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lol thankyou smile.gif





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."


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What exactly does "women like you" mean may I ask? In some way I dont want to accept that. I cant speak for the other ladies but personally, you dont meet women like us. I believe many people on the board portray a "computer personality". Whether you choose to agree that is up to you. In real life we may actually be really shy, quiet girls who use the computer as a way to "let loose". To show our "wild side".

Now that's just a possibilty mind you. As for me though....you can locate me at the nearest rabbit hole at the end of that bright shiny rainbow. I am a part of a fantasy world. None the less I am as vocal in real life as I am in this "electronic world". But I truely hate to disappoint you, you will not find me if you "look" for me. I only show my colors to a select few.

None the less ... the only reason I am questioning you is due to the fact that you placed this post on the SEX board. I rarely frequent this board so Im unsure as to how this posting can really apply to me. And I dont recall seeing your name appear on the NY board but I may in fact be mistaken.

Just curious....thats all..... cwm12.gif



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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No offense because I definitely think that there is some truth to what you are saying, but why so bitter? Perhaps silveeoh was a bit clumsy in his choice of words but I really don't think that he meant any harm.

Maybe I'm just misreading your tone from this post and others but it sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about guys wanting to meet and sleep with women. I mean I agree that our approaches are often lame and inept and disrespectful, but the primary desire is natural.

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its too early for me to comment on the drama of this board.. but i will say uhmmm like

yew meet girls like "me".. or "us" .. or wahtever.. by BEING YERSELF.

and NOT FRONTIN. =D in my case atleast..

werd up - nothing i want more right now then to be able to meet sumone who is REAL, and i can just chilllllllllllll with.. .. yan0..

a drama free friendship is the best kind.. werD


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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Originally posted by imnikki:

a drama free friendship is the best kind.. werD

definitely agree on that!!! i am totally out of the whole gf/bf thing...too much drama going on these days. so i choose to just be friends with whomever. of course i'm saying this and in 6 months i will probably end up getting married or something (heaven forbid!!!!

cwm12.gif )

and misskittie is right. i didnt take her post as rude or disrespectful, she was just telling the truth.

as for where you meet girls "like these"?? take a look around you, theyre everywhere, my mom is one, my sister is one (even though i dont have a sister), and my great great gandma was one. theyre human beings and the way they act or what they say is human nature.


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Yeah...lots of what Kittie said is true.

But I think that Silveohh was basically asking where you find women as sexually liberated and aggressive as the women in these posts appear to be.

And while I agree that there is a "fantasy" element most people are a lot like they are on the board. If a girl is posting a whole lot of funny, explicit posts on the sex board chances are that she has a healthy appreciation of sex. In real life she may be too shy to talk about it or need to really know and trust and love somebody before she does some of the things that she talks aout. But the essential desire is there.

In the "real world" it can appear that there are notthat many women with these attitudes. But I would say that most women when treated with respect,love and when made to feel safe and unjudged will flower sexually and can become very experimental. aggressiveand fun.

Just my 2 cents.

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Hey Kittie and all,

Another thoughtful post Kittie. What can I say - I agree.

But I would say that the whole concepts of masks is complicated. If soemone is explict on the board and then shy in real life at least they have the desire. So the mask is only partly true. The only complete masks are those that lie and consciously pretend to be someone or something else. That's justa waste of time 99% of the time.

And yes - since the mind ins the most important sex organ I would say that the most sexually aggressive women tend to be the bright ones. That has always been my experience.

But do cut us guys some slack. The name of the game as a guy is to never seem desperate especially if you have no current woman and are not getting any. But lets face it, 9 times out of ten we are pretty eager to meet someone at these moments - not necessarily only for sex but sex does matter. So the foul is losing your game and letting it show - not so much in being that way because it is natural.

You seem to be pretty comfortable with sex Kittie. But in my book being comfortable with sex also means being comfortable with the fact that people - men and women - are generally and hopefully horny, lust-driven, creatures. And people, especially men, who are not getting laid are always looking and on the make. And also, guys are gonna notice attractive women and when stoned look too long. And often when you meet a bright, funny and gorgeous woman the first 5 minutes all you will be thinking about is fucking her silly. But most guys will get beyond that - we are not only interested in that.

So I guess my point is don't ever expect guys in general to be less horny or less on the make. We are always looking for attractive women to take to bed anywhere we go. And this is the way it is, should be and itsnatural.

What we should be lambasted for is not being smarter, cooler, subtler and more creative and sensitive about it.

And Silveoh's point about where do you meet these women makes sense. I mean I totally see how it could be irritating to hear that. But this board and the club scene as well has far more women than the norm who are fairly sexually open and aggressive. Even factoring in the whole "masks" thing there are far more women "like that" on these boards than as a percentage of normal society. That's not to say there are not sexually liberated women everywhere. Or that there wouldn't be if men knew ho to treat women in such a waty as to nurture this trait.

