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God's Will

Guest dahzel

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Guest dahzel

that's what the mother of the two arab boys said about them being killed by the hezbollah rockets. that's the way she's dealing w/ it but for someone like me who is extremely unreligious, it's insane. btw, it's the two boys that the leader of hezbollah apologized for killing on al jazeera tv. WTF?!?!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm not a religous person either and if my kid was killed I'd probably go APE SHIT!!!

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that comment is unnerving to me. i realize most people in Israel are very religious but thats just crazy. if my kids were killed by rockets or anyone. id like to find out who did it.. castrate the fuckers then skin them alive...

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It's all true. God's an Astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live.

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Guest Marina22

I thought "God's will" was the justification for everything.

I guess in a way it is. I know you are probably just being funny but this is really what religious people think. I just asked my mom about this b/c she is religous (RC) and she lost my brother when he was four. She said that she did and does think that is was God's will. God's will to religous ppl is his chosen destiny for that particular individual. She told me it is a way to cope with the loss but also (if you believe and love God) it is also a way to feel spritually close to her son. I am personally not that spiritual so if I was my mom or that mother I would go Jihad on the person at fault.

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Guest Mattivi

this is probably going to sound "out there", but i have never believed that there is 'gods will' for anything. life is a completely random and disorganized thing; horrible things happen to good people, and good things happen to dispicable characters all the time for no reason. but i do believe that if there is a god's will and its our own will for ourselves. jesus once said 'ye are all god's.' i believe that. i think the creator and creation are one in the same thing, we are just a microcosm of the macrocosm. here is a quote from a book i recently read from neale donald walsch, author of the CWG seris:

Reflecting on the human experience, it may be difficult to imagine a wantless god. Weve been so trained, so indoctrinated, to believe there is a something god wants from su that its's almost impossible to concieve of god who wants nothing. Yet consider the possiblility that there is nothing god could want because there is nothing god is not.

If god is everything, has everything, can create everything, and has created everything, what is god without?

If god is the All in All, the Alpha and Omega, The begining and the end, The Unmoved mover, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, The most holy and most high, what is there left for god to want or need?

The answer keeps coming back NOTHING.

This quote really struck a chord with me, so lucid and true. thought i would share ;)

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Guest HouseJunkie

What's with all the deep philosophical qeustions today,; is there a shortage of liqiour on the beach?

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Guest xmuzik

i hear it was god's will for space to pay me $5,000 a hour to show up and let the audience dance to my ipod while i get shit faced drunk with a bunch of strippers and call girls

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i hear it was god's will for space to pay me $5,000 a hour to show up and let the audience dance to my ipod while i get shit faced drunk with a bunch of strippers and call girls

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Guest Devilicious

this is probably going to sound "out there", but i have never believed that there is 'gods will' for anything. life is a completely random and disorganized thing; horrible things happen to good people, and good things happen to dispicable characters all the time for no reason. but i do believe that if there is a god's will and its our own will for ourselves. jesus once said 'ye are all god's.' i believe that. i think the creator and creation are one in the same thing, we are just a microcosm of the macrocosm. here is a quote from a book i recently read from neale donald walsch, author of the CWG seris:

Reflecting on the human experience, it may be difficult to imagine a wantless god. Weve been so trained, so indoctrinated, to believe there is a something god wants from su that its's almost impossible to concieve of god who wants nothing. Yet consider the possiblility that there is nothing god could want because there is nothing god is not.

If god is everything, has everything, can create everything, and has created everything, what is god without?

If god is the All in All, the Alpha and Omega, The begining and the end, The Unmoved mover, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, The most holy and most high, what is there left for god to want or need?

The answer keeps coming back NOTHING.

This quote really struck a chord with me, so lucid and true. thought i would share ;)


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