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'500 WMDs Found in Iraq' (June 2006)

Guest obby

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Guest obby


Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Weapons Of Mass Destruction FOUND In Iraq, But Democrats Say "Let's Cut And Run And Surrender!"

Today it was learned in a press conference by U.S. Senator Rick Santorum and U.S. House member Pete Hoekstra that the U.S. Military has found WMD's in Iraq. These two members of Congress have been fighting for months to get these documents declassified.

The partially declassified documents show that 500 shells containing Sarin and Mustard gas were found in Iraq.

The declassified document is here http://hotair.iad.cachefly.net/images/2006-05/iraq-doc.pdf

This is a huge story, yet the libs are already saying it does not change anything since there were "only 500" and that the stuff was probably too old to be dangerous to anyone. They should be apologizing to President Bush, but never will.

This news becomes public on the very day John Kerry tries to get the U.S. Senate to vote for a total pullout of Iraq in less than a year.

On a day we learn that the Islamofacist animals who want us all dead have cut out the eyes, the private parts and the HEADS of our two brave soldiers, those on the left are STILL calling for a pullout.

The liberals would have Iraq become yet another Vietnam, Cambodia and Somolia where we pull out and leave the population to terror and mass murder.

It will take another terrorist attack here in The U.S. before the loony left sees the insanity they are spouting over and over again about Iraq and the War On Terror.

My email is already filling up with angry rants from liberal bloggers who HATE President Bush and the military. They are accusing us on the right of planning this and making this all up.

The reality is they are making up the dream of taking over the House And Senate in November.

I will predict now that they have destroyed that pipedream with their Iraq "policy" of treason and pullout.

I will say now that they will not only NOT win the House and Senate, they will lose seats they think are safe.

In Matworld the U.S. people know who the real patriots and heroes are in the country and it is not the liberals.

We support the war because this is the battle for freedom around the world.

We start to make plans to go after Iran and North Korea so we are ready when, not if, the United Nations fails to make them concede to the will of the free nations.

We ignore the John Murtha's and the Kerry's of the world who want us to LOSE this war for political gain.

This is World War IV, not a game.

It's time the Democrats realized that and help out, but I won't hold my breath.

The Democrat party is dead in the water and they have no clue what serious trouble they are in.

Time to push them over the cliff this November.


Santorum: Military has found 500 chemical munitions shells in Iraq (Video added)posted at 5:45 pm on June 21, 2006 by Allahpundit

He’s reading from a document about it right now with Pete Hoekstra by his side. The shells allegedly contained degraded mustard or sarin gas. He says they believe there are other shells inside the country that haven’t been found yet.

WMD is WMD, but finding a shell here and there when Iran’s about to get the bomb next door leaves me somewhat … underwhelmed.

Update: Actually, is that true? “WMD is WMD� The knock on Ron Suskind’s “mubtakkar of death†is that, as scary as it sounds, it wouldn’t kill any more people inside a subway car than a conventional bomb would. Or a small-arms attack, possibly. Are chemical shells any scarier than, say, grenades? They have a lot more political value, obviously.

Update: And when I say political value, I don’t mean just for Bush. Santorum’s re-election bid is on life support, and of course there’s a debate raging on the Senate floor about the war right now. I’ve been meaning to write about it but don’t have much to say except that it’s entertaining to watch Democrats trying to figure out how defeatist is too defeatist for purposes of getting re-elected.

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Guest jbit

Today it was learned in a press conference by U.S. Senator Rick Santorum and U.S. House member Pete Hoekstra that the U.S. Military has found WMD's in Iraq. These two members of Congress have been fighting for months to get these documents declassified

Declassifed??? Am i the only one that finds it hard to beleive that if WMD's were REALLY found that it could be kept a secret? The journalists are like flies on shit over there just waiting for news like this. But from the looks of that website, every media memeber is a "LIB" that wont tell the truth.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Scenario #1

500 old shells of WMD's that probably don't work, found in Iraq 3 years after 138,000 U.S and coalition troops commited and 3 quarters of a trillion dollars invested in the effort to Iraq.

Scenario #2

Mad man president in Iran claiming to have enriched Uranium 'for peaceful purposes none the less' and has publically sasid that Irsreal should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Zero coalition troops commited in Iran.

