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TERMINATED (Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Killed in Air Raid)

Guest obby

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Guest obby


Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Killed in Air Raid

Jun 8, 7:27 AM (ET)


(AP) This is an image made from video originally posted Tuesday, April 25, 2006 on the Internet showing...

Full Image

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida leader in Iraq who waged a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and beheadings of hostages, has been killed in a precision airstrike, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Thursday. It was a long-sought victory in the war in Iraq.

Al-Zarqawi and seven aides were killed Wednesday evening in a remote area 30 miles northeast of Baghdad in the volatile province of Diyala, just east of the provincial capital of Baqouba, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said.

Al-Qaida in Iraq confirmed al-Zarqawi's death and vowed to continue its "holy war," according to a statement posted on a Web site.

"We want to give you the joyous news of the martyrdom of the mujahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," said the statement, signed by "Abu Abdel-Rahman al-Iraqi," identified as the deputy "emir" or leader of al-Qaida in Iraq.

"The death of our leaders is life for us. It will only increase our persistence in continuing holy war so that the word of God will be supreme."

Video from the scene of the attack showed children scrambling over a flattened jumble of cinderblocks, concrete reinforcing bars, blankets and other debris. A pickup truck nearby was scorched and crushed.


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Guest drlogic

Today's modern liberal and Bush hater response to the news of Zarqawi's death:


My guess, they'll ignore this as they ignored the celebratiions in streets of Baghdad after America took the captial in 3 weeks. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume they'll (the typical critics) just cover up this news by ignoring it and endless reporting on Abu Ghrrib or the alleged murder of civilians by Marines and the always amusing "oh yeah, well where's Usama,,huh??" LOL

As always, good news for Ameirca and Iraq always seems to end up being bad news for todays modern, misguided liberals. Imagine voluntarily putting oneself in such a position? Go Fig'r??????? I say we take to the streets and start handing out cake and candy. LOL



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Today's modern liberal and Bush hater response to the news of Zarqawi's death:


My guess, they'll ignore this as they ignored the celebratiions in streets of Baghdad after America took the captial in 3 weeks. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume they'll (the typical critics) just cover up this news by ignoring it and endless reporting on Abu Ghrrib or the alleged murder of civilians by Marines and the always amusing "oh yeah, well where's Usama,,huh??" LOL

As always, good news for Ameirca and Iraq always seems to end up being bad news for todays modern, misguided liberals. Imagine voluntarily putting oneself in such a position? Go Fig'r??????? I say we take to the streets and start handing out cake and candy. LOL


why do you constantly preach in hypothetical????

no one said anything about anything, yet you ramble on about what "liberals" will probably say....dude, relax.

what i'm most happy about is there were 7 aides also killed...i don't think killing him solely will make much change, but we got him and his top adivisors (presumably). THAT is a victory.

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Guest saintjohn
what i'm most happy about is there were 7 aides also killed...i don't think killing him solely will make much change, but we got him and his top adivisors (presumably). THAT is a victory.

I'm not trying to argue with you, but they've been killing many of the other leaders in his organization in Iraq for months now, but the news reports have always been "but Zarqawi got away!" Regardless of the way it's presented, however, this is good news.

You're definitely right that killing Zarqawi, by himself, wouldn't have been nearly as effective as decapitating (ahem) his entire group with a single strike.

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Guest drlogic

I call it like I see it.

The whole "freedom of speech" thingy is a 2 way street. (DAMN IT!...lol)

When things are going bad and the critics are caked in cum from their circle jerks, no one's really interested in calming folks down and inquiring about "preaching in hypothetical"? Funny how those folks only come out when America is successful. It is what it is.

I really could give 3 shits about peoples feelings and political correctness in the modern church of liberalism.

I've been routing for America and Iraq from day one. My only regret is that this guy was not found alive and killed and dismembered live on tv by Iraqi civilians. I'm proud of our military and I'm proud of the Iraqi's (who supposedly "hate" us,,according to the critics) who tipped of the Iraqi security forces (who according to the critics aren't worth shit) who in turn notified the American military, who then dropped 2 500 lb. bombs right on Zarqawi's head!

This is a huge blow to Al-Qaida and I'm proud of our boys/girls, the local Iraqi's who tipped us off and the Coallition trained Iraqi security forces.

