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What is your all time favorite book?

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What is your favorite book? Which book has inspired you the most? Made you think? made u cry? made u sigh? made u laugh?


one of my fav books i ever read is a short one .. read it in high school and college again..

Night be Elie Wiesel (it recounts the protagonists trials and tribulations through the Holocaust)

another favorite of mine is Shakespeare's Macbeth....

"Life is but a walking shadow.. a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.. it is a tale full of sound and fury .... signifying nothing" ( I LOVE IT)

also was very fond of Greek Mythology.... stores such as Homer's Illiad :)

also a big fan of Dante's "Inferno" which describes the various levels of Hell and the sins and atrocities commited by those in each level of HELL

also a big fan of Ernest Hemmingway stories and poetry

what about u all ?

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I love The Godfather, Lair, Amityville Horror (the movie sucked balls, the book was incredible), Necrescope, Vamphyri, Ghostboat, Five Hours One Friday, 2001, 2010...

But favorite book of all time, is The Stand by Steven King.

I bought The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I hope to read them sometime soon.

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Guest coach

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance' date=' 5th edition


Ha ha! Very nice.

"Stranger In A Strange Land"

"Guerrilla Marketing" is great, too.

Oh, but for a real eye opener, read "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing"

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All Anne Rice books, The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho, Shogun by James Clavell.....

Danny, did you read all of Inferno? I have that at home and i'm having a hard time getting through it. Maybe its cause im reading it on the subway and have to stop all the time.

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Guest Devilicious

the alchemist... one of my faves

the lovely bones by alice sebold

anything by carl hiassen

american gods by neil gaimen

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Guest pod


Altered Carbon by Richard K Morgan

In the twenty-fifth century, humankind has spread throughout the galaxy, monitored by the watchful eye of the U.N. While divisions in race, religion, and class still exist, advances in technology have redefined life itself. Now, assuming one can afford the expensive procedure, a person’s consciousness can be stored in a cortical stack at the base of the brain and easily downloaded into a new body (or “sleeveâ€) making death nothing more than a minor blip on a screen.

Ex-U.N. envoy Takeshi Kovacs has been killed before, but his last death was particularly painful. Dispatched one hundred eighty light-years from home, re-sleeved into a body in Bay City (formerly San Francisco, now with a rusted, dilapidated Golden Gate Bridge), Kovacs is thrown into the dark heart of a shady, far-reaching conspiracy that is vicious even by the standards of a society that treats “existence†as something that can be bought and sold. For Kovacs, the shell that blew a hole in his chest was only the beginning. . . .


Broken Angels by Richard K Morgan

Cynical, quick-on-the-trigger Takeshi Kovacs, the ex-U.N. envoy turned private eye, has changed careers, and bodies, once more . . . trading sleuthing for soldiering as a warrior-for-hire, and helping a far-flung planet’s government put down a bloody revolution.

But when it comes to taking sides, the only one Kovacs is ever really on is his own. So when a rogue pilot and a sleazy corporate fat cat offer him a lucrative role in a treacherous treasure hunt, he’s only too happy to go AWOL with a band of resurrected soldiers of fortune. All that stands between them and the ancient alien spacecraft they mean to salvage are a massacred city bathed in deadly radiation, unleashed nanotechnolgy with a million ways to kill, and whatever surprises the highly advanced Martian race may have in store. But armed with his genetically engineered instincts, and his trusty twin Kalashnikovs, Takeshi is ready to take on anything—and let the devil take whoever’s left behind.


Woken Furies by Richard K Morgan

Takeshi Kovacs has come home.

Home to Harlan's World. An ocean planet with only 5% of its landmass poking above the dangerous and unpredictable seas. Try and get above the weather in anything more sophisticated than a helicopter and the Martian orbital platforms will burn you out of the sky.

And death doesn't just wait for you in the seas and the skies. On land, from the tropical beaches and swamps of Kossuth to the icy, machine-infested wastes of New Hokkaido the hard won gains of the Quellist revolution have been lost. The First Families, the corporations and the Yakuza have a stranglehold on everything.

