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'500 WMDs Found in Iraq' (June 2006)

Guest obby

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Guest trancepriest

Hey how does everyone like those new Iraqi high schools that we built... what about the new roads.... the new eletrical grids... O' wait a second, I must be dreaming.. we didn't build none of that... OK.. what about the Green Zone?

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Guest Mattivi

last time i checked mustard gas isnt a weapon of mass destruction. its a terrible weapon, but its not exactly a nuke.

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Guest teabag

vietnam had mustard gas......is not a weapon of mass destruction......biological, radiological weapons and nuclear weapons are considered wmd's as they can inflict "unforeseen" destructive power.....although mustard gas can inflict massive casualties on unprotectected civilians......is not what the US government meant when they said that Irak had acquired the parts necessary for uranium enrichment and the cia was warning of Saddam's biological and chemical warfare capabilities....however the most important statement is the one made by the State Department documents declassified in 2006 cite hundreds of weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, but according to the Defense Department these were unusable, degraded, pre-1991 weapons....so the cia was right except they didn't have any more than they did when daddy Bush went to war on the frist encounter with Saddam.

Let's not play the twist game here no nuclear weapon or even uranium was in iraqui hands.......that was the reason to go to war....from all the nonsense they were feeding us before we went up there I was expecting massive American casualties by the biological arsenal in his power...if he had them he would have used them against the Americans...but he didnt have shit.

CIA is unreliable.....even at their peak during the cold war...didn't even know that communism fell in the soviet union until they heard it on the radio.....go here for more cia info http://www.thememoryhole.org/ciacrimes.htm

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Guest jamu

Republicans the offical party of liers. I don't need a pic. The current situation speaks for itself. The investigations' date=' the CIA situation, the NSA situation, and the state of our International Relations is a testiment to the lack of an administration to show propper leadership to a country and the world. And if I were to have a picture that would represent the Republican party it would be a grim picture of a graveyard full of soliders who had died for the [i']lies of an administration.

That's why both Republicans and Democrats agreed with not setting a date for withdrawl. ???

Even some Democrats are against Kerry's proposal

Even the fuckin' Democrats don't know where they stand on the issue. They just came out with a "New Direction" to take back Congress this year. Yeah, ok...where is their Iraq policy???????? Read closely...THEY DON'T HAVE ONE. Some new direction their taking. Their new policy is to have no policy. Take a look for yourself and you tell me where they address Iraq with this "New Direction".


What does that have to do with what I am saying. I am not talking about the democrats having a plan because after watching CSPAN today and watching both the parties I almost fell over puking on both ends. But man the Republican party is guilty of a lot more then just party division. But hey Shaun if you think that party division is an issue worse then lying to a country and keeping unified on a bold face lie, while innocent American Soliders DIE, by all means keep arguing on the side of the Republicans. Because they (Democrats) are a party of whimps; worrying about some mothers child that might be on the news tommorrow, that could have insted been home studying in college, while its so much more macho to stay in a country and in a war that we should have never been a part of.

Worrying about a political parties unity is my last worry. Worrying about how they will get our troops back home alive is my first concern. Then my next concern would be how they would punish those individuals that took us to War by lying. But hey I would rather vote for a group of individuals worried about bring our troops home and getting them out of harms way even if they weren't a unified party. But I also believe that this party non unification is also just a really really stupid ploy by the Rep party to distract us from what is important the fact that they lied to us, the continue to lie to us, and they will continue to use emotionally impactfully wording so as to avoid remembering stuff like how 1000's of people suffered during Kartina while Bush Vacationed, while they went to war on the prefece of WMD's, while they lied to us about domestic esponage, while they lied to us about economic growth, and while they lie about conditions of Iraq, and while they lie to us about outting Valerie Plame ect... ect... ect...

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Guest swirlundergrounder

vietnam had mustard gas......is not a weapon of mass destruction......biological, radiological weapons and nuclear weapons are considered wmd's as they can inflict "unforeseen" destructive power.....although mustard gas can inflict massive casualties on unprotectected civilians......is not what the US government meant when they said that Irak had acquired the parts necessary for uranium enrichment and the cia was warning of Saddam's biological and chemical warfare capabilities....however the most important statement is the one made by the State Department documents declassified in 2006 cite hundreds of weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, but according to the Defense Department these were unusable, degraded, pre-1991 weapons....so the cia was right except they didn't have any more than they did when daddy Bush went to war on the frist encounter with Saddam.