Scenario #3

Another rouge nation called North Korea is planning to launch a ballistic missile that they claim can reach the West Coast of the United States across the Pacific Ocean. (If they shot the missle acorss the north pole then theoretically it could strike anywhere in the U.S). Zero Coalition forces embedded in North Korea and zero dollars inversted. More talks at the table continue.

Scenario #4

Numerous warloads and tribal militia (who are not very well armed as compared to a superpower) commiting acts of genocide and on going crimes against humanity casuing massive influx of refugees and destabliztion all across Africa. In Sudan where more than a million refugees are displaced to the Dafur region of Sudan, the U.N has had to CUT it's food rationinig to those starving people in HALF last year from lack of funds..Several millions of dollars invested and zero U.S troops commited to the region

So which scenario above do you think makes the most and the least sense for us to be commiting our time and money to?

It's as simple as that!

The U.S is spending so much money in this war effort in Iraq that they have had to borrow money from CHINA!

The U.S is spending so much money that they can't even outfit troops from 3 out of the 4 military branches with a padding inserted in their helmets that costs $71 which may have prevented numerous deaths and countless injuries to our soilder fighting for scenario #1...

So yes there are people who are pissed off...


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Guest swirlundergrounder

I know ..I know why... The war on terror is in Iraq. If that's the case then why did we let Osama Bin Laden escape from his network of tunnels in Afghanistan? Oh let me guess. Much like the insurgence in Iraq blend in with the general population, Osama Bin Laden belended in with the mountain goats and donkeys... LOL

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Guest swirlundergrounder

This is World War IV, not a game.

What happened to World War III ??? Shit I must have slept through it...LMFAO ;D :P
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Guest Slide On The Ice

Because if we pull out now it will seem the terrorists have won, and pandemonium will reign in Iraq. Which is already happening, obviously. But I do agree that we need to deal with Iran, N. Korea, and the Sudan immediately.

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Guest lyrik

I don't know why this story reminds of a show thats on TV now....can't really remember the channel or name exactly....its the one where these guys go looking for exotic cars and try to build them for celeb's etc....there was an episode where they were trying to find some model t's just recently and rumor had it they were buried out at this old junk place in the sand...they used all the big equip. trying to find them digging and turned up nothing....not saying that there are WMDs still out there...but shit if its that hard to find a couple model t's in a pretty specific location...I could imagine trying to find real WMDs in as much sand that the middle east has.

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Guest jamu

If you agree with the fact that they found WMC's please continue to watch Fox News, pledging to the Christian Coallition, telling people how vastly morally superior you are, while thanking your boss for outsouring your job to China because your too expensive and the company really didn't need you. But hey you didn't need that job anyways I am sure there are plenty of quality jobs for you that haven't been outsourced yet, and god will find it for you, and your family won't be shot in Iraq because they have found those elusive weapons of mass destruction. Hurray!!!!!! ::)

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Guest obby

Because if we pull out now it will seem the terrorists have won, and pandemonium will reign in Iraq. Which is already happening, obviously. But I do agree that we need to deal with Iran, N. Korea, and the Sudan immediately.

We being the USA or you mean the U.N should deal with them?

It's funny how those who have been crrying "What WMD's? What WMD's? There Are No WMD's" are now overlooking or underminding this predicted and huge find and now finding something else to cry about. Hence............


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Guest scubasteve

I tried finding a more nuetral source on this, because obviously REDstate is not nuetral...


not necessarily neutral - but closer. but scroll down to the part where the dept of defense's offical position is that these were pre-1991 weapons (not an ongoing program) and not what this country was looking for when it went to war. plus, they are chemical weapons - not WMD

i found other references in the last two years that those same chemcial weapons (bombs with mustard and sarin) were actually exploded in iraq during various conflicts - so not new news i think.

new york times didnt have anything about it - just about the defeated Dem measure to pull out - so they obviously dont think its big news

more likely a political ploy to use against the dems in the recent pull out of the war debates that have been going on on the Hill.

doesnt really do much for me.... i still think he went in unadvised and this is just a lucky find. i mean everyone thought sadamm had some weapons so its inevitable we found find some. but that was not the premise of the war - we were led to believe there was an actual and specific threat - which so far seems to continue to be untrue

what do you think?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Because if we pull out now it will seem the terrorists have won, and pandemonium will reign in Iraq. Which is already happening, obviously. But I do agree that we need to deal with Iran, N. Korea, and the Sudan immediately.