Today's a good day in this WAR. If only the critics put forth the same ammount of effort to support the effort, we might just be much further along in this battle.

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Guest drlogic

no,,,but her points on liberalism are pretty amusing and more accurate than not.

funny, how would you know that came from Ann?

I'm just waiting to see how the critics try moving the goal posts, yet again.

Regardless, today's a good day dude. Want some cake and candy?

If you're into pity parties,,,,I can't make it. I've got plans...Why do I feel like dancing? LOL ;D

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Guest drlogic

and humble.

I like to think of myself as logical......less heart and more brains.

If something sounds too outrageous or insane to be true,,,it probably isn't true.

I read headlines like I do tabloids....IMAGINE IF THAT WERE TRUE? More often than not, the headlines are almost always wrong and spun to fit a pre-concieved anti-American/conservative/republican template.

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Guest mursa

But it's about time that the right wing extremists have something to ejaculate too , after having their president getting kicked in the teeth for months on ends .

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Guest pod

He's dead, good. I don't like Bush, but I'm glad this guy is dead. I guess I'm an extremist for believing dead enemies can't come back to haunt you.

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Guest saintjohn
But it's about time that the right wing extremists have something to ejaculate too , after having their president getting kicked in the teeth for months on ends .

Al-Zarqawi killed lots of people, not just "right wing extremists."

Major attacks, killings claimed by Jordanian terror suspect Abu Musab

al-Zarqawi and his followers:


_ Dec. 27: Volley of rockets fired from southern Lebanon into Israel.

_ Nov. 9: Triple suicide bombing against hotels in Amman, Jordan, killing 60.

_ Aug. 19: Rocket attack in the Jordanian port city of Aqaba, killing Jordanian soldier. One Katyusha rocket lands in neighboring Israel _ causing no casualties _ and another misses a U.S. Navy ship docked at Aqaba.

_ May 7: Two explosives-laden cars plow into an American security company convoy in Baghdad, killing at least 22 people _ including two Americans.

_ Feb. 28: Suicide car bomber strikes crowd of police and Iraqi National Guard recruits in the southern city of Hillah, killing 125 people.


_ Dec. 19: Car bombs tear through funeral procession in Najaf and main bus station in nearby Karbala, killing at least 60 in the Shiite holy cities.

_ Oct. 30: Body of hostage Shosei Koda, 24, of Japan, is found decapitated in Baghdad, his body wrapped in an American flag.

_ Sept. 30: Bombings in Baghdad kill 35 children and seven adults as U.S. troops hand out candy at the inauguration of a sewage treatment plant. Al-Zarqawi's group claims responsibility for attacks that day, but it is unclear if these include the explosions that killed the children.

_ Sept. 16: British engineer Kenneth Bigley, and U.S. engineers Jack Hensley and Eugene "Jack" Armstrong kidnapped in Baghdad. By Oct. 10, all three men have been confirmed beheaded.

_ Sept. 14: Car bomb rips through a busy market near a Baghdad police headquarters where Iraqis are waiting to apply for jobs, killing 47.

_ Sept. 13: Video purportedly from al-Qaida in Iraq shows Durmus Kumdereli, a Turkish truck driver, being beheaded.

_ Aug. 2: Video from followers of al-Zarqawi showing shooting death of hostage Murat Yuce of Turkey.

_ June 29: Bulgarian truck drivers Georgi Lazov, 30, and Ivaylo Kepov, 32, are kidnapped. Al-Zarqawi's followers suspected of decapitating both men.

_ June 22: Kidnappers behead South Korean hostage Kim Sun-il; Al- Jazeera television says the killing was carried out by al-Zarqawi's group.

_ June 14: Car bomb attack on a vehicle convoy in Baghdad kills 13, including three General Electric employees.

_ May 18: Car bomb assassinates Iraqi Governing Council president Abdel-Zahraa Othman.

_ May 11: Kidnapped American businessman Nicholas Berg is beheaded while being videotaped, and the voice of the knife-wielder is identified as al-Zarqawi's.

_ March 2: Coordinated blasts from suicide bombers, mortars and planted explosives strike Shiite Muslim shrines in Karbala and Baghdad, killing at least 181. U.S. and Iraqi officials link the attacks to al-Zarqawi.