Let's not play the twist game here no nuclear weapon or even uranium was in iraqui hands.......that was the reason to go to war....from all the nonsense they were feeding us before we went up there I was expecting massive American casualties by the biological arsenal in his power...if he had them he would have used them against the Americans...but he didnt have shit.

CIA is unreliable.....even at their peak during the cold war...didn't even know that communism fell in the soviet union until they heard it on the radio.....go here for more cia info http://www.thememoryhole.org/ciacrimes.htm


If there were WMD's in Iraq when Sadam was still in power during our invasion wouldn't Sadam had use them?

Of course he would have! He set all those oil wells in Kuwait on fire that still burn until today when he was forced to leave Kuwait. Sadam has no mercy. He gased his own people a few decades ago killing thousands.

So why did he not unleash these WMDs on the invading force during the US intitial invasion of Iraq? He didn't have the time? Nope. He knew we were coming. If he did not want to hurt any of his people he could have used these so called WMDS on the US invasion force out in the freakin desert somewhere..

Don't you all remember the live footage? We were all glued to the TV for 3 days straight waiting and waiting to see if something would happen to our troops on live TV!

But nope. The US just rolled into Baghdad uncontested! The WMDs we all feared would be used against the invading forces were never used!

Sadam didn't have the military strength to counter our assult. We invaded a nation that had been weakend with a military that had ben drained from all the UN embargos placed on the country.

Didn't Colin Powell present satellite imagry of these facilities they said were producing WMDs and then it was found out years later that the CIA gave the cabinet faulty info??

Come fuckin on people. I don't care what anyone says. The CIA and the FBI even know when I'm fuckin jackin off in the bathroom. They know how much I spent on gas today. Are you going to tell me that they didn't try to confirm all this information first before planning the invasion?

There's something else bigger going on and all the products of the Military Industrial Complex who ae memebers of CJ are to brainwashed to question our governments actions even when things just don't add up and when there is no Logic to our governments action...

Speaking of Logic. Where is Dr Logic in this discussion?

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Guest Mattivi

to tell you the truth it makes sense that we wouldnt have just waltzed into iraq like we did with such unabashed bravado, if we truly thought they had wmd's that posted a immediate and present danger. it was like a modern day blitzkrieg.

im not angry that we went to war with iraq, i just believe we were misled with the reasoning behind it. the bush camp vacillated on the issue it seemed from day to day. lets face it, GW wanted to stabilize the middle east more, establish a democratic prescence in the region, and maybe get some payback for good ole' dad. and not to mention in a few years we will benefit on the back end with cheaper oil.

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Guest teabag

to tell you the truth it makes sense that we wouldnt have just waltzed into iraq like we did with such unabashed bravado, if we truly thought they had wmd's that posted a immediate and present danger. it was like a modern day blitzkrieg.

im not angry that we went to war with iraq, i just believe we were misled with the reasoning behind it. the bush camp vacillated on the issue it seemed from day to day. lets face it, GW wanted to stabilize the middle east more, establish a democratic prescence in the region, and maybe get some payback for good ole' dad. and not to mention in a few years we will benefit on the back end with cheaper oil.

I understand your point of view....but taking from your own post how can we teach anything about democracy when we violate international law to invade a country that has not attacked us, mislead the public on real and present dangers and still present itself as the moral highground for truth and justice.....we are the invaders..

I understand the concept between the lines of fighting a war against our enemies on foreign soil away from America...as we have promted Alquaida to act in Irak instead of our soil....better there than here....that do not make it right...irak's civil population is never going to forget this hell...not tomorrow not ever...they are also people who go to work everyday and doesnt want a bomb to go off in a bus.....the fact we invaded will be the the reasoning the world and history will judge us...how we let our government get away with such an act.....there is a selfish good hopefully...the oil, democracy if it spreads (even though middle east culture clashes with the concept from every cultural aspect)

This is not a war for irakies to become a democratic republic is our chosen ground to engage the enemy without a face we dont want in America.....that is better for us in the west; does not make it fair, just or even close to legal.