We being the USA or you mean the U.N should deal with them?

It's funny how those who have been crrying "What WMD's? What WMD's? There Are No WMD's" are now overlooking or underminding this predicted and huge find and now finding something else to cry about. Hence............


Well isn't it funny that there are nations who are obvioulsy very dangerous that have come out and claimed that they have nuclear capabilities and the methods of potentially delivering nuclear devices to neighboring countries and across the world and you are saying that finding 500, 2 decade old, rusty shells full of nerve gas is more of a danger to us???

What's more dangerous OBBY? A long range ballistic warhead that can strike anywhere in the U.S or some 20 year old shells full of nerve gas that has no way of getting here. Don't you think that if these shells full of nerve gas were useful than the insurgence and terrorists would have already used them against our troops at the bases in Iraq?

Or maybe the insurgence didn't know where they were at all and we found them before they did. If that's the case then these shells were never any danger to us..

Yes Sadam used the nerve gas to gas his own people 20 years ago. But the U.S is the only nation to ever use a nuclear weapon against another nation. Wait we used 2 of them actually!

Better yet, the US has stock piles of 10's of thousands of nuclear devices, warheads etc from the cold war whose containment is being threatened by their age. The age of our own nuclear weapons and their containment protocols are starting to break down since they were only designed for 30 to 40 years of containment.

Our own weapons and military are the biggest threat to the world!!!

Or do you think that the radiation from these old relics of the Cold War will just go away??

What I mean from all of this is that yes I believe that terrorism is a great threat to us all. But I think that a nuclear device delivered from Iran that can destory a whole city killing millions of people is much more dangerous than some old rusty shells full of nerve gas from 20 years ago.

I just think that the commitments of the U.S around the world are totally worng.

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Guest jamu

Republicans the offical party of liers. I don't need a pic. The current situation speaks for itself. The investigations, the CIA situation, the NSA situation, and the state of our International Relations is a testiment to the lack of an administration to show propper leadership to a country and the world. And if I were to have a picture that would represent the Republican party it would be a grim picture of a graveyard full of soliders who had died for the lies of an administration.

I am laughing at the idea that people believe that they found WMD's in Iraq. Laughing a cold repugnant dissonant laugh full of spite for this country's unhealthy Nationalistic pride.

The fate of this Nation is currently in the hands of fools at best.

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Guest slamminshaun

What's more dangerous OBBY? A long range ballistic warhead that can strike anywhere in the U.S or some 20 year old shells full of nerve gas that has no way of getting here.

And to think, liberals by and large to not support a space defense system but in the same breath admit we could be annihilated by a long-range missile.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

What's more dangerous OBBY? A long range ballistic warhead that can strike anywhere in the U.S or some 20 year old shells full of nerve gas that has no way of getting here.

And to think' date=' liberals by and large to not support a space defense system but in the same breath admit we could be annihilated by a long-range missile.

[/quote']But you know what? I do support a space based defense system. Hell I support weapons in space. At least we could use them to eliminate our enemies rather then send thousands of young men and women into harms way to deal with a threat.

And as an environmentalist, I would rather have our weapons out in the vast void of space rather than have them here on Earth! What ever weapon they concieve of that they put in spcae is a lot safer than having it here on the ground where it can compromise the environment and be accessable to our enemies.

At least if you have some kind of weapon in space (of course nothing nuclear or chemicals since they can be detonated in our atmosphere by mistake) the ability to control that weapon would be kept safe under the tightest security.

Put all the weapons in Space. Makes sense to me!!!

How's that from a Liberal point of view??

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Guest slamminshaun

Start convincing your buddies. As long as Bush wants weapons in space, left-wingers will dutifully take the other side of the issue just to spite him.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Start convincing your buddies. As long as Bush wants weapons in space' date=' left-wingers will dutifully take the other side of the issue just to spite him.

[/quote']Dude I see nothing wrong with having some kind of early warning defense system that can shot a missle down with a laser beam. Or some kind of long range weapon that could take out a building with an ememy in it from space... It may cost a lot but it would save more lives imo...

