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tipping the bartender thread

Guest hiram

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Guest hiram

whats the norm on tipping the bartender here? how much do you dish out esp. when you get hooked up nice??

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whats the norm on tipping the bartender here? how much do you dish out esp. when you get hooked up nice??

Take care of ytour bartender and he'll take care of you. As an ex bartender I can tell you that it works that way. I ususally start off with 15-20% on each drink before I open a tab just to see if he's a good bartender. If he or she is arrogant and/or cannot mix a drink properly. I walk until I find good one. And the minute I find one that suits me, I open a tab and tip between 30-40%. If the bartender is outstanding he or she gets 50%.

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Guest Seb

I got a question, Kat & I went for a wine tasting yesterday and when we were done I wasn't sure if we were supposed to tip or not? Do you tip the servers at a wine tasting? ???

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Guest macboy

I got a question, Kat & I went for a wine tasting yesterday and when we were done I wasn't sure if we were supposed to tip or not? Do you tip the servers at a wine tasting? ???

Normally I would say no, unless it's a place I frequent like Vino. At a lot of tastings I find I end up doing the pouring myself.

Rick, 50%? You are a great tipper. Sorry but there is no way I am tipping 50% unless it's "dollar beer" night at the local pub. No disrespect to the servers here but that's a little high. Anywhere from 15-25% to me is acceptable, depending on level of service. If I'm tipping 2 bucks a drink I don't feel like I should be getting sneered at by the bartender.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I got a question, Kat & I went for a wine tasting yesterday and when we were done I wasn't sure if we were supposed to tip or not? Do you tip the servers at a wine tasting? ???

Normally I would say no, unless it's a place I frequent like Vino. At a lot of tastings I find I end up doing the pouring myself.

Rick, 50%? You are a great tipper. Sorry but there is no way I am tipping 50% unless it's "dollar beer" night at the local pub. No disrespect to the servers here but that's a little high. Anywhere from 15-25% to me is acceptable, depending on level of service. If I'm tipping 2 bucks a drink I don't feel like I should be getting sneered at by the bartender.

I'm an ex-bartender as well. And I took care of the customers who took care of me.

I had a handful of them who always came to see me. They would buy some drinks and after they had a few I would give them some drinks for free. A lot of times they would tip me what they would have paid for the drinks anyways. Some would call that stealing. But you know how much places mark up the price on Alcohol and if they come back often and bring friends with them, you are actually building profit for the business as a whole I believe.

Anyways this relationship between me and special customers are always initiated by customers who tip me good first. I treat people and treat them like everyone else. If you treated me bad a customer I won't hoook you up. If you are hella cool to me and have a good vibe then I'll hook you up. And every once in a while you get that repeat customer that you get to know over time and they hook you up big and you hook them up big!

I used to get ridicoulous tips and go home with around $300-$500 a day working 4 days a week. A lot of work but that's good money for working only 28 hours a week.

As a bartender I hated it when I would be really good to someone and then they under tip you. That bugs the shit out of me.

And as someone who used to be a bartender I always tip good. 30%. If that bartender gets me into the club on their guest list I will include the cover charge I would have paid to get into the club that night in the tip I give them at the end of the night!

Dude have a formula for it. You just have to feel it out. What people who don't work in the service industry realise is that every dollar adds up at the end of the night. So every dollar helps.

And don't take a bartender who is busy and doesn't have time to talk and flatter you as someone being arrogant or mean. They're just busy trying to take care of everyone else so everyone can have a good time and they can make money.

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Guest dancefloored

Havent drank in 18 months and I still give $1 gratuity per bottle of water, spacefuel, ice water, soda, juice, etc etc. $1 per drink is the norm...this is only my opinion though.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Havent drank in 18 months and I still give $1 gratuity per bottle of water, spacefuel, ice water, soda, juice, etc etc. $1 per drink is the norm...this is only my opinion though.

That's cool. You are spending less money on Alcohol anyways..
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Guest sross

I've no issue tipping barstaff but I expect good service first, then they get their tip, as opposed to giving a tip in order to get good service.

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Guest slamminshaun

I've no issue tipping barstaff but I expect good service first, then they get their tip, as opposed to giving a tip in order to get good service.

Yep. There seems to be a sense of entitlement among some bartenders. Give good service, get good tips. Give bad service, get no tip.

T - To

I - Insure

P - Proper

S - Service

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I've no issue tipping barstaff but I expect good service first' date=' then they get their tip, as opposed to giving a tip in order to get good service.


Give good service, get good tips.

That's not always the case. You give good service and most of the time you get megger tips. It's the people who tip you good that evens everything out in the end. You'd be surprised how many cheap people there are out there..
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Guest wasted24_7

I dont always tip the same, tip is based on each individual drink. If I ask for vodka with a spash of cranberry, but get a cranberry and vodka, $1. Cup of vodka, with very little cran, 4-5, depending on quality.

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Guest LeVeL

I've no issue tipping barstaff but I expect good service first' date=' then they get their tip, as opposed to giving a tip in order to get good service.


Yep. There seems to be a sense of entitlement among some bartenders. Give good service, get good tips. Give bad service, get no tip.

T - To

I - Insure

P - Proper

S - Service

Totally agree..with both the both of you.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i always thought tipping was a city in china ???. i know, that's old. but it always made me laugh.

