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why don't more of you have a blog?

Guest Adam Singer

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Guest Adam Singer

many of you spend alot of time contributing online, and its good to see you here - but if you're going to spend time online contributing, it would behoove some of you to get a domain, make 1 or 2 posts a day (in addition to posting on msgboards) on your personal outlet to the world, and to try for some extra scratch:


that guy is making a killing - why can't you? (plus even if you dont make that much, it is a ton of fun!)

personally i don't keep a blog to make money (mine isn't making that much anyway) - i like to write and provide my viewpoints on things...but hey, if i can be paid a little for my efforts too why not?

easy opportunities like this DO exist to make money, i would think alot of you should give it a go - esp those of you with 10,000+ posts (you obviously have something to say)

it's enjoyable, it gives you your own personal forum to voice your opinions to the world, people reading it will (hopefully) find your content compelling and interesting and re-link it to their friends, and it can even make some scratch!

blogging = no drawbacks, go get one free on blogger right now, you dont even need to get a domain: www.blogger.com

god i sound like an infomercial - not trying to hard sell you guys on anything but *personally* i get a good level of enjoyment out of keeping a blog, getting email from people, and having discussions at a level that challenges me (you'll find it different than a messageboard)...best of luck!

here are some interesting stats on the current state of the blogosphere:


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Guest Slide On The Ice

I should look into that. I have a myspace blog and a live journal that I post massively in.

Hey Blingarama, you should check into this too.

Thanks Adam for posting that.

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Guest pod

Cause I don't have time to deal with it, and there's really nothing I have to say that I don't say on here.

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Guest HouseJunkie

I have always been skeptical of folks on TV saying how they made $2000.00 in one week and you can do it too if you buy <insert product> or do XYZ.

Why is it that we don't see the folks who are on the Forbes 100 list in these infomercials?

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Guest Adam Singer

I have always been skeptical of folks on TV saying how they made $2000.00 in one week and you can do it too if you buy <insert product> or do XYZ.

Why is it that we don't see the folks who are on the Forbes 100 list in these infomercials?

that wasnt an infomercial - that guy was in several magazines and publications for being successful at blogging (and also, blogs have been featured in forbes several times, at least in their online publication)

i typed this up for the benefit of sharing something overwhelmingly positive ive found in my life - and i am legally not allowed to say how much i make from my blog, but ill let you know there is REAL money in it (but that isn't why you should do it)

regardless yes bling should create one, it could be a great outlet for his thoughts, he could post images of events/his life, and it can be a place for him to post his emotions (and its not spamming or being needy if it is YOUR blog!)

i mean go read my blog - i talk about things that may or may not interest you, but thats the whole fun of it - creating a place that is 100% your interests and linking with others of the same...its time consuming but fun...you do have to be a solid writer if you want to retain readers, however...

if any of you want help/direction please email or PM me and i can help you if you want to create a personalized domain name and setup the blogging software (its so easy, once you are setup its no more difficult than posting on CJ) - if you'd rather use blogger it is essentially idiot proof...

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Guest ramon

i have several blogs i just don't update them that much .. i spend much more time with my messageboard.

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I should look into that. I have a myspace blog and a live journal that I post massively in.

Hey Blingarama, you should check into this too.

Thanks Adam for posting that.

without a doubt the biggest blogger i know is ron. he has tons of posts on his livejournal and myspace blogs

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Guest Adam Singer

I supposed you'll want me to buy soap and vitamins from you next.

always gotta play devils advocate, eh pod?

im just saying its something cool that can make you money essentially free - i dont get anything by linking you guys to this, im just compelled to because of what im getting out of it...just trying to share something good with everyone!

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Guest Spankmeister

oh my god, my brother used to sel amway :-[

You're the only one who got the reference. :o

Just because I didn't post, doesn't mean I didn't get the reference... ;D

Amway is based in Grand Rapids Michigan....my home state..LOL

Seems that Adam didn't ask us to point to his blog, he was just wondering why some of us haven't looked into the financial aspects of posting our drivel on a blog as opposed to CJ...LOL

I did look into it, intreresting stuff, if you have something to say and are a decent writer

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Guest pod

just trying to share something good with everyone!

Oh and I'm not bustin' your balls over it. Your initial post just sounded like something I would see on channel 300 at 2 AM.

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Guest Adam Singer

just trying to share something good with everyone!

Oh and I'm not bustin' your balls over it. Your initial post just sounded like something I would see on channel 300 at 2 AM.

sorry ive been pitching stories to journalists all day on a client - so im in sales mode ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Why don't I have a blog? Because I don't have the attention span to have one. I like quickies. I like reading something really fast and responding to it just as quickly and then move on with my day. I come back and check my email to see if there is a notification on the topic I posted on and when I have a free moment I respond to it and then I'm out again.

I'm not the kind of writer or reader that can sit down religiously everyday and write a days thoughts down in one sitting.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I bookmarked your blog, Adam, and I've read some of it so far. Interesting stuff.

I'd like to add a question onto this thread. That being, how many of you actually read other people's blogs? I know that Terry does not, and I understand why. But what about the rest of you? Me for example, when I add someone to my MySpace, I usually, in most cases, subscribe to their MS blog as well, so I can get email updates for whatever flows out of their heads. But who else does that? Do you have interest in reading blogs, or are the things you read on message boards from people who also blog, just good enough for you?

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Guest Adam Singer

i read some blogs - but only the ones whose keepers have strong writing skills - you'd be surprised how many bloggers out there dont even proofread their posts...

it is well worth it if you find someone whose writing style/subject matter you really enjoy and find worthwhile

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