And it would be cleaner also... 8)

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Guest xmuzik

If you really wanna see what the american people think about pulling out , then the next time your having sex do this little excersize in sociology.

When your with your man or woman having hot freak sex without some kind of condom or some kind of plan for the future just look them in the eye and say "Pulling Out Would Be A Mistake " and see how long they listen to you without cutting & running :)

Thank You for attending Xmuzik's Political Science Class Room 101

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Guest obby
Well isn't it funny that there are nations who are obvioulsy very dangerous that have come out and claimed that they have nuclear capabilities and the methods of potentially delivering nuclear devices to neighboring countries and across the world and you are saying that finding 500, 2 decade old, rusty shells full of nerve gas is more of a danger to us???

Yo I'm with you on that one but we must admit that different countries require different methods. Besides we MUST give the UN an opertunity to finally do their job prior to them depending on the USA to step in and adding teeth to their teethless bite. Don't let that fact that these WMD's were found "degraded" blind you from the fact that Saddam signed and defaulted on more than 20 UN resolutions. During the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 Saddam swore to the UN and the WORLD that he had zero WMD's. ZERO! ZIPPO! NADA. ZILCH!

Not 20% degraded YES! and 80% graded NO!


Regardless, so many are now crying at why we did not release this info earlier. Seems like some live to cry instead of resolve. Do you guys remember the details released a while back about the facts that Russians moved large stocks of WMD's out of Baghdad and Iraq in the fall of 2002. We've all heard what General Sada, the Iraqi defector said. He said that they went into three locations in Syria and one location in the Bekaa Valley. The fingerprints go back to Russia, China and France. Makes a lot of sense now why they voted against the disarmament of Saddam. So the key question now is do we X them and embarrass them in the Worlds eyes or do we pressure them behind closed doors to make up for their mistakes. To be a bigger part on this war on terror.

Now... "Those are the three countries that had the most conventional weapon sales to Saddam Hussein. We've done an inventory on that, so that's public, and I believe they were complicit, so I don't think the administration wants to trash three of the five members of this Security Council." Let me translate. Those weapons were there and they were moved out by the Russians and by the French, by the Chinese, primarily the Russians providing most of the actual manpower and equipment to do it. They were moved to Syria, Bekaa Valley and three other locations.

China and France and Russia -- we all know this from the oil-for-food program, by the way -- were all engaged in selling large stockpiles of conventional weapons to Saddam and in some cases some people think maybe weapons that could be converted to the so-called biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction. I just don't think this administration is going to force the issue because he doesn't want to accuse three of our allies on the Security Council of being complicit here. So, that's why it's going to require alternative voices to keep the pressure on, keep the heat on, and it can be done. Believe me, there are people livid about this, and the fact that it's being ignored and swept under the rug is only going to fuel the energy of those of us who want to spend time getting the information out.

So....we either point fingers and play the "we busted you game" or profetionally confront Russia, China and France (behind closed doors) pressuring them to now be a bigger part on this war on terror.

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Republicans the offical party of liers. I don't need a pic. The current situation speaks for itself. The investigations, the CIA situation, the NSA situation, and the state of our International Relations is a testiment to the lack of an administration to show propper leadership to a country and the world. And if I were to have a picture that would represent the Republican party it would be a grim picture of a graveyard full of soliders who had died for the lies of an administration.

That's why both Republicans and Democrats agreed with not setting a date for withdrawl. ???

Even some Democrats are against Kerry's proposal

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Guest slamminshaun

Republicans the offical party of liers. I don't need a pic. The current situation speaks for itself. The investigations, the CIA situation, the NSA situation, and the state of our International Relations is a testiment to the lack of an administration to show propper leadership to a country and the world. And if I were to have a picture that would represent the Republican party it would be a grim picture of a graveyard full of soliders who had died for the lies of an administration.

That's why both Republicans and Democrats agreed with not setting a date for withdrawl. ???

Even some Democrats are against Kerry's proposal

Even the fuckin' Democrats don't know where they stand on the issue. They just came out with a "New Direction" to take back Congress this year. Yeah, ok...where is their Iraq policy???????? Read closely...THEY DON'T HAVE ONE. Some new direction their taking. Their new policy is to have no policy. Take a look for yourself and you tell me where they address Iraq with this "New Direction".


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