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Leave BLING alone!!!

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It's not a bad thing that Bling posts his feelings on here like he does. It takes balls for anyone to hang themselves out like that online. Unfortunately some people just don't appreciate it.

From what I have obseved, the people who always seem to hack on Bling about him posting his feelings never themselves posts their feelings about how they deeply feel. and the truth is, those people aren't deep like Bling is. Why? either because they aren't as deep or they just don't have the balls to post about what they are truly feeling inside.

Bling brings up a lot of topics that make people think about things that they normally wouldn't think about. And it's the CJ peeps that have their own testosterone issues that get put off by Bling airing his feeling out.

We all have our own online identities on Cool Junkie and Bling just happens to be someone with the 'Roses are Red, Violets are Blue' online persona.

It's not a bad thing. If you don't like Blings posts then don't waste your time reading them. It's your own damm fault that you read his posts! The format here on CJ allows you all to see the owner of the thread. And if you see Bling is the owner of the thread then you know it's going to have some sensitive material. DON'T READ IT.

And makes you people look even more foolish (then you claim Bling to be) is that you respond to his posts with such detest....LOL

BTW Bling you better come to SHINE tomorrow night!!

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Guest Satz

It's not a bad thing that Bling posts his feelings on here like he does. It takes balls for anyone to hang themselves out like that online.


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Guest Seb

Props to Smudge ;D One of the few people on this board that acts the same online as he does in person, keepin it real ;D

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Guest rhythmburn

Props to Smudge ;D One of the few people on this board that acts the same online as he does in person, keepin it real ;D


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Guest ClubDiva05

It's not a bad thing that Bling posts his feelings on here like he does. It takes balls for anyone to hang themselves out like that online.



You know I luv you Bling!!!

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I like Bling. He is like me in how he lays his heart on the table and talks about his inner feelings. He does have balls and I told him that in his MySpace blog. I gotta take my hat off to his guts, and I also think that the ladies appreciate a guy who can feel the way he does and admit to it as well. Sometimes I read his personal writings and wonder why in the world he would reveal this or that, and then keep reading because what he has to say makes sense.

As far as him coming to Shine, I already told him he's a pussy for being too tired to go. ;D

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Guest rollyp66

Respect the blingster... although he still has to pay Renzo & I for bitch squad privileges... just like everyone else!

Let me tell you Darren paid top dollar to get exclusivity! BTW Darren you still have 2 payments left to make >:(

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Guest vaughan

Thats very cool Terry...

And it takes just as big of a heart and some balls to put YOURself out there on Bling's behalf...

DANNY or DANIEL as his birthnames states... is a great guy and can teach a few people about beaing REAL!

P.S. - I was just looking at a few threads where Bling may have been the target of jabs and "jokes"... and it's funny how even the people coming to his defense are some that made a few jabs themselves...

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Guest pod

I'll admit, sometimes I give Bling-Blong a hard time, but I'd like to think it's constructive..i.e. "Bling, kick that whore to the curb!" not like "Hey, you smell like a landfill..."

If he wants to go see DJ Heather one night, and then the day after see PvD, whoop-de-do. Hell, I do that all the time and no one says a word. I'm too lazy to dig, but in his "trance days", he never bashed house, and vice versa today. So it isn't like he's a hypocrite.

I swear, music zealots are worse than the Spanish Inquisition.


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Guest LeVeL

I am getting so tired of all these Bling thread, who the hell cares...just let the guy be.

Everyone tries to stand up for the guy, he's a man isn't he.

This site should change its name to blingjunkie.com instead of cooljunkie.

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Guest lulamishka

I certainly hope neither you, Terry, nor you, Vaughan, are in including me in your statements.

Terry, sure its okay to post your feelings, but there are issues going on inside a person's head when lots of times they "speak", its of a negative connotation/a complaint about themselves, their life, etc. And if I keep seeing that, I'm gonna say something. Obviously someone needs to point out to that person that there is a problem. Constantly talking, thinking, acting like that isn't going to change anything. If I were to wake up every day and say to myself, I'm not good enough, I'm not this enough, I'm not that enough, etc... ya know what, I'm eventually gonna believe it! Self-fulfilling prophecy! So, ya know what, I care enough to call Bling out on it.

