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Simple Pleasures

Guest Devilicious

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Guest Devilicious

I draw much enjoyment from really simple things, of which there are so many. I'm interested to know what "little things" you all take pleasure in. One of my favorites is:

Freshly washed bedding

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Guest Slide On The Ice

Sure, I love the smell of clean bedding too. I love the smell of all clean clothes. Out of compulsion, I always smell my clothes between the washer and the dryer, and taking it out of the dryer. I use scented laundry soap, and though I know it's clean when it's done, if it doesn't smell clean it doesn't feel clean to me.

Same with hand soap. I could wash them 10 times, but if I can't smell the soap on them, I don't feel like they're clean. And I enjoy the smell of clean anyway.

I love the smell of fresh cut grass.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

The smell of vanilla. I think it may be my favorite scent of all.

Driving late at night, especially 3-6am, that quiet peacefulness that there is at that time, in my senses as well as the night.

Cold air. Not AC air, and not waking up in the morning in New York in the winter cold, but Florida in January-March when we get cold fronts from up north. And except for winter mornings, I miss winter air in New York too.

Hearing the surf at night and smelling the sea.

Ships on their way to port at night, sitting on the horizon waiting for clearance, seeing the lights on the horizon, knowing there are people behind those lights that you can't see, going about their business, each one with their own story...fascinates me.

Gazing up at planes, and metropolises from afar, for the same reason.

Seeing children feeling good about themselves. Like that little girl in the cereal commercial in a spelling bee, when she gets "aardvark" right and that expression of accomplishment on her face...is adorable.

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Guest rollyp66

I used to love coaching my teams, that itself made me happy, but the real joy was watching them smile when they finally did something on thier own that we had been working on for a bit. I still keep in contact with a bunch of them who are now all grown up but it still brings a smile on my face to look at those pictures of my teams

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Guest mursa

...going to the beach by myself ...and simply analyze where i stand at that point and time in my life and how imma better myself..... i gotta very strong concious , what can i say .

..i also like to see pictures and reminise about the great family/friends that i have in my home country (portugal) ...if im feelin down or bummed .

thats the only 2 i can think of .

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Guest durrtylexx

A simple goodmorning text from someone you care about.

so true or a g'nite text..

le cheese :P

i love wearing a new pair of socks

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Guest JMT

A simple goodmorning text from someone you care about.

so true or a g'nite text..

le cheese :P

i can start sending you g'nite texts lexx. :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm interested to know what "little things" you all take pleasure in.

Is that Renzo dude a little thing? :P
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Guest swirlundergrounder

For myself I like to look at the sky at night. Especially up at the moon.

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Guest durrtylexx

A simple goodmorning text from someone you care about.

so true or a g'nite text..

le cheese :P

i can start sending you g'nite texts lexx. :P

ahhh que nice :-*

lmao :P

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Guest Electric Eel

Wow, this is a good topic T.

My fav is freshly cut grass, love that smell!

Coming home to your dog and knowing they are genuinely ecstatic that you are home.

Sitting around watching tv or a movie with a good friend knowing that you can be comfortable without having to say a word.

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Guest Miss_Digital

sitting in a big lawn chair talking with a friend and enjoying a glass of wine while watching the sunset

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Guest Devilicious

some good ones on here! another of my faves:

driving fast over the causeway with the windows down and the music UP

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Guest Miss_Digital

...going to the beach by myself ...and simply analyze where i stand at that point and time in my life and how imma better myself..... i gotta very strong concious , what can i say .

..i also like to see pictures and reminise about the great family/friends that i have in my home country (portugal) ...if im feelin down or bummed .

thats the only 2 i can think of .

i love going to the beah alone some times i enjoy it more that way

and i love looking at pics from my highshcool

friends back home! most of them are all over the world now

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Guest Devilicious

Going outside just after it's snowed. Doesn't really work in the city tho, because the magic comes from the silence.

wow, maybe I don't hate the cold that much

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Going outside just after it's snowed. Doesn't really work in the city tho, because the magic comes from the silence.

wow, maybe I don't hate the cold that much

I found that its really not THAT cold when it snows. Its a little afterward when its too cold for snow coupled with the wind. Im a little bummed that i didn't get to go out into the countryside when it snowed up here, but then again we only got 2 blizzards. :(

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Guest durrtylexx

Going outside just after it's snowed. Doesn't really work in the city tho, because the magic comes from the silence.

wow, maybe I don't hate the cold that much

I've never seen snow :(

But I do like the calm breeze before a wicked storm.

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OH! And another simple pleasure....my first snowfall, it was about 11pm and there was no traffic in the upper east side. At first it felt like the faint misty rain we have here but it was falling too lightly and you could see the tiny flakes by the streetlights. Man i wish i had taken some pics.

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