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WHY MEEE!!?? why is it that i can never cum from being eaten out?? the first time i got eaten out, it wasnt that great, and this was a couple years ago.. i was with the same guy for a long time, and i continued to let him.. even if it didnt do anything for me.. and i thought, well maybe with time itll get better? well, still after 3 years.. nothing.. well recently, i was with someone else.. and i thought well maybe it was just because the guy before didnt know what he was doing or something? but it was the same thing. now only being eaten by two different people might mean something here ... ( i have bad luck when it comes to this frown.gif ).. or it just doesnt do anything for me at all. WHY!!! is it because im cursed to never cum from it.. or am i just having bad luck with the guys doing it?

i get so jealous when my friends talk about how good it was, frown.gif . cwm45.gif


AIM: DeeLicious8P

Even if we never talk again after tonight, please remember that I am forever changed because of who you are and what you meant to me.

Love Hides Behind Every Corner...I must be walking in circles

Long you live and high you fly, smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be


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Dont' worry, i cant cum from it either!

it just dont do anything for me, i'm thinking maybe invest in some toys to use during it? but i think i'll wait for that untill i find myself a steady bf whos comphy wif me.. smile.gif





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."


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damn gerls

youz gotta werk ya muscles like...

i can cum from it.. not EVERY time, and not EVERY partner.. but once you get a "gro0ve" goin w/ wuteva they are doing down there.... make sure you tell them "RIGHT THERE DONT STOP DOIN THAT" .. =P

u get your muscles into it, and shake ya shit in their face .. hehe.. and someones gonna be cumin up to kiss you w/ a glistening chin =D

like whoa.. cwm12.gif


"ouT 4 doL"

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Now, now Dee, don't dispair…getting eaten isn’t going to get “everyone” off. The fact that you’ve only had two guys may be a factor. Try a few more. There are some really experienced guys/gals who know all kinds of trix (I bet you’ll get a few offers any second now). It’s also possible that your partners were’nt familiar enough with the female anatomy (location of man-in-boat) or maybe you just need someone to spend a little more time down there…for some women it takes a really loooooong time. You’ll get a different technique from each partner. You may need additional stimulation (a finger, a toy, etc… wink.gif.

You could try longer foreplay, or if your man’s really confident, have him bring you to the point of orgasm with regular intercourse, and then have him pull out, and finish you off with his tongue.

Or, you could always get a woman to eat you…they DO know what a girl wants you know, and they would be sooooo much more patient.

The worse case scenario is that Oral sex just doesn’t do it for you. Don’t freak out…one sure fire final way is to manually stimulate yourself while your partner’s munching.

Good luck with the experimentation and keep us informed.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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have you ever tried having your man lay on his back and you straddle his face??? my girl likes that...she positions herself just in the rigth spots where she likes it...plus i love looking up at her like this too...

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I believe that ultimately one wants to learn, and can learn, to get off from a vaiety of different forms of stimulation.

But in the meantime if I was your boyfriend I'd figure that it is the lack of internal / g-spot / penetration stimulus that isn't doing it for you girls. At least in my play book a good session of eating a lady out includes liberal use of the fingers as well. Its not finger or tongue - its fingers and tongue and lips and mouth. 2 or 3 fingers - palm face up - up to the second knuckle and with fingertips stroking the interior of the vagina on the front side about 2-3 inches up will usually put you in the right area. Sometimes deeper. Feel for the slightly rougher patch of skin. And then you are there. Meanwhile, find the clitoris at the same time and begin to work it over at the same time.

I am by no means calling myself a master. Thats my point - eating pussy is hardly rocket science. It just takes a little perserverance. I have had the pleasure and good luck of performing oral sex on several women who have never had orgasms at all or or from oral sex before. In giving these women their first orgasms I found that the key was not so mch fancy skills as determination. In fact, much more so than with girls who are used to getting off from being eaten, I always feel that you have to be way less fancy with the girls who are not quite so responsive yet. Certainly you have to tease a little and get them ready but while with other girls you might be getting tricky with a nibble here and a tease or a flick of the tongue there - with a girl who hasn't cum before there is no substitute for hard work and sweat. Get them aroused then find the g-spot and find the clitoris. Determine what kind of strokes and rhythms that they like on their clitoris and in their pussy and then keep at it. Don't worry too much about being repetitive - this is not the advanced class. Just find their rhythm from their body language and breathing and then - this is most important -keep that rhythm and don't vary the licking or fingering technique much. Since their orgasms are fragile they will need to focus around a particular sensation and ride it over the top. MOst of the time when you think you are being all tricky and change from a tongue swath to say flicking the clitoris or change the fingering speed you end up resetting their orgasm clock. Save that stuff for when they are more used to cumming from geting eaten. As they cum just keep going - don't stop. This is the payoff. If you are really lucky it will get really messy. Either way - just be relentless with your rhythm like the terminator. Just keep going - they will tell you when they can't take it anymore.