Vaughan, in regards to the "Beauty and the Geek" thread, sure, I posted that I thought Bling should try out for it. Not because of any negative reasons, but because like some had said in that thread, you never know what could happen! Between even just going to the audition and potentially meeting someone, the connections, etc. Personally, after reading several of the responses in that thread, it sounded like a great idea. He doesn't want to do it? Fine.

As for everyone else, I don't know. I can only speak for myself.

And as for online personas... Sorry, this isn't a "persona" for me. It's much easier to be myself than someone else. So the way you see me online is pretty much what you get in person. I'm not hiding behind some "persona".

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Guest Marina22

I like Bling. He is like me in how he lays his heart on the table and talks about his inner feelings. He does have balls and I told him that in his MySpace blog. I gotta take my hat off to his guts, and I also think that the ladies appreciate a guy who can feel the way he does and admit to it as well. Sometimes I read his personal writings and wonder why in the world he would reveal this or that, and then keep reading because what he has to say makes sense.

As far as him coming to Shine, I already told him he's a pussy for being too tired to go. ;D

Yep, the girls that are worth it appreciate laying it on the line, the rest go off with the meatheads anyway, right! Bling knows he has game and if we tease him it's like teasing any good friend that you have. Bling keep keeping it real and come to Shine bitch ;)

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Guest vaughan

I certainly hope neither you, Terry, nor you, Vaughan, are in including me in your statements.


Vaughan, in regards to the "Beauty and the Geek" thread, sure, I posted that I thought Bling should try out for it. Not because of any negative reasons, but because like some had said in that thread, you never know what could happen! Between even just going to the audition and potentially meeting someone, the connections, etc. Personally, after reading several of the responses in that thread, it sounded like a great idea. He doesn't want to do it? Fine.

Not you at all. :) If anyone on here had his feelings in mind in that thread, I KNOW it was you. I know I painted with a broad stroke, but tried to make sure I said MOST of the people. And I apologize if you took that as if directed at YOU.

And yes... Bling is his own man... but we've gone to war to help out countries that couldn't necessarily defend themselves... by themselves... when you have an entire message board trying to "be funny" it can really hurt someones feelings. And no one here thinks about that... the littlest thing can push someone over the edge and it wasn't funny when the "dork" in school opened fire on everyone was it?!!!

All I am saying is... think about the power of words. People are meaning making machines and can EASILY misconstrue someones comments and make them "mean" whatever their mind makes it mean. People read into shit ALL the time... when in reality... IT IS WHAT IT IS!

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damn this week has been outta hand... with all the bling threads.. lets thank sobe for that one ::)

anyways thanks for everyones positive feedback .. yeah i am negative but how can u not be with all the shit ive had to deal with both on the board with damon and others as well as In real life..

"if i have game then i dont even realize it" but let it be.. i let my heart out and yeah truthfuly im sure it has stopped my getting "lucky" at times with the ladies but u know what

if i change the way i am i wont be Danny. and i wont sell myself out..

if u cant stand my emotional, put ur heart on ur sleeve mentality then good for u.. i have nothign against u..

ill try to come out tery ill put myself on the list but if i go gotta dip early have to be in homestead 9 am sunday..

either way Happy Birthday bro.. ;D

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Guest pod

I am getting so tired of all these Bling thread' date=' who the hell cares...just let the guy be.


You know how it is. People latch on to a concept and then it gets batted about a bit. Next week it'll be something else.

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It's not a bad thing that Bling posts his feelings on here like he does. It takes balls for anyone to hang themselves out like that online.



You know I luv you Bling!!!

i know babe :-*

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Guest XSweetnessX

danny, you're one of the sweetest ppl on this board & I do agree with Terry by saying you are a great guy :-*

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Guest coach

Bling knows we love the Bling.

One thing I have found is that a lot of the shit that is thrown on forums actually has a humorous beginning in "real life". There have been many times when I thought someone here really hated someone else, when I came to find out later that it was all an inside joke, basically.

Actually, had several people attribute the same thing to Koky and I once. While we were making up the fight and laughing about it on AIM, some people thought we were actually about to throw down.

So, you see a lot of people throw stuff Bling's way, or anyone's way, for that matter, and it may look a lot worse because not all the readers understand the context.

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