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X3 REVIEW (MAJOR SPOILERS and plot summary)


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First of all i'd give this movie a 5 out of 10..

The story

If your wanting ANY STORY of Logan and the history of Wolverine YOU WONT GET IT HERE

the story centers around this child they deem the "leech" whose DNA or whatever is the cure to the "mutant disease"

Magneto is against this saying how can humanity call mutantisim (if thats a word a disease) and he stands up against the X-men and humanity as he wants mutants to stand up and take out humanity once and for all and kill the kid (the cure)

ok backstory

Jean grey is dead and Cyclops is a whiney little bitch about her death.. he goes to this lake and she comes out the lake but shes no longer Jean Grey shes Phoenix.. she kills cyclops (this is within 15 min of the start of film)

her split personality .. Charles Xavier had been supressing her uncontrollable nature since a child (shes a level 5 mutant far surpassing xavier and magneto)

magneto and charles go to her house to try to sway her to their respective sides

charles tries to reason with her but her powers are insane.. great special effects she obliterates charles xavier and he dies..

she goes with magneto

magneto goes to alcatraz where the "cure" is to kill him he hires people like juggernaught and others to help him

blah blah

rogue wants to turn human cuz she wants to hold her boyfriend and kiss him (wheres my violin)

ok sooooo now they are on alcatraz and the army made plastic guns filed with darts of the cure. a few are left and beastman and wolverine catch magneto offguard and they convert him back to a human......

ok so then wolverine meets jean grey and she begs to have him kill her . so he kills her cuz shes out of control

end of movie.......


no backtory of logan nada. charles dead, magneto no power, cyclops dead.

storm now runs the school for gifted children blah blah blah blah

rogue is now human she took the shot to turn human and she holds her boyfriend's iceman's hand


I THINK ITS WOLVERINE ON HIS DEATH BED OR SOMETHING.... it looks like an old wolverine maybe im wrong

and then its charles's voice that comes out of some guy and he says to the nurse "ITS ME MAURA" and she goes "charles?"

and then it ends.... i guess charles used his powers to enter the guys mind before he died

i thought it was wolverine but now others say it was magneto's deathbed.. i have to read online who it really was......

will die hards like it.... perhaps.... perhaps not......

its a good B rated flick

it cant hold a candle to the spiderman series or where the batman series is going.....

thankfully xmen series in its current form is over.........




they throw in way too much powers and not enough storytelling...... big mistake in these kinds of movies....

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Guest JMT

i didnt read blings whole review, but i did read the first line (5/10 stars).

i just wanted to say i can see the visual difference of this movie compared to the first 2 when i watch the commercials. it doesnt look as stylish.

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no question that darker stylish look has gone out the window its now become very cartoony the characters are just there on screen they are no longer lifelike (hard to explain) they are just there for people to say

oh shit kitty can walk thru walls... or juggernaut can just run thru anyone.......

whatever ...... nextttttttttttt

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Bling you are wrong. That is not wolverine on his death bed at the end of the credits. That was the man in a video that they showed earlier in the movie where they foreshadowed that there is a way for telepaths to transfer their conciousness when they die into another body..

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Plus they did a story about Wolverine in the last X Men film so they didn't need to do one on this one..

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Guest ddg

movie was aight...least fav of the three...but i dug what they did with the phoenix...


"im the juggernaut bitch!!!!

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Guest coach


wolverine spinoff movies in the works... toward the bottom

thank godddddddddd ;D

to me thats what this whole series is about....

the whole mutant vs human thing was stupid.....

give me the backstory of logan and wolverine anyday :)

WTF???? Are you kidding me? I mean, sure, everyone loves Wolvie because he gets to beat the shit out of all the people you wish you could. But the whole POINT of X-Men is the interplay between Mutant and Human. The bigroty and hatred and the effort to help them co-exist peacefully. That was about the only thing I thought the movie got right, though I thought the President was played a little TOO level-headed and open-minded.
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wolverine spinoff movies in the works... toward the bottom

thank godddddddddd ;D

to me thats what this whole series is about....

the whole mutant vs human thing was stupid.....

give me the backstory of logan and wolverine anyday :)

WTF???? Are you kidding me? I mean, sure, everyone loves Wolvie because he gets to beat the shit out of all the people you wish you could. But the whole POINT of X-Men is the interplay between Mutant and Human. The bigroty and hatred and the effort to help them co-exist peacefully. That was about the only thing I thought the movie got right, though I thought the President was played a little TOO level-headed and open-minded.

i thoght the actor that played hte president was too damn old.. been a long time since we had a prez that old

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  • 1 year later...

caught it the other day on HBO.

it's not in the same league as the first 2. still has it's moments here and there, but the plot felt very thrown together. sequels have the difficult duty of finding ways to top or rival the earlier editions, but here the viewer never feels the suspense of the urgency like in the second one. i'm not sure if this is the fault of a lackluster script compared to the first 2 or if Bryan Singer just did a better job then local boy Brett Ratner, who in my opinion has never made a movie without it being silly.

there are a couple dramatic parts that come off as real cheesy, such as when the bird boy opens his wings for the first time. i chuckled at that. the special effects were great throughout, though.

not horrible, but it did not make me look forward to seeing another sequel get made. it felt like the idea pool was running thinner than the hair on Patrick Stewart's head. i mean, what's the point of having characters die only to later invent ridiculous methods that allows for their resurrection? kind of a cop out to me.


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Guest swirlundergrounder

caught it the other day on HBO.

it's not in the same league as the first 2. still has it's moments here and there, but the plot felt very thrown together. sequels have the difficult duty of finding ways to top or rival the earlier editions, but here the viewer never feels the suspense of the urgency like in the second one. i'm not sure if this is the fault of a lackluster script compared to the first 2 or if Bryan Singer just did a better job then local boy Brett Ratner, who in my opinion has never made a movie without it being silly.

there are a couple dramatic parts that come off as real cheesy, such as when the bird boy opens his wings for the first time. i chuckled at that. the special effects were great throughout, though.

not horrible, but it did not make me look forward to seeing another sequel get made. it felt like the idea pool was running thinner than the hair on Patrick Stewart's head. i mean, what's the point of having characters die only to later invent ridiculous methods that allows for their resurrection? kind of a cop out to me.


Horrible flick... Especially when Jugernaunt plowed through that group of guards and you heard the sound of bowling pins falling down..
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