I've never heard of that one b4??? LOL probably becuz people are afraid that I would kung-fu them...
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Guest hiram

yeah i usually tip between3-5 dollars. always go back to the same bartender too week after week. but when you tip them.. do you tip the individual or the staff as a whole and they split it afterwards?

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Guest Devilicious

How great that someone cares enough to ask...

One dollar on a drink that is $8 or more is NOT [i repeat] NOT enough. 15% is a bad tip. It is what cheap people leave because they know they must. Just because it is a drink or beer does not mean you are allowed to leave a smaller percentage!!!

Please remember that you can tip well and still not get a hookup... it doesn't mean the bartender dislikes you or is unappreciative. Their job is to sell liquor and giving it away is essentially stealing so keep that in mind. Different establishments enable and allow employees to make different judgement calls as far as comps are concerned.

You should never be sneered at by a bartender or server. It's their job to give good service and if they can't be nice they should not be in the biz they are in. That being said, it's understandable that someone get a bit upset or insulted when they are working their ass off and you treat them badly.

Bottom line? For the regular customer $1 for a beer and $2 for a drink is fine. If you want or expect more, you should tip more. If you get hooked up, you should tip as if you paid twice what the actual price would be. Example: you order 2 beers. Price would be about $12, good tip would be $3, so you leave $6.

Yes Greg on the patio is an excellent bartender! He not only pours the fire, he also breathes the fire!!! Ray, Shelly, Tom and Zane are also sure-fire great bartenders to choose at Space.

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Guest teabag

when I go out to a club....I usually tip 100% on the tab or more the bartenders I frequent take care of me very well and I like to pay for a good time...free shit sucks.....if is a bartender I do not know I usually order a first big order and tip him/her well and tell them that I wanna have a good time and dont worry about shitty drinks if they are up for it ...there goes my credit card to open a tab and they usually end up as happy as I am when I leave the club hammered.....I work hard enough 24/7 I might as well have a good time when I'm partying or dining out....so far no complaints...

thing is... you can take it as a relative comment is how you spend the money...not how much....sometimes the bartender realizes the potential and gives you as many shots and free drinks as you are buying....I really do not give a sh*t as long as the service is excellent..the happier I am the more I give....I have been known to be so wasted that i cannot really see the total on the tab so I ask the bartender "friend" to tell me how much was my fun....we laugh at each other we ask each other if we had fun and then I usually tell him based on that the percentage....you could buy a bottle of anything cheap in a liquor store....but that is not the idea the idea is for you to indulge yourself if you want to drink....unless you are all baout the music and order water and redbulls...

By the way big thanks to Gabriel at blue ...he is the fuck*ng man!!!

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Guest sross

Having read this thread, all I can say is fuck the bartenders. 15% isn't enough? Fuck off. I'm not tipping bar staff for the 'privilege' of not having my drink watered down. Most bartenders are surly cunts; give me good service, with a smile, and then you might get a tip. Might. Remember, you're a bartender, not a fucking brain surgeon. Jesus.

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Guest pod

With an attitude like that, does it surprise you your drinks are watered down?

Turnabout is fair play. It's not brain surgery, but I'd like to see anyone on here (who isn't or hasn't tended bar) hold up at a real club behind the bar.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Having read this thread, all I can say is fuck the bartenders. 15% isn't enough? Fuck off. I'm not tipping bar staff for the 'privilege' of not having my drink watered down. Most bartenders are surly cunts; give me good service, with a smile, and then you might get a tip. Might. Remember, you're a bartender, not a fucking brain surgeon. Jesus.

If I was stil a bartender and I knew who you were and you came into my club/bar I use my right to refuse service to you. Straight up!

You have obviously never worked in the service industry b4 and have no idea of how much money or how little money people make.

You're right if someone treats you like shit don't tip them. But I don't know many bartenders who would just treat you like shit.

If a bartender treats you good you should always tip them, not 'might' tip them.

How much of a punk ass do you want to looki like in front of your girl (or guy) do you want to look like anyways?

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Guest missgroovethang

I am happy with $1 or $2 per drink...

I have been working at the same bar for years and it's the regulars who throw down like a $100 tip that makes my $500 days 8)

I make all my drinks strong and always pour extras regardless of the tip : )

I have yet to grasp the concept of the purpose of a watered down drink ???

WHER (silent R) E'S MAJOR (silent R) or:

Wair's Maja's P.OV. on this???

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Guest sross

With an attitude like that, does it surprise you your drinks are watered down?

My attitude stems from crap service and watered down drinks. The chicken came before the egg.

Having read this thread, all I can say is fuck the bartenders. 15% isn't enough? Fuck off. I'm not tipping bar staff for the 'privilege' of not having my drink watered down. Most bartenders are surly cunts; give me good service, with a smile, and then you might get a tip. Might. Remember, you're a bartender, not a fucking brain surgeon. Jesus.

If I was stil a bartender and I knew who you were and you came into my club/bar I use my right to refuse service to you. Straight up!

You have obviously never worked in the service industry b4 and have no idea of how much money or how little money people make.

You're right if someone treats you like shit don't tip them. But I don't know many bartenders who would just treat you like shit.

If a bartender treats you good you should always tip them, not 'might' tip them.

How much of a punk ass do you want to looki like in front of your girl (or guy) do you want to look like anyways?

Right, so I should tip just too look cool? "Look at me, I tip big!" How pathetic.

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