And a guy who comes here and is not used to dealing with women like that is gonna be overwhelmed and is gonna be intimidated or get extra horny.

Anyways, I am so burnt out from working today that I'm rambling. Its just that on this board what I often hear from girls is this guy asked me out - it was so rude. Or all these guys are just going to the club to try to get laid. Or these losers were all checking me out. Or I can't believe that guy got all horny over my post about sex. Or Guys are so lame all they think of is sex.

I totally understand where this is coming from and how annoying it must be to be a chick when it comes to this. And certainly if women are always feeling this way then guys are doing something wrong. But there's a balance here - another side to the story and I just wanted to suggest that.

Mr Dick

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Well put mrdick.I would'nt even say that all this stuff makes me horny all the time or why I read the sex board.I am comfortable with my life without the computer and would be fine without it.in fact i just started coming over to this board one day b/c the Jersey board was in fact boring me.

Some people's opinions though make perfect sense and you wonder why can't you meet people who can be comfortable with themselves on a regular basis.True,the board gives people a certain freedom to express outright what they think with no repercussions but like mrdick has said there is some sense of truth.

Anyway,never expected to get so deep on this board,it's more for fun than anything else that people might think.

check ya's on the flip side!!

Stay Gold!!!


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Originally posted by misskittie:

What exactly does "women like you" mean may I ask? In some way I dont want to accept that. I cant speak for the other ladies but personally, you dont meet women like us. I believe many people on the board portray a "computer personality". Whether you choose to agree that is up to you. In real life we may actually be really shy, quiet girls who use the computer as a way to "let loose". To show our "wild side".

Now that's just a possibilty mind you. As for me though....you can locate me at the nearest rabbit hole at the end of that bright shiny rainbow. I am a part of a fantasy world. None the less I am as vocal in real life as I am in this "electronic world". But I truely hate to disappoint you, you will not find me if you "look" for me. I only show my colors to a select few.

None the less ... the only reason I am questioning you is due to the fact that you placed this post on the SEX board. I rarely frequent this board so Im unsure as to how this posting can really apply to me. And I dont recall seeing your name appear on the NY board but I may in fact be mistaken.

Just curious....thats all..... cwm12.gif


i am jav most of the time my OUTRAGEOUS personality is the same everywhere..EVERYTHING that i mention about JOHNNIES and whatever else cant remeber i have always said..


cwm23.gif STAY WHITE EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!

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>cracking knuckles<

hehe Mornin all! Isnt it rather interesting how a little piece of literary

humor causes a stir. Geez people, its hard to sense sarcasm and humor over

fiber optics but come on now...lolol.

Okay well let me get down to business because I have some studies to attend

to. First off I meant no disrespect to silveeohh or any other board member

for that matter. I am on of the few on CNYC who does in fact try to avoid

drama and bashing or putting down of others.

Mr Dick...Truthfully, if he is referring to females who are sexually liberal, well, tehre are many women like this in the World! He just needs to open his eyes a little more. Yet at the same time, he needs to not be "looking" soo hard either.

From conversations about sex and how people are with a good friend of mine I have come to this conclusion. The REAL women who are sexually liberal and understand all aspects of the act of fornication are those with good heads on their shoulders. I mean in the area of common sense and book smarts. We are the women who have no shame in being expressive and saying exactly what is on our minds. We know what we like within the world of life, reality, and sex. I know I for one do and unfortunately, not many do. I think many women today are still holding back with sexual responses and acts due to the fear that they will be branded a slut or whore. WHATEVER! Dont be jealous of my ass b/c Ill speak out loud about what I like done to me and what I like to do to others both male and female! I think thats what makes me closer to many individuals I have encounterd because I have much more of a grasp for it.

One last thing reflecting on "computer personalities". I am not going to point fingers or mention names but yes, I have in fact encountered some bold CNYC'ers over the board internet and thenmet the most quiet, laayeeeeeeeedddddddd back individual int he club. Many mak wearers around ehre and it annoys me. The first time I met some of the members they were in total shock of how I am. One even said "OMG she talks exactly the same way she posts". Yea I do. No biggie right?!? I have nothing to hide and some will like me and others will night. I sure have matured slightly since I first met them but still the same old loud mouthed party girl I always was...okay I lie, Im a little more subdued now then I was then in the partying aspect. None the less...you cant really give people on here too many "props" because it can very well all be an act. Which for many it is. Many use this as an escape like I said earlier. Many have posted subjects about sex on here and when in real life it came up in conversation completley shyed away from it and became embarrassed. I just dont want to be ain a catergory with those girls. Thats all folks...have fun...

And Im not being mean so dont take it n that tone. Im smilin big over here..for once in a long time.


kAt cwm38.gif



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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