And I based this reasoning like many other people do in the fact that North Korea is really crazy and has both the nuclear and missile capabilitie to engage us....Iran is our sworn enemy working on their Uranium....that did not happen in 3 years is been there for a while......maybe we used Irak as well as a propanganda to show our initial muscle when we invaded to let Korea and Iran know we meant business and show off the MOAB and all sorts of modern weaponry....Is that fair to the Iraqui people?? At some point we are going to address this 2 nations who are not aghost enemy but one with logitude and latitude.....is strange time this is not about being a democrat a Republican or an independant...is about thinking on our own...and yes!!! to be a little mad about invading countries that did not provocked us for head on confrontation...... believe it or not there is a lot more danger in Nkorea and Iran than alqueida, saddam his whole deck of cards military, all the jihad warriors in the world combine could ever do to us.

The piggy told so many lies before, that the other piglets didn't believe the real wolf was knocking at the door to eat them.....


Bush gets the blame as the head of gov...not the CIA, not Cheney.....he had so much support after 911 he could have been an excellent president and pushed legislation to secure borders, to take care of the Afghan problem in a real way....(taliban aint going nowhere) push the world for intelligence cooperation and crackdown on extremists in Europe......what do we have now 0 cooperation from foreing intelligence, complaints about guantanamo and every other banana peel on the floor.....this is what people are failing to see Bush has not been a great leader he has wasted political and national support that no president had since wwII......now we drag our feet on a pile of shit.....and what's worse soldiers snapping and giving a bad name to the others following orders....cannot pull out......cannot send more.....0 strategy for Irak and the middle east as a whole other than.....and our enemies lurk in the dark with the same will to hit us here....some lurk some wait like NKorea and Iran to .......Nkorea is preparing a missile testpretty soon we better take it out....not just throw flares on the ocean.....we better take it cause the real bad wolf is knocking our doors.

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Guest Mattivi

you make some great points, esp about that area not being receptive or cabable of accetpting democracy. they are too theocratic with their islamic dogma. their is no separation of church and state with those people, they are one and the same. anyways, i think the reason we went to war with Iraq over north korea is for a myriad of reasons.

1) Like you said North Korea is capable of a nuclear attack, Iraq was not. Even tho i think intel on Iraq having WMD's was nebulous and inconclusive at best, but we obviously thought they were trying to acquire them. And lets face it, Saddam with nuclear capabilites would have been a scary situation. he would have probably attacked israel, and the worlds knows we suck israels cock every chance we get.

2) On the flip side of the coin North korea is not an oil rich country!!

3) North Korea is not harboring any known Al-Qaida terrorist. The fact that we just took out Al Zarqawi is huge victory in itself. The man was a butcher and this potentially saved hundreds, maybe thousands of american lives. Who knows how many insidious plots that man and his terror cell had planned against us?

4) Engaging war with North Korea could have a domino effect in that area of the world. who knows if china might get involved. to me north korea is much more delicate and sensitive issue. and your right that they pose much more a POTENTIAL dangerous threat than iraq and all jihad warriors in the world do. but at the same time i dont see north korea or iran, cutting americans heads off on tv, flying planes into skyscrapers on US soil, and blowing up buses. iminent and potential threats are two different things.

i agree, this was a ill adivsed and misguided war. it should have been more thought out and every plausible scenario should have been explored and exhausted, before engaging war. but this is the situation we are in, more soldiers dying every day and a sagging diplomatic reputation worldwide. but i have to think something good will come out of this, call me blindly patriotic.

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Guest trancepriest

3) North Korea is not harboring any known Al-Qaida terrorist. The fact that we just took out Al Zarqawi is huge victory in itself. The man was a butcher and this potentially saved hundreds, maybe thousands of american lives. Who knows how many insidious plots that man and his terror cell had planned against us?

Do you read the news?

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Guest obby

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) generally include nuclear, biological, chemical and, increasingly, radiological weapons. The term first arose in 1937 in reference to the mass destruction of Guernica, Spain, by aerial bombardment. Following the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and progressing through the Cold War, the term came to refer more to non-conventional weapons. ...

It's kind of sad to know that some out there do not even know the true definition of a WMD. 9-11 showed most that a simple box cutter and airplane can be a WMDl. This whole "mustard gas is not a WMD" is really sad.

I give up.

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Guest drlogic

We're gonna lose 10,000 troops taking Baghdad in a long, drawn out war......

-We took Baghdad in 3 weeks w/ minimal casualties and the critics then move the "goal posts" to imply it doesn't matter unless we capture Saddam.

We can't even find Saddam, Uday or Kusay......

-We find/kill Uday/Kusay and later capture Saddam only to have the critics again move the goal posts and claim their death/capture signify nothing because the insugency continues.....and then begin to bitch about not being able to find Zarqawi.....

