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What Diet/Exercise Should I Do?

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So after two years in a committed relationship I've realized that I am getting a little too comfortable. Im not fat or overweight, just not toned and nice like I was. Carisa, you probably noticed when I saw you at the conference. I've gained about 10 pounds, and i would like to lose some of it. I am not comfortable in sleeveless shirts anymore or even T-shirts sometimes. I want to nip this in the bud.

I have a gym membership. I go and basically only do the elyptical and leave. What should I add to my routine? I do the elyptical pretty hard--- at 14 resistance pretty fast for 30 mins. I'm very sweaty afterwards and my legs feel like jello so I feel like it's a good workout.

Remember, I only want to lose some fat that has developed in my abdomen area...and tone the rest of my upperbody a bit. i dont really want to lift weights. I dont enjoy it.

Any health concious people out there who can help me figure out what I need to do to fix this?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Yep. Stop eating so much red meat. All that fat go's straight to your gut...

I stopped eating red meat pork and chicken a year ago. I don't go to the gym. I do excercise though. I lift light weights and do a little circuit training combinig resistance and cardio in 20-30 min workouts. But I go through my phases. I'll work every other day for 2 months and then I'll stop for 1 month and then start again. I'm very inconsistant.

I still eat the same amount of food as I did a year ago. A year ago I weighed close to 180 lbs and had a 34 inch waist. Now I weigh 165 lbs and have a 32 inch waist.

I have not done anything drastic and I've been able to maintain my weight and waistline for the past 7 momths now. No problem at all.

I also have a fast metabolism which helps and I carry a 25 lb kid everywhere I go.....LOL

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Guest HouseJunkie

Both Diet and exercise is very important, many people tend to engage in one but not the other but to get true results you need a careful balance of both, having said that, may I recommend an activity that would acommplish both; sex- you burn lots of calories and it a very good source of protein.

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Guest macboy

I'm no expert, but the experts I've spoken to all say the same thing. When you're in a rut, you've got to change up your gym routine. I did that and lost 15 pounds over a 6 month period.

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I'm no expert, but the experts I've spoken to all say the same thing. When you're in a rut, you've got to change up your gym routine. I did that and lost 15 pounds over a 6 month period.

Exactly, actually trainers tell you to change your routine every couple months just a little to keep your body guessing.

Also the time you eat as well as how often makes a big difference too. Your body burns the most amound of calories at rest while you are digesting, thats why they reccomend you eat several times a day.

As far as the elliptical, i personally didn't find that i lost much weight on it. Its just the easiest piece of machinery to get on. To really tone your arms and upper body, unfortunately you might have to do some small weights. Think resistance....the more you feel the more you are burning. I used to lift weights really slowly to increase resistance and i found that doing smaller reps, lower weight, but really concentrating on the movement made it a lot harder and more effective. Another thing that will help you with your middle is to constantly flex your abs - while you walk, sit at your desk, talk on the phone, anything. Not only will that tighten your abs, but it will give you better posture. A lot of people dont remember to do that.

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Best thing to do is

1) Cardio on an empty stomach in the morning. It will kick your metabolism into high gear. Trainers swear by it and from my experience it works. Also after doing that, make sure you wait at least 45 minutes before you eat.

2) Stop eating complex carbohydrates (rice, pasta etc...) and starches after 6pm... If you do get hungry, only salad, veggies and a lean source of protein. No fruits, sugars or juices after 6pm either.

3) Replace all your fruit juices and sodas with low or no carb drinks ( diet snapple etc...) and if you simply can't do without soda, even though it's bad for you, drink diet sodas.

You'll be surprised how fast you'll drop fat (Focus on losing FAT not muscle) So aside from the scale make sure you measure you have someone measure your body fat.

4) Do fairly high reps. 12-15

5) change up your routine very 6 weeks to keep your muscles guessing.

I just gave you the basics. keep it simple for now. Focus one the basics before buying any shakes, supplements or any of that crap. Just make sure you're taking a good multivitamin for now.

Good luck.

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