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Any Twilo Grand Opening Reviews?

Guest JoeBudious

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Guest mr.miami

The music was great. The inside is great. Only thing that pissed me off is that not many people showed the entire night and they were gone by 3 am. I left at 3:30 cus the room was practically empty. I was expecting a hella of alot more people to show then what I saw.

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Guest thelurker

Stryke played a great set! Club looks super nice and the sounds system is great, great staff as well.

Ralph's set was ok, but nothing special, that same "Miami" house sound you'd hear at Space. If they make someone a resident for their Friday nights it should be Stryke. The guy played progressive(something I haven't heard in Miami in a while), techno, and everything in between.

That being said, the place was dead after 2am. Twilo?!! WTF?! Where are the promotions on this? This place is sick and should have brought out way more people.

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Guest lavosdeldiablo

place is super dope ! dont forget this is one of the slowest months in the season. im sure the place will pick up in the coming weeks.

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Guest LeVeL

Thats horrible, I really thought the night would do better than that, there was a lot of hype on the boards but I guess not enough heads showed.

What happened to all those people who say that they support Stryke ??? You see alot of people on here act like they support him and they like his music but when he plays at an event they dont show, where is the support. You all would like for Stryke to be booked more often but you dont show, you complain about him not being booked but you you never go to the events.

You see, some of you people need to back up your statements and start showing because its events like these where local DJ's tend to shine. Its event like these, that people need to start showing up too because you can only have so many chances in this town. Once you get booked and booked @ venues but not enough people show up, then it becomes a pattern and suddenly your local DJ wont get booked any more.

So you people that are always complaining that Stryke doesn't get booked enough around here this goes out to you.....

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Guest ramon

Thats horrible' date=' I really thought the night would do better than that, there was a lot of hype on the boards but I guess not enough heads showed.

What happened to all those people who say that they support Stryke ??? You see alot of people on here act like they support him and they like his music but when he plays at an event they dont show, where is the support. You all would like for Stryke to be booked more often but you dont show, you complain about him not being booked but you you never go to the events.

You see, some of you people need to back up your statements and start showing because its events like these where local DJ's tend to shine. Its event like these, that people need to start showing up too because you can only have so many chances in this town. Once you get booked and booked @ venues but not enough people show up, then it becomes a pattern and suddenly your local DJ wont get booked any more.

[b']So you people that are always complaining that Stryke doesn't get booked enough around here this goes out to you.....

I take this personal because I know there were quite a few people who came in from Orlando the same day and came out to support.

There were plenty of people there to see Stryke. Twilo was not full but there were people there and Stryke played a great set everything from Peace Division to Joris Voorn so don't take this out of context. I haven't seen that many CJ people out in a while. It was great to see that kind of support. It's a shame it wasn't more busy, but the place itself is beautiful the sound is amazing and with some work we will all have a place to call home on Fridays with some talent that may not make it to this city on a consistent basis.

TWILO! Thanks for a wonderful night.

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Guest chunsa

really wish i could have been there for this night.

stryke is amazing.

it's the same problem everywhere. local dj's don't get enough love and support from their locals.

if i could, i would have greg play for me every single week but i'll have to wait until the 27th of this month.

looking forward in checking the place out.

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Guest coach

You guys are wrong about the support for Stryke. There were more CJers there than I've seen at one place in a long time. And pretty much, they were there for Stryke. Maybe not exclusively, but I know that was a consideration for most of them. And he did a good job.

We were surprised at the lack of "party" atmosphere for this grand opening. Maybe we misunderstood what it was, but it looked like just any plain night at any generic nightclub. For a grand opening, we expected at least balloons or something. A big "Grand Opening" banner, maybe. But, if you were just some visitor off the street who did not keep up with the club happenings, there was no way you would have known that this was any special night.

The club is nice, for sure, but again, nothing really innovative. It follows the standard "box with couches" model that seems to be the format for nearly all the new clubs in Miami. The light walls are pretty cool, definitely. I guess the main thing that they will use to set themselves apart will be the bookings. If they bring new and different talent to Miami, that will be their big selling point.

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Guest Devilicious

Excellent night Friday for the Twilo opening.

This was my first time actually hearing Styke play, and I have to say it was quite a treat. Music had me moving from start to finish.

Saw many familiar faces and enjoyed the company... we had a blast! Mucho dancing, drinking and enjoying the music.

The "no smoking" rule was loosely enforced [better than not at all IMO]

People came in early; there was a crowd by 12. It never got super packed, but it was maybe 70% full at the height of the evening. After Stryke finished the crowd pretty much dispersed and I left by 3:30.

I enjoyed the venue very much. Huge dance floor, as I like it, although I do think that's not what a lot of Miami clubgoers are looking for/used to, which might be part of the challenge Twilo faces. Bartenders were friendly and served strong drinks.


I shall return ;D

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Guest Philip

Thats horrible' date=' I really thought the night would do better than that, there was a lot of hype on the boards but I guess not enough heads showed.

What happened to all those people who say that they support Stryke ??? You see alot of people on here act like they support him and they like his music but when he plays at an event they dont show, where is the support. You all would like for Stryke to be booked more often but you dont show, you complain about him not being booked but you you never go to the events.

You see, some of you people need to back up your statements and start showing because its events like these where local DJ's tend to shine. Its event like these, that people need to start showing up too because you can only have so many chances in this town. Once you get booked and booked @ venues but not enough people show up, then it becomes a pattern and suddenly your local DJ wont get booked any more.

