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Republicans want to kill PBS and NPR!!!

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Liberals suck.

I'm not a conservative either. Liberals just spend too much money they had no right to in the first place.

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Guest jamu

You got that money because of a liberal mind smart enough to think about it, invent it, or plan it out. Conservatives suck because they steal liberal ideas, pervert them to make a quick buck, and then call them conservative ideology. Then wonder why the hell it doesn't work after 10 years.

Liberalism... Scary.... the idea of picking up a book and reading, and questioning it, while maintaining peoples god given freedoms.

"The most fundamental principle asserts an absolute and unrestrained freedom of thought, religion, conscience, creed, speech, press, and politics."

"Again Liberalism may also mean a political system or tendency opposed to centralization and absolutism."

Who would have thought... the spead of power equally through goverment. As our forefather wanted. Not like conservative administrations that assume remove sources of education and enlightenment to the general public, and tap illegally phones within our own country without following propper checks and balances.

Checks and balances... hmmm who needs that? ::)

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Guest pod

Liberalism... Scary.... the idea of picking up a book and reading, and questioning it, while maintaining peoples god given freedoms.

"The most fundamental principle asserts an absolute and unrestrained freedom of thought, religion, conscience, creed, speech, press, and politics."

"Again Liberalism may also mean a political system or tendency opposed to centralization and absolutism."

Checks and balances... hmmm who needs that? ::)

That's Libertarian philosophy. Liberals are borderline communists.

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Guest jamu

Perhaps Fox News should be funded with taxpayer dollars.

I am sure we are not far from it and the 500 club being the source of Americas accepted form of news providers. Hell look at you guys, mini versions of Bill O'Rilleys running around supporting the Republican party. ::)

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Guest slamminshaun

Perhaps Fox News should be funded with taxpayer dollars.

I am sure we are not far from it and the 500 club being the source of Americas accepted form of news providers. Hell look at you guys, mini versions of Bill O'Rilleys running around supporting the Republican party. ::)

LMAO!! I'm really enjoying this.

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Guest saintjohn
But I bet that 93.1 is your favorite source of radio news ::)

and I bet you can't wait to hear Rush L. very enlightening and very sober speech about liberals ::)

Both of your assumptions are wrong. Very wrong. You really don't know me at all, do you?

I just want NPR to live up to its potential.

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Guest jamu

As usual I have been listening to the Radio on my way to work. I am going to really miss NPR's jazz and claasical music broadcasts.

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Guest coach

Cool, you get that in your car?

Actually if I had a car, yes I could and would. EV-DO, a inverter, a cheap laptop or microATX PC, and boom.

Wait, can you explain how to do that in english? I know an inverter and have one. And I recognize something about a laptop. But the other stuff, what is it and how much? I'd love to be able to get internet radio in the car.
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Guest pod

EV-DO is wireless data service at DSL-like speeeds. It's done by Verizon and Sprint right now, but a similar service called UMTS is on the way from T-Mobile.

When I say DSL-like, it's about as fast as the "entry-level" DSL most providers offer. Good enough to stream NPR though.

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Guest jamu

I love listening to NPR. PBS I haven't seen in years but if I had a kid I would definately have that as one of the channels he/she could watch. 8)

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Guest xmuzik

i'm sure there are millions of sick americans that would rather their children watch hannity & colms instead of sesame street any day of the week, cause big bird is a dope smoking commie homo is disguise that if the truth were probably known has a secret link to al quada

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Guest coach

I love listening to NPR. PBS I haven't seen in years but if I had a kid I would definately have that as one of the channels he/she could watch. 8)


Public radio is pretty much the only radio I listen to.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I love listening to NPR. PBS I haven't seen in years but if I had a kid I would definately have that as one of the channels he/she could watch. 8)


Public radio is pretty much the only radio I listen to.

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Guest pod

I'd rather listen to the police frequencies myself. Though that won't work when the US cops move to a TETRA system.

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Guest slamminshaun

I love listening to NPR. PBS I haven't seen in years but if I had a kid I would definately have that as one of the channels he/she could watch. 8)


Public radio is pretty much the only radio I listen to.



You guys really need to invest in XM.

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Guest jamu

Who said that I didn't :)

I just still enjoy listening to NPR. I love the way they present the news. Its like how I read the news from around the world. I love reading stuff from the BBC, Al Jazeera, India Times, Christian Science Monitor, News 24, El Vocero, and the New York Times every morning. (Old habbits from grad school die hard)

I still find that people on here have pretty narrow views of the world. I remember when I had just first joined CJ that I started discussing with you why we shouldn't have gone to war with Iraq, because Iran was the real threat. You and quite a few others told me that I was completely off my rocker. Now look. Iran ended up being the real threat. I'll hold with my liberal views. They seem to be a better reflection of what is going on in the world, as opposed to what I have read from the Conservative individuals. And NPR also seems to be a lot better news then whatever it is that a lot of people are listening to on here.

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Guest pod

I read the news every morning from all over the world too. It's called having a broadband connection.

You really shouldn't call yourself a liberal. I don't see you stealing my money and spending it at the moment.

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