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tipping the bartender thread

Guest hiram

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Guest pontifex

I'll agree with shaun as far as waiters are concerned. The majority of waitstaff down here don't know the first thing about proper service. None would last in a New York restaurant. Worst of the worst is south beach. Exception is Emerils. Honestly, if every waiter could just spend one day there to see how its supposed to be done, the south beach dining experience would be all the better.

me and mine figured out a great idea...we bring our dog when we eat on lincoln...the waitstaff know we're locals. not exactly cause & effect...but for the most part we get great service. plus the dog is really cute, that helps too.

Thats gotta be some kind of health code violation, unless its like a seeing-eye dog, in which case its cool.

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Guest coach

I'll agree with shaun as far as waiters are concerned. The majority of waitstaff down here don't know the first thing about proper service. None would last in a New York restaurant. Worst of the worst is south beach. Exception is Emerils. Honestly, if every waiter could just spend one day there to see how its supposed to be done, the south beach dining experience would be all the better.

me and mine figured out a great idea...we bring our dog when we eat on lincoln...the waitstaff know we're locals. not exactly cause & effect...but for the most part we get great service. plus the dog is really cute, that helps too.

Thats gotta be some kind of health code violation, unless its like a seeing-eye dog, in which case its cool.

Not in Miami Beach, in any case. Dogs are everywhere. Usually it is an outside cafe, but I've seen them inside, too.
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Guest pod

In either case, I really think it comes down to personal experience. Some of us by luck or by conscious planning get good service, others get the short end of the stick, either through bad luck or (let's be honest here) being a bad customer. Service staff generally aren't allowed to directly confront a customer (bartenders being an exception, I've seen plenty a club bartender throw down on someone who skips out on their tab, for example), but we all know they have their ways of revenge.

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Guest Electric Eel

That son of a bitch should not be bartending. He has no people skills whatsoever' date=' and can't mix a drink for his life. They need to get rid of his ass. >:(


I know who you are talking about, I actually met him when I was out with a friend who is a bartender as well. After that I went to him a few times on my own and things seemed fine. One time however, I do remember my drink being all cran no vodka so I asked him for more vodka which he obliged too. The rest of the night my drinks were strong as hell. Shouldn't have to ask for it, no need for weak drinks especially when he knew me and i've tipped him well before. Doubt he would have put more vodka in for someone he didnt know, sucks, gives bartenders a bad name.

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Guest miamilawdj04

Ok, as a recent transplant, i just could not BELIEVE the terrible service down here. Mostly in the restaurant / retail industries. As far as retail, ignoring the customer and huffing and sighing, when you ask them a question or for help has been common---it's your JOB! Sorry if that's your lot in life, but do it and don't complain. As far as restaurants, Miami Beach is just ridiculous. I've had some of the worst service of my life there. The excuses "it's busy" or "it's touristy" is a cop out too. Chicago is busy...and i never encountered such behavior and lack of concern for customers as i do here. One restaurant in particular had this one waiter where we waited 30 minutes for OUR DRINKS! when our food was cold like it had been sitting under lights, and when my steak was WELL DONE when i said medium rare, we complained. Not rudely mind you, but just said "hey, you know i asked for medium rare. He started arguing with us---saying we were wrong. It wasn't just our table either. i think the problem is that they don't need to work for anything. They AUTOMATICALLY ADD the 18% tip. Yes you can adjust it, but they figure most will just not want to wait any longer--having to put up with such service...that they'll just leave the money and leave. So they don't work---they EXPECT! Now, as far as Bartenders---i don't have too many complaints. I tip the standard 1 buck for beer and 2 bucks for mixed drinks---but there are times i fluctuate of course. When i go to Space, i stick to the same beautiful blonde--and she's pretty good at hoooking me up with strong drinks. So i tip her well. but when it's 11 bucks a drink---i think we as customers have EVERY RIGHT to expect some friggin' alcohol for that dixie cup!! Also, bars ALWAYS scam by putting SKOL in the STOLI bottle, etcc.....etc....that shit is unacceptable. As far as the bartender at NOCTURNAL--thanks for the heads up---i'll avoid that dude like the plague. Asswipe should not be in that place. People should band together and get the bum fired. But for bartenders making $75,000 + a year??? How can you even complain. Bartending is not rocket science man. Yea you put up with complaints and headaches and a share of assholes...but try slaving away 60 hours in an office and dealing with idiots every day. I'll take the bartending gig at 75,000 a year. Plus you listen to great EDM every week!! :0 alright, i'm out...there's my rant.

