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Republicans want to kill PBS and NPR!!!

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest james stratus

I read the news every morning from all over the world too. It's called having a broadband connection.

You really shouldn't call yourself a liberal. I don't see you stealing my money and spending it at the moment.

Those would be conservatives. Get it right.

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Guest pod

Liberals want to spend your money too. Just on "compassionate" causes. Conservatives want to spend your money, but on locking people up and increasing surveillance.

In other words, they both suck. Libertarian is the only way to go if we're to survive.

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Guest pod

Yeah, I tend to have a problem with both sides of the spectrum. Conservatives wanna keep the man down, so do Liberals, but they disguise it under "play nice" initiatives.

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Guest drlogic

Libertarian is the only way to go if we're to survive.


Not bad...Libertarians are basically Republicans who like to smoke pot, RIGHT?

As for the rest of the posts on this bullshit issue....LMMFAO...

1st of all,,PBS is only partially funded w/ tax dollars and they were recently pressured to try to have more fair programming(ie. for every liberal view/show have equal time for a conservative view/show). Of course, the liberals don't view themselves as biased. Their view is always right and God forbid anyone challenge...especially in public. Can't have that now, can we? What are libs so afraid of? LOL Sane, clear thinking individuals know the answer to that one. It's pretty obvious who lives in a bubble.

Anyway, PBS refused to tweak the programing and now congress gets to vote on whether or not they deserve public funds which push biased programming. It's that simple. Besides, let's be honest here,,,if their message was one that resonated w/ the average American, THEY WOULDN'T NEED PUBLIC FUNDING to stay on the air. The market and target audience would more than cover the costs.....Typical liberals, rather than look in the mirror and question themeselves, they go to ole' faithful and play the VICTIM card. This is what happens when you build your movement on morally bankrupt and intellectually dishonest ideology.

It's no accident that AIR AMERICA needs to take out illegal YMCA loans to stay on the air to preach to the 6 listeners they still have somewhere in Oregon. NPR is just,,,well,,,,,,NPR.......It targets an audience of emotional cripples and social misfits. LOL

Personally, I don't want any of these programs to disappear. The more liberals on the air and on tv, the better! The easier it is for conservatives to win elections. All conservs. will have to do is say "hey, elect me or end up w/ people like that".

ps..I heard something pretty funny on the radio the other day regarding liberals and today's modern dem party.....Their new slogans should consist of stuff like this:

"Aim low, vote Democrat"

That's who the Democrat Party stands with, and they want more and more of you to join them as losers. We're the Democrats, be the worst you can be, find out how low you can go. Find out how dark gloom really is. Be one of our thousand points of doom. Join us, the Democratic Party. We'll show you what it takes to be the worst we all can be.


wow,,I feel better now.

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Guest slamminshaun

I remember when I had just first joined CJ that I started discussing with you why we shouldn't have gone to war with Iraq, because Iran was the real threat. You and quite a few others told me that I was completely off my rocker.

I never said Iran wasn't a threat or that you'd be off your rocker thinking they are. Well, if I said it...it's still there since CJ has every post dating back to 2003. I challenge you to find it.

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Guest pod

My beef with the liberals is that they're all for 'supporting' diversity until your diversity leans in the direction of carrying weapons and not supporting useless social programs.

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Guest dahzel

i could care less about NPR, but not having PBS would be utter bullshit. aside from sesame street, they show a lot of great documentaries and even have some good concert specials from time to time.

100% agree w/ you. pbs would be a big loss. it's public access so it's free to everyone that has a tv. it does have a lot of educational programing for children and adults and definitely serves a good public service.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i could care less about NPR, but not having PBS would be utter bullshit. aside from sesame street, they show a lot of great documentaries and even have some good concert specials from time to time.

100% agree w/ you. pbs would be a big loss. it's public access so it's free to everyone that has a tv. it does have a lot of educational programing for children and adults and definitely serves a good public service.

Hell yeah!! Thanks to Barney, I have a 22 month old that can count to 20 and say half of the alphabet...
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Guest slamminshaun

i could care less about NPR, but not having PBS would be utter bullshit. aside from sesame street, they show a lot of great documentaries and even have some good concert specials from time to time.

100% agree w/ you. pbs would be a big loss. it's public access so it's free to everyone that has a tv. it does have a lot of educational programing for children and adults and definitely serves a good public service.

Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't local NBC, ABC, NBC, UPN, FOX, etc, etc. free to anyone who has a TV as well? I can't remember the last time I flipped through the channels and thought, "wow, PBS has a really cool documentary British literature tonight, maybe I'll watch..." zzzzzzz

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i could care less about NPR' date=' but not having PBS would be utter bullshit. aside from sesame street, they show a lot of great documentaries and even have some good concert specials from time to time.


100% agree w/ you. pbs would be a big loss. it's public access so it's free to everyone that has a tv. it does have a lot of educational programing for children and adults and definitely serves a good public service.

Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't local NBC, ABC, NBC, UPN, FOX, etc, etc. free to anyone who has a TV as well? I can't remember the last time I flipped through the channels and thought, "wow, PBS has a really cool documentary British literature tonight, maybe I'll watch..." zzzzzzz

No but you jack off to Fox News...

...So your wife tells me :P :P :P

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Guest jamu

Shaun to be honested I started looking back and got as far as page 22 and literally fell asleep in my chair. However if there is a quicker way to search pls let me know because the search tool didn't help me any.

By the way I am sure that it was removed by the goverment in an attempt to block out previous information that might cause them more harm. :P

See you on the next thread biatch.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Shaun to be honested I started looking back and got as far as page 22 and literally fell asleep in my chair. However if there is a quicker way to search pls let me know because the search tool didn't help me any.

By the way I am sure that it was removed by the goverment in an attempt to block out previous information that might cause them more harm. :P

See you on the next thread biatch.

He lured you into his trap and got you to look at 22 pages of scribble scrable..LOL
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