How come the "mighty" USA can't find Zarqawi?

-Wind find/kill Zarqawi and collect a plethora of new intel found in his laptop and a thumb drive found in Zaqawi's pocket only to have to critics AGAIN move the goal posts and claim it's insignifigant.

These critics are the same people who claim they support the troops but not the "mission"..LOL...LOL..LOL...LOL..(as if that were even possible....LOL.....) yet, they jump all over any "unconfirmed" reports of abuse against prisoners/iraqi's by our troops......all while practically ignoring the fact that anytime our troops or contractors have been captured during this insurgency, they've been brutally tortured, beheaded, burned alive, dismembered, etc.....and these same critics and their "pseudo-outrage" against these sorts of things can't muster the time/energy to denounce it.....Interesting,,don't ya' think??? (yeah,,,"i support the troops"..LOL OKEE-DOKEY??????...Sure you do? Keep tell'n yourself that!)


On this issue of WMD, another possible scenario is that the records indicate that the majority of these WMD's purchased by Saddam post gulf war 1 were purchased from France, Russia and China(that is on the record and indesputable). These are the same (UN security council)countries which interestingly enough did their best to undermine the US @ the UN and have since been found to have been directly assisting Iraq in the OIL for FOOD scandal. These same countries still sit on the Security Council and are supposedly alies to America. America may still need UN support from these countries and the CLASSIFIED docs might very well implicate these countries as being COMPLICIT in assisting Iraq hide/remove WMD before the invasion 3 yrs. ago.

To me, that makes a whole lot more sense than some of the emotionally fueled psycho-babble spewed by the Anti-American critics who IMHO should be wearing Al-Qaida cheerleading outfits and holding pom-pom's.

But that's just me.........


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Guest drlogic

Speaking of Logic. Where is Dr Logic in this discussion?

Sorry Flip,,,I've been busy sipping kool-aid @ my vast right wing conspiracy meeting. lol

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Guest drlogic

But wait,,,there's more.................:

The same people who claim that the election in Ohio in 2004 was stolen, the same people who claim that the election in Florida in 2000 was stolen, without any evidence, by the way, played down this evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Same people, same people who believed that we are systematically torturing detainees, will play down this evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The same people, the same people who accuse our troops of war crimes before a trial and a verdict, will play down this evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

The Drive-By Media and those lame Democrats are so committed to the Bush-lied position, nothing will allow them to move off of that position no matter what evidence is forthcoming. It is always, always an uphill battle to get the truth out. And you can forget the drive-bys. Their template is destroying Bush and destroying the war effort, and that template is forged in common ground with the Democratic Party. Just like we got the truth out on the Senate immigration bill, it is going to be up to us, ladies and gentlemen, to get the truth out on weapons of mass destruction and overcome the obdurate stubbornness and blindness of the Democrats and the Drive-By Media.

It's going to be up to us to give courage and a backbone to our own people on our side of the aisle to stand up as I am standing up now and say, "These are facts." The same people relying on no evidence to charge election fraud, to charge detainee abuse, to charge criminal behavior on the part of our troops, will look squarely at evidence and facts of weapons of mass destruction, "That's not a big deal, it's irrelevant. It doesn't matter." I'll tell you what they're going to do, folks. They're now going to try to attack Santorum and they're going to do so for two reasons. They want to try to send a message that anybody else who dares go out like Santorum has and move off the accepted line that Bush lied and there were no weapons of mass destruction, is going to be targeted, is going to be punished, and they're going to try to defeat Santorum by saying that he is politicizing this.

They're going to pretend after they go after Santorum that the chairman of House intelligence committee was not at yesterday's news conference, Pete Hookstra, because he after all has more access to this information than most, and there is much more. There's a lot that has not been unclassified yet. There will be no calls by the Drive-By Media for the release in full of this document. We've only got a little of it released right now because they don't want to know what all that's in it, it would undermine their template. They're going to be more interested in suppressing this, ignoring it, and moving on.

