intercom system still amazes me at its total lack of quality. I can use a little cheap-ass cell phone to call half way around the world with no wires. But even with cabling, you can't understand a word they say when taking your order.

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