_ Aug. 29: Car bomb in Najaf kills more than 85 people, including Ayatollah Mohammad Baqr al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

_ Aug. 19: Truck bombing of U.N. headquarters in Baghdad kills 23, including top U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello.


_ Oct. 28: Laurence Foley, a diplomat and administrator of U.S. aid programs in Jordan, is gunned down outside his home in Amman.


I think every decent human being has reason to celebrate the fact that Zarqawi will never terrorize another innocent. The Iraqi troops are dancing in the streets, and you're spewing partisan bitterness. Typical.

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Guest drlogic

Whether this changes any thing, at least for this day, we can be proud of our men and women who got this done and we can be happy about this war for just one day.

This war and it's implications CANNOT be judged for YEARS to come. History will be the ultimate judge. History will either prove the war supporters (which include Bush, congress, etc..) right and the critics as ignorant and misguided,,,,and vice/versa.

It's way too early to tell.

For now, the critics find comfort is believing what I consider non-sense...like "war for oil, bush lied, people died, payback for daddy, weapons of mass distraction, bush knew about 9/11 and let it happen, etc..etc...etc...

So be it. I for one think a person who wants to believe such an outrageous thing does so by CHOICE. Funny how those same people don't have an alternative other than constant complaints and for some reason, absolve congress, CIA and FBI of any responsiblity for pre-war intel, authorization of war, etc...It's just way too far fetched and EXTREMIST, IMHO (as always).

Personally, I believe history will not be kind to the critics in the Michael Moore camp. This war has become a poltical football and more about the minority party reaquiring power AT ANY COST. Their rhetoric and acceptance of the outrageous rhetoric of their supporters may prove counter productive to their ulitimate goal of their reaquisition of power.

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Guest obby

Funny stuff John





America, FUCK YEAH!

Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,

America, FUCK YEAH!

Freedom is the only way yeah,

Terrorist your game is through cause now you have to answer too,

America, FUCK YEAH!

So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,

America, FUCK YEAH!

What you going to do when we come for you now,

it’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow


McDonalds, FUCK YEAH!

Wal-Mart, FUCK YEAH!


Baseball, FUCK YEAH!


Rock and roll, FUCK YEAH!

The Internet, FUCK YEAH!

Slavery, FUCK YEAH!


Starbucks, FUCK YEAH!

Disney world, FUCK YEAH!


Valium, FUCK YEAH!

Reeboks, FUCK YEAH!

Fake Tits, FUCK YEAH!


Taco Bell, FUCK YEAH!

Rodeos, FUCK YEAH!

Bed bath and beyond (Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah)

Liberty, FUCK YEAH!

White Slips, FUCK YEAH!

The Alamo, FUCK YEAH!

Band-aids, FUCK YEAH!

Las Vegas, FUCK YEAH!

Christmas, FUCK YEAH!

Immigrants, FUCK YEAH!

Popeye, FUCK YEAH!

Demarcates, FUCK YEAH!

Republicans (republicans)

(fuck yeah, fuck yeah)

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Guest drlogic

I blame Bush for this killing...



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Guest slamminshaun

I was watching the news this morning and most of the high-ranking Democrats that were interviewed said something to the effect of, "yes, this is good news, BUT....Bush, WMD's, blah, blah, blah..." Can't these fucktards just leave that shit alone for one day? A mass murderer has met his maker, yet some politicians want to beat to death the same old talking points.

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Guest sross

Today's modern liberal and Bush hater response to the news of Zarqawi's death:


My guess, they'll ignore this as they ignored the celebratiions in streets of Baghdad after America took the captial in 3 weeks. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume they'll (the typical critics) just cover up this news by ignoring it and endless reporting on Abu Ghrrib or the alleged murder of civilians by Marines and the always amusing "oh yeah, well where's Usama,,huh??" LOL

As always, good news for Ameirca and Iraq always seems to end up being bad news for todays modern, misguided liberals. Imagine voluntarily putting oneself in such a position? Go Fig'r??????? I say we take to the streets and start handing out cake and candy. LOL



Not everything is as black and white as you would like it to be.

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