It is a secret. The information in this document and others is a secret that they want kept secret. John Murtha's arguing out there saying if you've not seen combat, you can't voice opposition to his view. This is pretty sick stuff. It is repeated by the libs all the time. I thought we were a government ruled by civilian leaders. Isn't that what the libs tell us? I thought the libs opposed military personnel voting in 2000 and 2004. They tried to suppress absentee ballots in Florida for military personnel. Remember that, folks. I didn't know that Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or scores of other Democrats had served in the military to keep talking about redeployment of our troops. They keep talking about policy, keep talking about war policy, but according to Murtha and the Drive-By Media and a lot of other Democrats, "Unless you've faced fire, unless you've been out there and faced those guns and faced those bullets, why --" and I've heard this myself, too -- "you don't have a right to talk about this because you haven't paid the price! You don't have any clue." Well, I didn't know that Hillary was in the military. I know she wanted to be a Marine, she said so, but I didn't know she actually did it. It's the same thing with Pelosi, Hillary Clinton. Comes down to this, folks. If you oppose the war, you could have served or you may not have served, doesn't matter. But if you support the troops, then only those who saw combat are to be heard in their defense.

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Guest trancepriest

Dude the only thing that makes a difference is the change on the ground in Iraq... so what if we killed Al Zarqawi and captured Saddam Hussein... the situation in Iraq is far from secure.

You conservative fuckers keep changing the goal post. First it was Weapons of Mass Destruction. Then after years of finding nothing then it was securing Iraq and building the infrastructure... after years of not building shit and no security.. then it was supporting democracy in the middle east. What the fuck... we were told to be scared of aluminum tubes... centrifuges.. the Iraqi's were trying to build a NUCLEAR BOMB... mobile labs with nerve agents... its all been a fucking lie.. and the insurgency is growing.

We don't need no conservative revisionist history. Al Zarqawi is dead... today Baghdad is on a security clamp down with attacks just north of the green zone. Yeap I sure see the insurgency waning... perhaps this is its last death throes.

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Guest trancepriest

The reason why people thought more american soldiers would die in taking Iraq... is because the Bush administration lied to us about Weapons of Mass Destruction. So of course if Saddam Husseein possessed stockpiles of Weapons of Mass destruction then any person believing the lie would have thought he would use em. I didn't believe the lie from day one. I remember being at college watching Colin Powell giving the speech to the UN on my PDA... with Tenet behind him... and I was shaking my head and saying what a fucking sell out. George Tenet and Powell resigned the CIA is towing the administration line and now more authority has been handed over to the Pentagon.

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Guest drlogic

Revisionist history???

no? no he didn"t???? LOL

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black......LOL

My advise to you my young padwan is:

Try standing up for something, than against everything. What you do is easy and takes minimal effort (ie...bitching)

Try offering alternatives or supporting someone who has an alternative that has not already been tried/failed. Until then, all you've got to offer is a chiwowa's high pitched bark.

bow....bow wow.....bow wow wow................


As Tom (of tom & jerry once said...lol)..

"Is you is,,,or is you ain't my baby"....................LOL

People like you really make me smile. Thank you! And happy Friday to you!

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Guest drlogic

The reason why people thought more american soldiers would die in taking Iraq... is because the Bush administration lied to us about Weapons of Mass Destruction. So of course if Saddam Husseein possessed stockpiles of Weapons of Mass destruction then any person believing the lie would have thought he would use em. I didn't believe the lie from day one. I remember being at college watching Colin Powell giving the speech to the UN on my PDA... with Tenet behind him... and I was shaking my head and saying what a fucking sell out. George Tenet and Powell resigned the CIA is towing the administration line and now more authority has been handed over to the Pentagon.

If Bush lied,,then that means Clinton, Albright, Gore, Kerry, etc.... ALL LIED...Cause Bush said NOTHING different than what was already said by the previous admin and most demz in congress.

Are you saying EVERYONE lied? Except Saddam, of course..He was honest.....

Gimme an:












Be, be



Dude,,,u'r funny!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Dude the critics jump all over the reports of prisoner abuse becasue those actions are in direct violation of the Geneva Convention with regards to the treatment of prisoners. If we being America are supossed to be the quote un-quote leaders of the moral and free world then we need to obviously abide by those rules that we helped layed out. Otherwise we just look like a bunch of hypocrits to the rest of the world. And no one gives any sort of credibility to hypocrits.

As far as the capture of Sadam and his sons it makes no difference what so ever. Sadam's power and influence still reach out beyond the confins of his jail cell. And it make no difference to Al-Queda is Osama and his #2- #25 men are killed. Someone always will be waiting to step up. It's like trying to cut the head off of a dragon and then the dragon just grows it's head back.

Until we change our policy, our stance and position with how we deal with certain areas and issues of the world, this current terrorism will live on.

