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Migrane remedies?

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What do u all do when u get migranes (if u are lucky enough to suffer from them ugh) had a massive one this weekend .. pain killers did nothing.. took 3 showers didnt help.. all i could do was sleep...

any other remedies?

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I used to get them bad, really bad when I was a teenager, and then they stopped for 10 years, until Istarted getting them again in my late 20's. At one point about 6 or 7 years ago, they started hitting me one every day for a week. I was miserable, to say the least. When I got bad ones, after a few hours I'd get nausious and vomit. Then the migrain would lessen and eventually go away. It was as if the "poison" that was the migrain got vomited out of me so it got better. Does that happen to you too? I hated throwing up because it was heavy, like a firehose shooting out my mouth and nose, and it hurt my stomach bad, practically doubling me over in pain from my abdomen seizing up, at the same time that I was throwing up into the toilet or the tub. But I always knew that after I threw up the migraine would ease up and go away.

Danny, do you get a flashing in one or both of your eyes, or a strange fuzziness in your vision, before your migrain comes on? I always got that, about a half hour to 45 minutes before the migraine. I called it flashing, because it was flashing in my eye. I'd say "oh God, I'm flashing..." and knew that a migraine was going to hit me soon. That week when I was getting them once every day, one day it was so bad, that as I was throwing up from the first one, and expected that the migraine was about to start going away like usual, I started flashing, at the same time that I was vomitting. That was bad, really bad, having one right after the other.

I went to a new neurologist to get some help, near the end of that week. She told me that my migraines were a form of seizure because of my head injury so many years ago. I had no idea, all those years, that my head injury was the cause, or I'd have mentioned it to my old neurologist. Maybe I did, but he didn't make the connection either. Anyway, I'm digressing, sorry. She, the new neurologist, gave me a prescription for Vicoden and told me to take it before the headache started, to relax the nerves in my head rather than to try to overcome the pain of the migraine.

So, over the next few days, everytime I started flashing (please...no jokes about a man in a raincoat exposing himself, its not that sort of flashing, you pervs), I popped a Vicoden. And guess what? The migraine pain never came, because the Vicoden relaxed the nerves in my brain. I said before that it was a week, but it was really more than a week and a half, one week before seeing the doc, and a half a week after. One daay, after a half week of popping Vicodens as soon as I started flashing, leading to the flashing stopping and the migraine never coming on...I started flashing again. I went right to my bottle of Vicoden and went to open the bottle. and suddenly, the flashing stopped. It stopped even before I took the pill, and the migraine never came (I didn't take the pill when the flashing stopped). I realized that my brain had been trained. It knew that as soon as I took the pill it would calm the nerves and nip the migraine in the bud, so it reacted to my preparing to take the pill, by automatically doing what the pill would have done. How's that for a smart brain? Heh.

So Danny, that's what I'm saying...try Vicoden. Not to dull the pain once it started, but to prevent it before it begins, assuming that you get a warning like I did, that you were about to get a migraine. Good luck to you bud.

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Guest saintjohn

Treating a migraine before it really starts is the only thing that works for me. I don't really get the flashing symptom like Slide, though - it's more like hypersensitivity to light, noise, and pretty much everything. Once it reaches a certain point, however, no amount of medication seems to help.

The only non-prescription remedy that does anything for me is Excedrin Migraine:

The product approved today contains 250 mg of acetaminophen, 250 mg of aspirin and 65 mg of caffeine per tablet. Caffeine, which is included in some approved combination prescription medicines for migraine, is an analgesic adjuvant for pain.

Three U.S. clinical studies involving more than 1,300 patients with acute migraine headaches demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of Excedrin Migraine for alleviating pain associated with mild to moderate migraine attacks within two to four hours of taking the medicine.

A two-tablet dose of Excedrin Migraine is recommended, taken at 6-hour intervals as needed. Although this combination of ingredients is the same as the currently marketed Excedrin Extra Strength product, Excedrin Migraine has important instructions and warnings for use in treating the pain of migraine.

Patients are advised to consult with their doctor before use of the new Excedrin product if the headache is accompanied by vomiting, if the headache is so severe as to require bed rest, and if symptoms continue or worsen, or new or unexpected symptoms occur. Patients with migraine headaches not helped by the new product may receive prescription drugs for controlling symptoms such as ergot preparations (for example Cafergot), serotonin receptor agonists (for example Imitrex, and other migraine drugs such as Midrin and Depakote.


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Guest swirlundergrounder

I don't get them. But my girl got one for the first time a few weeks ago. She had to go to the ER becuz the headache was there for more than 2 days. They gave her medication.

She has since found out that straining her eyes gave her the headache so she got glass and now she's all good.

Stay away from the computer for a while and stay away from bright light is what I hear are good remedies.

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Guest Miss_Digital

YEAH THIS IS my first one as well.. i never get them basically i slept it off .. oh well needed the sleep

thanks for the input

drink some wiskey it will go away

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Guest ddg

ive had migraines since i was a little kid...had a couple of cat scans done.....doctors never found out what it was...sometimes i get to the point where i almost pass out from headaches....

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Guest Marina22

For a natural remedy try feverfew, it's an herb that you can buy at any health food store. My botfriend's roommate gets them really bad as well but hasn't tried it as of yet. I have read a couple of articles that say that herb is good for migranes and headaches as well.

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Guest lyrik

For a natural remedy try feverfew, it's an herb that you can buy at any health food store. My botfriend's roommate gets them really bad as well but hasn't tried it as of yet. I have read a couple of articles that say that herb is good for migranes and headaches as well.

ya I think thats what my friend uses too...she has MS and suffers from bad migranes and body aches and she had this stuff that you rub on the temples and basically anywhere you have pain in your head...I have to say I tried it and it worked...in like 30 seconds.

Bling there is this natural healing store right in kendall by the TJ Maxx Plaza on 117th right before Sunset...I think its a couple doors down from the dollar store...check i tout the lady in there knows her shit and my friend swears by this place.

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Guest ShampooBabe

maybe u need new glasses....................or like they say u have a tumor.....

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Guest rhythmburn


Smoke 1 ;)

then drink a nice, warm single malt scotch

the headache will melt away

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Guest james stratus

Throwing up is the only quick fix. Don't know why but it works. I had them really bad when I was a kid and I recently started having them again. Sometimes they last 2 or 3 days then I realize I have to make myself throw up and that fixes it.

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