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Does anybody know what the IIS is?

Guest Justin Johnson

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Guest Justin Johnson

I see these guys all over the beach, riding their bicycles, looking like they're supposed to be security or something...

But all I ever see them doing is talking on their phones, reading the paper, and checking out girls.

Are we supposed to feel safer with these guys around? I sure don't, especially when my g/f is getting cat-calls from them. >:(

I'm hoping that our tax dollars are not paying for this.

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Guest brucio

I believe the ones that ride their bikes on the boardwalk between 21st and 43rd (at least the ones I have seen), are just shy of being totally useless.

One night about 6 weeks ago it took about 8 of them to corner a guy that a bystander had accused of someting or another, meanwhile they let the bystander (the only apparent witness) slip away without making a statement.

A few minutes later a couple of blocks away I saw a pair of "officers" (a man and a woman), of the ones that cornered the guy, wander down to the surf, hand in hand,.

Good for them and their relationship, how about waiting until your off the clock and away from work?

Whatever, I agree, they're useless.

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Guest Justin Johnson

I believe the ones that ride their bikes on the boardwalk between 21st and 43rd (at least the ones I have seen), are just shy of being totally useless.

One night about 6 weeks ago it took about 8 of them to corner a guy that a bystander had accused of someting or another, meanwhile they let the bystander (the only apparent witness) slip away without making a statement.

A few minutes later a couple of blocks away I saw a pair of "officers" (a man and a woman), of the ones that cornered the guy, wander down to the surf, hand in hand,.

Good for them and their relationship, how about waiting until your off the clock and away from work?

Whatever, I agree, they're useless.

That sucks. But, unfortunately I'm not surprised. These guys are clearly not well trained at all.

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Guest Justin Johnson

i saw a group of like 8 of them chillin at south pointe park the other day. literally, they were chillin, really enjoying themselves. :-\


That's exactly what I see all the time too!

But none of us know ANYTHING about them!

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Guest Devilicious

I heard they are like rent a cops.... they can hold you while the actual police are called to the scene but have hardly any training. My guess was that they are out to catch illegals, but that's purely speculative.

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Guest brucio

As far as the area specific to the boardwalk, I was told that the city of MB found it more cost effective to enter a contract with a private security company rather utilize MBPD ie patrolling on a regular basis.

This probably did not make the police union very happy, plus at what cost in the long run when the private people continue to prove themselves inept?

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Guest macboy

Internal Intelligence Services.

Yes, taxpayer money does pay for this. The thing is, when the security services contract came up for renewal, there were a ton of complaints made during the public hearing. Mostly from residents concerned about safety issues on the boardwalk overnight. These guys were never at their appointed locations. I could attest to that myself as I used to run late at night on the boardwalk and they were never around. Never.

Yet, after all of the complaints, and the subsequent commision discussion, the contract was renewed. Yes, RENEWED.

As far as the illegals are concerned, I'm pretty sure that's not part of their job, but then again, neither is disregarding your job entirely. >:(

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Guest Justin Johnson

Wow. What a waste of money! Seriously, we need to do something about this.

Any of you guys active with city council or anything? We need to make our voices heard.

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Guest macboy

Justin, that was the point I was making. Residents made their voice heard, yet the commission still, after some faux arguing on the dais, approved the renewal. Fact is these guys, as most security guards, are paid near minimum wage. Definitely not the best way to motivate them. Then why do they apply for these jobs, you ask? Keep in mind that, on average, half of these guys have a criminal record and no one else will hire them. Okay, so I made up the part about "half of them" but you get the point. A lot of them are ex-cons with no job prospects.

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Guest maximus

that's where our tax money goes.

Just like the six thousand dollar toilet seats and one thousand dollar screwdrivers the goverment buys...

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Guest pod


Guess what, since they aren't empowered with powers of arrest other than a "citizens' arrest", you have the legal right to open up on them if you feel threatened.

I'm glad I live in Miami where real cops protect the populace and not a bunch of college dropouts on Trek bicycles.

Say what you will about the PD who protects my neighborhood, but they get the job done. A friend of mine and I had a discussion once, and what it is about the City of Miami PD is that they are old-school and you liberal pantywaists can't deal with it. If shooting a crackhead full of slugs from a SIG .40 keeps me safe at night, well then where do I sign up?

Fuck the Miami Beach government, and fuck IIS. Tell them to come across the bridge and see how real police work is done.

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Internet Information Services

Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 is a powerful Web server that provides a highly reliable, manageable, and scalable Web application infrastructure for all versions of Windows Server 2003. IIS helps organizations increase Web site and application availability while lowering system administration costs. IIS 6.0 supports the Microsoft Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) with automated health monitoring, process isolation, and improved management capabilities.

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Guest missgroovethang

Internet Information Services

Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 is a powerful Web server that provides a highly reliable, manageable, and scalable Web application infrastructure for all versions of Windows Server 2003. IIS helps organizations increase Web site and application availability while lowering system administration costs. IIS 6.0 supports the Microsoft Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) with automated health monitoring, process isolation, and improved management capabilities.


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