Ask yourself why the insurgency keeps growing and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. Why? Put yourself in the shoes of an ordinary Iraqi civilian for a moment. Or better yet say the roles of the U.S and Iraq were reversed and say that the Iraqi's came over here and invaded the U.S and said that 'Democracy Was Wrong' and came in and over threw our government and tried to push a way of life onto us that is not familiar no matter if you do or do not agree with that way of life.

Think about if Iraqi soilders combed the streets of your neighborhood. Think if the Iraqi government installed a 'puppet governement' here in the U.S, one that you obviously would not trust.

Think about if your way of life was drastically changed in the course of a few days into a life where going outside was risking certain death at times.

Wouldn't you take up arms? Wouldn't you want your way of life back? Maybe the Iraqi' way of life before our occupation wasn't the best life but less people were dying, kids were going to school and going about their everyday lives without worrying about being killed just walking down the street.

Wouldn't you take up arm and try to get rid of and resist a foriegn invading and occupying force? If the situation were reversed I bet you would!

Or would you blindly just go along with what was happening all around you? Or are you all to arrogant to even put yourself into the shoes of the Iraqi people and wonder why people join the insurgency.

It's not only the insurgecey and the terrorist that don't want us there. I'm starting to believe that the Iraqi people are growing impaitent with this whole process. Wouldn't you be growning impaitent after 3 and a half years of living in the most dangerous city in the most dangerous country in the world???

I'm sorry man. I feel for the troops and their families and don't you fuckin' dare say that just because I don't support our governements policies that I don't support our troops!

You don't think I don't feel any sorrow for the families of these young men and women whose pictures I see on the news after they are killed? You don't think I don't feel for them when I see them laying in VA hospital beds with lost limbs forever altering their way of life?

You don't think I don't feel for our troops who will miss the years of their children growing up and living with the fear of possibly never seeing their mom or dad again?

A big fuck you if you are going to label me along with these critcs of the war that you say don't support our troops just because we don't support our adminstrations policy.

I'm sorry man but if an Iraqi soilder were walking down my street leaving total and utter destruction behind him every where he went. You bet I would take up arms and try to get rid of him!!!

And what would the Iraqi government call me if I was killing thier soilders as they tried to enter my home? Whould they call me a hero? No they would call me part of the insurgency! They would label me a terrorist!

We need to really dig deep and find out what is making this insurgency grow and look beyond the scope of what we are believing the cause is of their growth. Otherwise this is going to go on for longer than we wanted and longer than what we prepared for.

George Bush Sr. didn't go the route we are on now back in 1991 because he said himself that 'THERE IS NO VIABLE EXIT STRATEGY' when dealing with Iraq! Those were his own words!! Don't you people think that if there were a viable exit strategy after invading Iraq that he would have attempted to oust Sadam 15 years ago?

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Guest slamminshaun

I support the police, but don't support the way they arrest people. I support firefighters, but don't support the way they put out fires. I support teachers, but can't stand the way they teach kids. I support doctors, but don't support the way they cut people open. I support lawyers....wait, fuck no...fuck the lawyers.

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Guest drlogic

Dude the critics jump all over the reports of prisoner abuse becasue those actions are in direct violation of the Geneva Convention with regards to the treatment of prisoners. If we being America are supossed to be the quote un-quote leaders of the moral and free world then we need to obviously abide by those rules that we helped layed out. Otherwise we just look like a bunch of hypocrits to the rest of the world. And no one gives any sort of credibility to hypocrits.

As far as the capture of Sadam and his sons it makes no difference what so ever. Sadam's power and influence still reach out beyond the confins of his jail cell. And it make no difference to Al-Queda is Osama and his #2- #25 men are killed. Someone always will be waiting to step up. It's like trying to cut the head off of a dragon and then the dragon just grows it's head back.

Until we change our policy' date=' our stance and position with how we deal with certain areas and issues of the world, this current terrorism will live on.

Ask yourself why the insurgency keeps growing and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. Why? Put yourself in the shoes of an ordinary Iraqi civilian for a moment. Or better yet say the roles of the U.S and Iraq were reversed and say that the Iraqi's came over here and invaded the U.S and said that 'Democracy Was Wrong' and came in and over threw our government and tried to push a way of life onto us that is not familiar no matter if you do or do not agree with that way of life.

Think about if Iraqi soilders combed the streets of your neighborhood. Think if the Iraqi government installed a 'puppet governement' here in the U.S, one that you obviously would not trust.