[b']So you people that are always complaining that Stryke doesn't get booked enough around here this goes out to you.....

even if every regular CJ poster showed up (not to mention the % of those who avidly support Stryke) the place would be empty

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Guest mr.miami

I heard stryke at privelege once, but he wasnt why I went to twilo. How big an influence do big named djs have on whether or not a club gets filled? Cus I dont think the average clubber would be like this dj is here so we gotta go.

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Guest ramon

Wish i had been there. :( You KNOW i would have come if i had been able to.

Specially when i'm getting texts from the dancefloor!!!

The dancefloor itself is nice .. its wood I think. :)

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You hit the nail on the head in regards to Miami. In general, people in this town go out to party, not trainspot and argue on the board the next day over the mix.

Outside of this messageboard, few clubgoers in Miami care who is on the decks. Music wise, as long as it falls into the general vicinity of what they like, they're happy to go to a club...i.e. if they like dance music, they're not gonna fret if it's a guest DJ or a local resident.

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Wish i had been there. :( You KNOW i would have come if i had been able to.

Specially when i'm getting texts from the dancefloor!!!

The dancefloor itself is nice .. its wood I think. :)

Oh thats EXACTLY how it should be!! Can't wait to come down to check it out. And Stryke BETTER still be playing there. Or heads will roll.........*cough* AJ *cough*.

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Pay attention, this will be on the final exam..

I'll break it down.

Sept is the worst month for Space in terms fo profits, so Twilo knew this, so why did they open in the worst month?? Well it's pretty simple, first they need to work the kinks out, and secondly they already have the talent booked for oct which is a better month. So Stryke and Ralph were filler. Rome wasn't built in a day people this was a soft opening. The pieces are there, they just to tweak it for the bigger names to come. Smart move on on their part.

Next, Ralph and Stryke haven't done that well in Miami in recent years, they themselves have to take some responsibility in terms of turn out. You don't see me booking Denny at events that rely on the dj bringing people in.

Next, for us in the real world, some of us, get up at 5am, or 6 or 7 or 8 am for work. (I get up at 9, but I'm special) So lets do some simple math. (lets excluded crack heads and losers who work at burger king or the ever popular kid who thinks he's hot shit because he's a promoter and makes 14k a year)

You wake up at 5am, you go to work, you get home from work, call it 6pm on fridays. You eat dinner, you do what you gotta do then you go out. Even taking a nap, if you left the club at 3am, how many hours were you up straight?? About 20-22 depending on when you got up. THIS IS WHY CLUBS DIE OUT EARLY ON FRIDAYS! (For those who will insert a former Miami or NYC club , it's a different economy and NYC has 20 million people surrounding it) Especially clubs who rely on locals. The 90's were the greatest peace time expansion in our economy, parents had lots of money and they gave that money to their kids, now reality has set in and people have to work because thier fucking mortage or rent, taxes, insurance etc are thru the fucking roof, less money to go around.

Twilo needs to steal it's crowd from space, LP won't allow this to happen, because if crobar tanks, he needs space to bail him out, or he's the next Mc Hammer or Jose Canseco.

How does Twilo steal Space saturday crowd?? I don't know, but what I do know is, booking djs based upon what the cjers ask for is dumb. I don't like thier line up at all. Fridays should be a "mixed" night while Saturdays a hardcore gay night. You can't compete with the patio, so make sure you get that patio shut down. I'd mail a letter to every person who is buying a condo down there, (btw, Donte Stallworth bought two) but don't sign it, just let them know the patio needs to go. Old school baby!

Book djs that appeal to both crowds on fridays. Saturdays should be fine once the fall comes.

Exam will be on Friday at 2pm in the CJ offices, 2nd floor, bring a calculator and a #2 pencil..


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Guest LeVeL

Next, Ralph and Stryke haven't done that well in Miami in recent years, they themselves have to take some responsibility in terms of turn out.

Exactly...as far as Ralph is concerned, he hasn't done much to improve his DJ presence. The Made In Miami gigs @ Mansion is slowly going downhill, his residency @ Crobar went down the toilet.

He has down special appearances @ Nocturnal and Space but he still is under Oscar G's shadow.

As far as Stryke is concerned complaining about other Dj's in town is not going to help, saying that some locals have residencies in Miami due to the way they market themselves is really not going to make things right.

These two have had a history of residencies going bad due to not enough turn out. So they have too look at the past experiences and hopefully make the best of future ones. I really wish both the best since they are talented Dj's and producers.

Look what happened to Robbie Rivera the guys is from here but hardly ever gets booked here, I think we all dont want that to happen.

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Guest obby

Sound system was extremely clean. Don't give me control of the bass cause I'll be the first one to abuse it.

Female bartenders would help. I need eye candy.

Nice seeing many of you locals aka locos


Wow was I sauced (hiccup)

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Guest mr.miami

Sound system was extremely clean.

Female bartenders would help. I need eye candy.


Wow was I sauced (hiccup)

Female strippers would be even better. Why dont more clubs try to be like coyote ugly in ftl where you can get body shots off them and stuff? They arent all very good dancers though one that had a real btchy tude was doing the chicken dance on the bar.

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You wake up at 5am, you go to work, you get home from work, call it 6pm on fridays. You eat dinner, you do what you gotta do then you go out. Even taking a nap, if you left the club at 3am, how many hours were you up straight?? About 20-22 depending on when you got up. THIS IS WHY CLUBS DIE OUT EARLY ON FRIDAYS!

EXACTLY WHY I HATE GOING OUT FRIDAY.... REGARDLESS OF THE PARTY . im usually dead when i get in... much rather hit a movie !!!

either way look foward to checkin the place out for the first time either for Wink or Burridge :)

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