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Poll: Should Iran be Forced to Disarm?

Guest slamminshaun

Should Iran be Forced Militarily to Disarm if they Refuse to Destroy their WMD's?  

  1. 1. Should Iran be Forced Militarily to Disarm if they Refuse to Destroy their WMD's?

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Guest michael^heaven

---My vote goes to Layo & Bushwacka!! ;D All kidding aside, no one in their right mind wants Iran to have nucs. Except, Islamic extremists, Iranians, & "haters" of the U.S. living in the Middle East. However, taking on Iran is a HUGE can of worms that is gonna really bite this country in the preverbial ass quick stylee. On another note, why is the U.S. playing patty cake with North Korea?? They have had a nuclear program for quite some time now & (IMO) are just as much of a threat, although seemingly more doscile, than Iran.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

---My vote goes to Layo & Bushwacka!! ;D All kidding aside, no one in their right mind wants Iran to have nucs. Except, Islamic extremists, Iranians, & "haters" of the U.S. living in the Middle East. However, taking on Iran is a HUGE can of worms that is gonna really bite this country in the preverbial ass quick stylee. On another note, why is the U.S. playing patty cake with North Korea?? They have had a nuclear program for quite some time now & (IMO) are just as much of a threat, although seemingly more doscile, than Iran.

Oh no. Iran is definetely a bigger threat at this point. Iran hates Isreal more than North Korea hates the U.S.

The president of Iran says that Isreal should be wiped off the face of the Earth and he's just come one step closer towards that goal with this announcement today.

In all honesty though I think we would initate a tacticle nuclear strike to take out the undergorund bunker where the enrichment of Uranium in Iran is said to be taking place according to our intelligence sources. Lets hope they get it right. We can't afford to send in an invasion force into Iran.

The Joint Chief Of Staff and the other highest ranking military officials wanted to take the nuclear option off of the table. It is said that President Bush wanted it left on the table.

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Guest trancepriest

I say we drop a bomb on Israel... wipe out the entire place... then we send a message to Iran saying... you see what we do to our friends... imagine what we'll do to you... instantly terrorism would end worldwide...yea... so I vote for that.... better yet... the Israeli's should do it with their own nukes... just to say... motherfuckers we are crazy too.

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Guest michael^heaven

I say we drop a bomb on Israel

---For a nation Under God to bomb the holy lands??....

127399674_03506425ce.jpg..."Uhm....yeh...I'm gonna have to go ahead & disagree with you there....uhm....yeh...." ;D

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I say we drop a bomb on Israel... wipe out the entire place... then we send a message to Iran saying... you see what we do to our friends... imagine what we'll do to you... instantly terrorism would end worldwide...yea... so I vote for that.... better yet... the Israeli's should do it with their own nukes... just to say... motherfuckers we are crazy too.

Now that's thinking outside of the box...LOL
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Guest Slide On The Ice

I say we drop a bomb on Israel... wipe out the entire place... then we send a message to Iran saying... you see what we do to our friends... imagine what we'll do to you... instantly terrorism would end worldwide...yea... so I vote for that.... better yet... the Israeli's should do it with their own nukes... just to say... motherfuckers we are crazy too.

I have a better idea to show the Israelis how to live in peace with their surrounding Arab neighbors who think they should give the land back to the people there before them: We should uproot ourselves and give the entire country back to the Native American Indians who were here before we were. Then when people say that the Jews stole that land, we can say, "We gave back the land that we stole, so you should too." And then we will have world peace when everyone follows our example worldwide and there are no more land disputes anywhere.

So, where do you want to relocate to when we give our stolen land back?

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Guest coach

I say we drop a bomb on Israel... wipe out the entire place... then we send a message to Iran saying... you see what we do to our friends... imagine what we'll do to you... instantly terrorism would end worldwide...yea... so I vote for that.... better yet... the Israeli's should do it with their own nukes... just to say... motherfuckers we are crazy too.

Ha ha! Very nice, but I think it should be the UK. I mean, we still owe those guys some payback, anyway, and they are much better friends than Israel. Man, talk about sending a message!
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Guest LeVeL

I say we drop a bomb on Israel... wipe out the entire place... then we send a message to Iran saying... you see what we do to our friends... imagine what we'll do to you... instantly terrorism would end worldwide...yea... so I vote for that.... better yet... the Israeli's should do it with their own nukes... just to say... motherfuckers we are crazy too.

my Vote goes for Trancepriest.......... :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I say we drop a bomb on Israel... wipe out the entire place... then we send a message to Iran saying... you see what we do to our friends... imagine what we'll do to you... instantly terrorism would end worldwide...yea... so I vote for that.... better yet... the Israeli's should do it with their own nukes... just to say... motherfuckers we are crazy too.

my Vote goes for Trancepriest.......... :P

Why don't we just bomb these facilities with the tacticle nukes, annex Isreal as the 51st state of the Union so that we can establish a permanent presence in the Middle East. Move all the Mexican immigrants to Iraq and have them work in the oil fields thus helping bring down the gas prices accross the board. Park about 300 nukes on the border and point them all at Iran and our enemies in the Middle East along with parking some nuclear subs in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

Of course this is my alter ego speaking here people. I don't really mean this.... :P

But hell. I think if we annex Isreal and make it the 51st state of the United States it would settle things in the Middle East don't you guys think? I mean there are parts of Miami that are just like Isreal so it wouldn't be much of a change...

:P :P

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