Think about if your way of life was drastically changed in the course of a few days into a life where going outside was risking certain death at times.

Wouldn't you take up arms? Wouldn't you want your way of life back? Maybe the Iraqi' way of life before our occupation wasn't the best life but less people were dying, kids were going to school and going about their everyday lives without worrying about being killed just walking down the street.

Wouldn't you take up arm and try to get rid of and resist a foriegn invading and occupying force? If the situation were reversed I bet you would!

Or would you blindly just go along with what was happening all around you? Or are you all to arrogant to even put yourself into the shoes of the Iraqi people and wonder why people join the insurgency.

It's not only the insurgecey and the terrorist that don't want us there. I'm starting to believe that the Iraqi people are growing impaitent with this whole process. Wouldn't you be growning impaitent after 3 and a half years of living in the most dangerous city in the most dangerous country in the world???

I'm sorry man. I feel for the troops and their families and don't you fuckin' dare say that just because I don't support our governements policies that I don't support our troops!

You don't think I don't feel any sorrow for the families of these young men and women whose pictures I see on the news after they are killed? You don't think I don't feel for them when I see them laying in VA hospital beds with lost limbs forever altering their way of life?

You don't think I don't feel for our troops who will miss the years of their children growing up and living with the fear of possibly never seeing their mom or dad again?

A big fuck you if you are going to label me along with these critcs of the war that you say don't support our troops just because we don't support our adminstrations policy.

I'm sorry man but if an Iraqi soilder were walking down my street leaving total and utter destruction behind him every where he went. You bet I would take up arms and try to get rid of him!!!

And what would the Iraqi government call me if I was killing thier soilders as they tried to enter my home? Whould they call me a hero? No they would call me part of the insurgency! They would label me a terrorist!

We need to really dig deep and find out what is making this insurgency grow and look beyond the scope of what we are believing the cause is of their growth. Otherwise this is going to go on for longer than we wanted and longer than what we prepared for.

George Bush Sr. didn't go the route we are on now back in 1991 because he said himself that 'THERE IS NO VIABLE EXIT STRATEGY' when dealing with Iraq! Those were his own words!! Don't you people think that if there were a viable exit strategy after invading Iraq that he would have attempted to oust Sadam 15 years ago?


damn flip....i had a great reply but it turned out it was too long and I lost everything I wrote...

bottom line.....



Terrrorist in Iraq are the minority. They're shinking, not growing. I know that's not what the news shows you, but it's true! We're winning,,,not the other way around.

keep the faith!

ps...our troops don't want our pity......they make me proud, not sad!

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Guest teabag

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) generally include nuclear, biological, chemical and, increasingly, radiological weapons. The term first arose in 1937 in reference to the mass destruction of Guernica, Spain, by aerial bombardment. Following the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and progressing through the Cold War, the term came to refer more to non-conventional weapons. ...

It's kind of sad to know that some out there do not even know the true definition of a WMD. 9-11 showed most that a simple box cutter and airplane can be a WMDl. This whole "mustard gas is not a WMD" is really sad.

I give up.

If you believe we went there for mustard gas and bullshit pie....you are clueless...please give up....

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Guest teabag

I support the police' date=' but don't support the way they arrest people. I support firefighters, but don't support the way they put out fires. I support teachers, but can't stand the way they teach kids. I support doctors, but don't support the way they cut people open. I support lawyers....wait, fuck no...fuck the lawyers.


Not if the police are fisting people in bathrooms with a broom.......not if they throw a stick of dynamite to clear the oxygen in a fire.......not if the teachers are fucking the students.........not if they cut on the wrong limb..........lawyers are tools use them right.

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Guest obby
Alquaida to act in Irak instead of our soil....better there than here....that do not make it right...irak's civil population is never going to forget this


How lost is this guy?

At least he knows good music. DM rocks!!!!!

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damn flip....i had a great reply but it turned out it was too long and I lost everything I wrote...

bottom line.....



Terrrorist in Iraq are the minority. They're shinking, not growing. I know that's not what the news shows you, but it's true! We're winning,,,not the other way around.

keep the faith!

ps...our troops don't want our pity......they make me proud, not sad!



move along folks...nothing to see here.... ::)

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Guest slamminshaun

"Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent."

Since 2003?? So, while a bunch of you were running your traps about "where's the WMD's? There's no WMD's, Bush lied, blah, blah, blah", they really WERE finding WMD's. I always said, you can't judge things like this until way down the road. History will ultimately decide.

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