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Tom Cruise says he'll eat his babies placenta.

Guest Civs

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Guest Civs

Apparently he was just kidding, but what a comment. Has this guy gone b-a-n-a-n-a-s???


Published: Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Web is buzzing with the shocking “news†that Tom Cruise plans to eat the placenta after his girlfriend Katie Holmes gives birth.

Cruise’s comment – a joke he made during an interview with GQ – is being taken out of context and reported as legitimate news. Some sites are going so far as to quote medical experts on the topic of placenta-eating.

Cruise, 43, told GQ: "I'm gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there." When it was pointed out that it would be a big meal, Cruise replied: "OK, maybe I won't."

Asked about the comments by ABC's Diane Sawyer, the star replied: "Yeah, we're going to do that - a whole family thing. Isn't that normal and natural? No, we're not eating it."

But most sites aren’t making note of the fact that Cruise was kidding.

“Tom Cruise is reportedly planning to eat the placenta and umbilical cord after fiancée Katie Holmes gives birth to their child,†reports mtv.uk.

iAfrica.com declares: “Tom Cruise is intending to eat Katie Holmes' placenta after his fiancée has given birth to their baby.â€

“Hollywood actor and Scientologist Tom Cruise is planning to eat Katie Holmes' placenta,†reports Ireland’s rte.ie.

Britain’s itv.com says: "Sofa leaping father-to-be Tom Cruise has revealed his latest bizarre plan - to eat Katie Holmes' placenta.â€

At least one online news source “gets†it. At the Info About News site, the placenta remark merits only a passing mention deep down in a story about Cruise.

“Oh, and he made a pretty nifty joke about eating the placenta,†reads the site. “Really, it was funny.â€

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Guest swirlundergrounder

So? I ate my little girl's placenta after she was born. What do you people all think of me now???

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Guest michael^heaven

So? I ate my little girl's placenta after she was born. What do you people all think of me now???

I think 078.gif!!!!

Eating the placenta is so 1980. It's all about the umbilical cord now! ;D

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Guest pussErox

i went to a placenta party. we were all eating frozen placenta's that were saved in the freezer. we got the idea from hbo. tastes like chicken really.

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Guest lulamishka

Isn't that a Jewish tradition or something...

My dad's side of the family is Jewish and I have NEVER heard of a tradition like that.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

seems like there is a market for placenta. wonder how the FDA would react to it.

They say it's good for women to eat their babies placenta after their baby is born to help prevent post-pardom (spell?) depression. We got our babies placenta dehydrated and crushed into powder and put into pill form. It seemed to work since my girl didn't get any sort of post pardom depression.
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Guest lyrik

Isn't that a Jewish tradition or something...

My dad's side of the family is Jewish and I have NEVER heard of a tradition like that.

I could have sworn I seen something on the national geo. channel a while ago...or it could have been Lifetime...I know..I know...but the wife loves that channel...I'm going to look it up....they made a placenta pate (sp?) and put it on crackers and ate it...had a whole bunch of family members there too..uncles...aunts...etc etc. all eating this.

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Guest JMT

disgusting. i dont care what form you put in in, powder, liquid, or on rye with a slice of tomato. pretty close to cannibalism in my book.

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Guest r3nz0

A placenta? That's all? Fuck a placenta. I wanna see Tom eat a girl out who hasn't shaved in three months and then he can come swinging his big dick around.

Mom, if you're reading this, I'm just joking.

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Guest Electric Eel

Isn't that a Jewish tradition or something...

My dad's side of the family is Jewish and I have NEVER heard of a tradition like that.

I could have sworn I seen something on the national geo. channel a while ago...or it could have been Lifetime...I know..I know...but the wife loves that channel...I'm going to look it up....they made a placenta pate (sp?) and put it on crackers and ate it...had a whole bunch of family members there too..uncles...aunts...etc etc. all eating this.

:-X I'm Jewish and i've never ever heard of that, if you find something i'd love to see it

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Isn't that a Jewish tradition or something...

My dad's side of the family is Jewish and I have NEVER heard of a tradition like that.

I could have sworn I seen something on the national geo. channel a while ago...or it could have been Lifetime...I know..I know...but the wife loves that channel...I'm going to look it up....they made a placenta pate (sp?) and put it on crackers and ate it...had a whole bunch of family members there too..uncles...aunts...etc etc. all eating this.

:-X I'm Jewish and i've never ever heard of that, if you find something i'd love to see it

don't think it's jewish, but it sure is funny!:


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Guest Slide On The Ice

Isn't that a Jewish tradition or something...

My dad's side of the family is Jewish and I have NEVER heard of a tradition like that.

I could have sworn I seen something on the national geo. channel a while ago...or it could have been Lifetime...I know..I know...but the wife loves that channel...I'm going to look it up....they made a placenta pate (sp?) and put it on crackers and ate it...had a whole bunch of family members there too..uncles...aunts...etc etc. all eating this.

:-X I'm Jewish and i've never ever heard of that, if you find something i'd love to see it

I'm Jewish too and that is not part of our tradition. Maybe some whacko offshoot suicide cult adopted the practice, but it is not part of Judaism otherwise.

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it's not jewish at all. also, the beauty industry claims that using the placenta has certain nutrients to the skin smooth and well moisturized, so they've been making creams or something like that with placenta fluid. I personally don't think it's necessary but theres tons of wackos in hollywood that do.

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