Of course you will have to tell the difference between the "I've cum too ften and my clit is super-sensitive please stop" and the fake stop where they haven't cum but start wiggling away and trying to get away because the sensations are mounting and they just don't think that they can take it. That is the time where you use your free hand and arm to really clamp them down. Don't let hem chicken out from their own orgasm. Force them to suck it up and cum like a woman soldier!

And finally I almost forgot but this is most important- set the mood right. Your lady needs to be relaxed to get off. Pour her a hot bath. Put on some candles and good tunes. Give the girl a full body massage. Smoke her a joint and one or two small glasses of wine or champagne are perfect.

Then laugh a little, get comfortable. Get a glass of water. Let her know that you love doing this - that this is not some favor for her but as much a treat for yourself. Tell her that their is no pressure. That if she does or does not cum this time its no big deal - that what is important is that she relax and that this feels good. And most importantly, let her know and make her feel that there is no rush. Give her no option. Let her know that you are gonna be down there for a very long time because that is where you want to be. And then back it up - I once spent over an hour and a half down there getting a girl off for the first time. It is so worth it and she doesn't take that long the next time.

And if this works or doesn't - either way - feel free to try it with one of those curved g-spot vibrators and your tongue instead of fingers and tongue. Trust me smile.gif

Anyways, I don't mean to come off as some would-be cunnilingus expert or something. I am sure that there are people who are a lot more experienced at it than me. I just wanted to share my experiences for what they are worth as I seem to have run accross this situation a few times before.

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Originally posted by mrdick:

MOst of the time when you think you are being all tricky and change from a tongue swath to say flicking the clitoris or change the fingering speed you end up resetting their orgasm clock.

that is SOOOO true.. I cannot tell you how many times I've been RIGHT there while getting eaten out, and .. well. Im a VERY receptive partner, and I am very uhmm.. responsive to pleasure.. so the guy DEFINATLEY knows when Im enjoying what is going on --.. yet for some odd reason.. they feel the need to VARY their technique, at the EXACT second I would cum..

Nothing more frustrating!!! cwm38.gifcwm12.gifcwm20.gif


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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Originally posted by mrdick:

The first thing I want to find out about a girl in terms of what I need to know for oral or finger work is whether she is someone who wants it steady as she sgoes as she is approaching orgasm - and if so at a faster, slower or constant speed from before. Or whether she is one of those girls who wants to be driven over the edge with a a varied assault of different touches at different speeds and places.

This is extra-important when dealing with girls who have trouble cumming because you never want to reset their orgasm clock. With other girls sometimes you do want to reset the clock everynow and again just to mess with her. This is fine because you know that you can and will finish her many times later and so the frustration is only short-term and helps to set up a bigger finish.

Dude,.. change your name to PROFESSOR. keep it raw...we're not hear to find psychological advice, just other peoples opinions.


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Originally posted by mrdick:

That is the time where you use your free hand and arm to really clamp them down. Don't let hem chicken out from their own orgasm. Force them to suck it up and cum like a woman soldier!

COULDN'T AGREE WITH YOU MORE! Those are the best.



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Good point. Sometimes I get carried away when my best serious / real answer to a question is actually pretty complicated. Its hard not to sound like a professor.

I don't mean to sound like I think I know more than anyone else. And I'll try not to get bogged down with details to the point that it gets boring.

Thanks for the reminder.


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Originally posted by imnikki:

that is SOOOO true.. I cannot tell you how many times I've been RIGHT there while getting eaten out, and .. well. Im a VERY receptive partner, and I am very uhmm.. responsive to pleasure.. so the guy DEFINATLEY knows when Im enjoying what is going on --.. yet for some odd reason.. they feel the need to VARY their technique, at the EXACT second I would cum..

Nothing more frustrating!!! cwm38.gifcwm12.gifcwm20.gif

The first thing I want to find out about a girl in terms of what I need to know for oral or finger work is whether she is someone who wants it steady as she sgoes as she is approaching orgasm - and if so at a faster, slower or constant speed from before. Or whether she is one of those girls who wants to be driven over the edge with a a varied assault of different touches at different speeds and places.

This is extra-important when dealing with girls who have trouble cumming because you never want to reset their orgasm clock. With other girls sometimes you do want to reset the clock everynow and again just to mess with her. This is fine because you know that you can and will finish her many times later and so the frustration is only short-term and helps to set up a bigger finish.

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