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After you E.....


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After a night you roll. Whatever you go home, lay on your bed and then go to sleep. Does anyone wake up in the middle of the night and your drenched in your own sweat? That happens to me all the time. And I mean drenched in sweat!! Does it happen to anyone else? Anyone know why?


*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Every freakin time. It's kind of funny. My hair, sheets, pillows are soaked!!! Then I'm freezing because everything is wet. Your body temp rises when you drop and for me, I drink so much water. I'm sure that my body temp is still up a bit and I'm sweating off the water that I drank.

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That always happens to me too. It's most likely from the amphetamine you just put in your body. Sometimes I shake when I get really good pls. But that doesn't happen very often anymore. You ever notice that your body will be tired as hell, but your brain is still going full speed? That's why I can never fall asleep. Try balancing your roll out with an oxy-coton. That does the trick for me now. Now I never wake up sweating. If you cant find any oxys just pound beers until you pass out.

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hmm....I usually never sweat, I just get so cold! I feel very chilly even underneath my blanket...and I tend to wake up a lot during my sleep...but usually right before i go to bed, I have these really vivid visualizations going on in my head, lol.


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I'm usually so tired I just pass out!!

I don't recall ever sweating a lot!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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