Embarked on a journey of implacable retribution for a lost love, Kovacs is blown off course and into a maelstrom of political intrigue and technological mystery as the ghosts of Harlan's World and his own violent past rise to claim their due. Quellcrist Falconer is back from the dead, they say, and hunting her down for the First Families is a savage young Envoy called Kovacs who's been in storage.

(shamelessly ripped from Amazon)


I'm addicted to this trilogy lately. Altered Carbon's been optioned, so hopefully a movie is in the works. Optioning means that a studio has taken out an "interest" in making something into a film...so basically they paid Mr. Morgan to not sell it to anyone else, just in case the studio in question wants to make it into a movie.

If they stay faithful to the book, minimum R rating, and undoubtedly an unrated version on DVD. This trilogy gets so gloriously twisted and fucked up it's not funny. You really don't know whether to root for the hero or hope he gets killed permanently.

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Guest Civs

My roommates have 100 years of solitude...i was thinking of reading it. Whats it about?

it's about 100 years of a family that lives in colombia. there are lots of references to word history events. the book gets a bit confusingbecause the family members tend to have the same name. if you decide to read it, I suggest you create a cheet sheet with each family members name and write brief things they do.

Marquez was the creator of the sur-real magical environment he creates. his worlds are out of this world. a true masterpiece. i can read this book many times and each time it gets better. he is a genius at it's best.

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Guest ShampooBabe

My favourite is CIEN AÑOS DE SOLEDAD By Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Is the story of family in Macondo (Colombia) over one hundred years. Must of the books have a family tree in the last pages so u can keep track of who is who with whom...

other books i enjoyed are:

- El amor en los tiempos del colera By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

- Cronica de una Muerte Anunciada By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

- The Perfum By patrick Suskind

- El Pajaro Pintado By Jersey Kosinski

- The Methamorphosis By Franz Kafka

- 1984 By George Orwell

- Animal Farm By George Orwell

- Ten Little indians By Agatha Christie

- La Tregua By Mario Benedetti

- The Horror Lives here (the haunted house of Amityvile)

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Guest Fez

"La fiesta del chivo" by Mario Vargas Llosa.

nice, Trujillo sets the example. all these fockers...castro & Chavez are rookies... :P

my fav. book is:

Il Principe - Niccolo Machiavelli

El Cristo de la Libertad - Joaquín Balaguer

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Guest Cosmigonon

My roommates have 100 years of solitude...i was thinking of reading it. Whats it about?

One of the greatest books you'll ever read. It used to be my all time favorite, until I read my current one.

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Guest swirlundergrounder


A must have for Astrology buffs! This book will turn you inside out!


To help better understand the Universe and the Cosmos. Full of illustrations, Stephen Hawking applies his theories to real life scenarios.


Do you want to feel really small? Do you want to actually see how insignificant the Earth is as compared to the rest of the universe? Steven Levy and James Trefil (Astronomers) lay out stunnig photos taken by the Hubble telescope. Clear of the Earth's atmosphere, the Hubble telescope is able to take more clear pictures of the Universe. The images in this book are stunning! And humbling at the same time.

Lght up a big PHATTY and smoke it while you look at the images in this book..

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Guest Cosmigonon

"La fiesta del chivo" by Mario Vargas Llosa.

nice, Trujillo sets the example. all these fockers...castro & Chavez are rookies... :P

my fav. book is:

Il Principe - Niccolo Machiavelli

El Cristo de la Libertad - Joaquín Balaguer

Definitely, one of the sickest motherfuckers that ever lived...

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Guest michael^heaven

---I hate reading. So, besides magazines I'd say the Bible. However, as a child, I used to love reading those Choose Your Own Advenure books. I couldn't get enough of those puppies.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

---I hate reading. So, besides magazines I'd say the Bible. However, as a child, I used to love reading those Choose Your Own Advenure books. I couldn't get enough of those puppies.

Hell yeah! Choose your own adventure books where the bomb. I think I had all of them.

The only one I can rememeber was the book where you (the character) travelled though space using a technology called 'Voya Code'. You can travel from galaxy to galaxy on this data stream that was millions of times faster than the speed of light. Like the energy matter transporters in Star Trek but on a much larger scale. I can't remember the premise of the story though..

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