ok, so i read what i wrote---don't mean to come off so upset. i usually do get good service--especially from the bartenders. I love space.

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Guest ddg

i think im a good tipper. ???....but i usually cant remember the nite or day...... :P

good bartenders...Matty at Delux, Tal when she was at shine,

Ray at space, Broy and the girl next to him with the mini afro at nocturnal are great as well....

who cares, in the end its only money....

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i think im a good tipper. ???....but i usually cant remember the nite or day...... :P

good bartenders...Matty at Delux, Tal when she was at shine,

Ray at space, Broy and the girl next to him with the mini afro at nocturnal are great as well....

who cares, in the end its only money....

Yeah I agree. That girl next to Broy is a good bartender and she has a really nice personality. Ray and Tom@ Space are really good too.

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Guest lyrik

Ok, as a recent transplant, i just could not BELIEVE the terrible service down here. Mostly in the restaurant / retail industries. As far as retail, ignoring the customer and huffing and sighing, when you ask them a question or for help has been common---it's your JOB! Sorry if that's your lot in life, but do it and don't complain. As far as restaurants, Miami Beach is just ridiculous. I've had some of the worst service of my life there. The excuses "it's busy" or "it's touristy" is a cop out too. Chicago is busy...and i never encountered such behavior and lack of concern for customers as i do here. One restaurant in particular had this one waiter where we waited 30 minutes for OUR DRINKS! when our food was cold like it had been sitting under lights, and when my steak was WELL DONE when i said medium rare, we complained. Not rudely mind you, but just said "hey, you know i asked for medium rare. He started arguing with us---saying we were wrong. It wasn't just our table either. i think the problem is that they don't need to work for anything. They AUTOMATICALLY ADD the 18% tip. Yes you can adjust it, but they figure most will just not want to wait any longer--having to put up with such service...that they'll just leave the money and leave. So they don't work---they EXPECT! Now, as far as Bartenders---i don't have too many complaints. I tip the standard 1 buck for beer and 2 bucks for mixed drinks---but there are times i fluctuate of course. When i go to Space, i stick to the same beautiful blonde--and she's pretty good at hoooking me up with strong drinks. So i tip her well. but when it's 11 bucks a drink---i think we as customers have EVERY RIGHT to expect some friggin' alcohol for that dixie cup!! Also, bars ALWAYS scam by putting SKOL in the STOLI bottle, etcc.....etc....that shit is unacceptable. As far as the bartender at NOCTURNAL--thanks for the heads up---i'll avoid that dude like the plague. Asswipe should not be in that place. People should band together and get the bum fired. But for bartenders making $75,000 + a year??? How can you even complain. Bartending is not rocket science man. Yea you put up with complaints and headaches and a share of assholes...but try slaving away 60 hours in an office and dealing with idiots every day. I'll take the bartending gig at 75,000 a year. Plus you listen to great EDM every week!! :0 alright, i'm out...there's my rant.

ok, so i read what i wrote---don't mean to come off so upset. i usually do get good service--especially from the bartenders. I love space.

Get use to it - im from chicago too....in the 6 years here I havent really found one place that hits on all points of service...some come close...but usually great food service is mired by slow bar service or vice versa...customers do not want nor need to hear excuses...but its common place down here.

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Guest pod

It's a different ball of wax down here. Not everyone is from the States for one, so they have different ideas about tipping, and different ideas of service even on the other side of the coin.

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