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Finally moving.....


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Guest mursa

..folks seem to forget that By Moving closer to where one parties at (sobe/downtown ) ....he/she in the long run will Waste more money (offsetting the $$$ saved on Gas etc)...because they will be closer to "temptation" and more than likely fall into it..more so if they lived away from the Scene .

Im so gratefuill to live in North Miami Beach ......... aways from temptation , but yet close enough to it when i want to 8)

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Ouch. I wouldn't have signed such a long lease. A friend of mine and I were discussing this today, and if you're renting, try for a six month lease.

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..folks seem to forget that By Moving closer to where one parties at (sobe/downtown ) ....he/she in the long run will Waste more money (offsetting the $$$ saved on Gas etc)...because they will be closer to "temptation" and more than likely fall into it..more so if they lived away from the Scene .

Im so gratefuill to live in North Miami Beach ......... aways from temptation , but yet close enough to it when i want to 8)

if i lived on the beach again id live up there. its quiet.. was by that way this weekend visiting relatives though wtf is goin on by 69th street. its a disaster by the 71st street publix... jeezussssssss all that construction. what a nitemare for traffic....

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Guest cutchemist

whats kickin my ass is my student loan payments to UM law school. u know about UM Pod right :P

just take UM undergrad and double it almost per semester thats what Law school was like :-X

Yo- ur gonna have a loan payment....make the payment and get on with your life....what's your interest rate??? 2.5? You can't let debt run your life...I know it sucks but u just got to keep on L-I-V-I-N....livin ;)

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..folks seem to forget that By Moving closer to where one parties at (sobe/downtown ) ....he/she in the long run will Waste more money (offsetting the $$$ saved on Gas etc)...because they will be closer to "temptation" and more than likely fall into it..more so if they lived away from the Scene .

It's called willpower. If you have the willpower, you could live in a whorehouse and not fall victim to temptation.

I live within spitting distance of both Downtown and Miami Beach, and I only go out three days a week.

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Guest Devilicious

..folks seem to forget that By Moving closer to where one parties at (sobe/downtown ) ....he/she in the long run will Waste more money (offsetting the $$$ saved on Gas etc)...because they will be closer to "temptation" and more than likely fall into it..more so if they lived away from the Scene .

It's called willpower. If you have the willpower, you could live in a whorehouse and not fall victim to temptation.

I live within spitting distance of both Downtown and Miami Beach, and I only go out three days a week.


It annoys me when people blame their lifestyle on proximity or location. You have to be willing to take responsibility for the choices you make.... I live on sobe and go out once a week tops these days

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Guest coach

And what's wrong with going out, anyway? Most people who do not go out just waste their life off, anyway, in front of the TV. I mean, sure, if you are doing something else interesting or meaningful, that is great. But to imply that going out is bad is just silly. At least if you are out in it, you are having experiences and meeting people.

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Nothing at all. I can "go out" and come home completely sober. What I think Mursa was getting at was that he feels that he'd be inclined to go out and party like it's 1099 if he lived on the beach or close to a party spot.

True, I've seen it happen before. You get these people who go out seven nights a week, even if the party sucks, just so they can keep their fried state. T, you know some of these people well, we make fun of them all the time.

For me it is more of an interest factor. Other than Freeze Frame, I can't think of something on a weeknight that is "Must-See". In other words, I can't just belly up to the bar and drink. I need to be entertained.

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Guest coach

I do any serious drinking maybe 1 night out of every 2 weeks. Yet I'm hardly ever home.

I see what you are saying, I still totally disagree with the point. Or rather, I agree, mostly, with Talmage's point. However, whereas she puts it as people can resist temptation no matter where they live (to paraphrase), I am asking why is it considered temptation at all?

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Some people associate drinking, drug use, and hiring out a sex care worker as a sin, whereas some people don't. So the people that do, consider it temptation.

The point I'm striving towards, is that the only blame for excess lies within yourself. If Orthodox Jews can live on Alton Road and stay Orthodox, I think any of us could live on Miami Beach and keep our lives in balance.

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Guest Adam Singer

word im moving out soon too bling, but ive been saving to buy a condo

isnt renting just giving away money?

Not exactly.

well explain - because the way i figure it i am better off buying something and that way im paying it off to one day sell & get some sort of ROI

where is my return on renting ?

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You could say the same about a mortgage. I doubt most of you guys are property investors, so you're still essentially paying someone for the privilege of living in a specific location, and the bragging rights of "having your own place". While technically true, (a mortgage is a lien against your property, right? I'm not a realtor so I might be wrong...) you're still paying someone for the privilege.

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Guest coach

word im moving out soon too bling, but ive been saving to buy a condo

isnt renting just giving away money?

Not exactly.

well explain - because the way i figure it i am better off buying something and that way im paying it off to one day sell & get some sort of ROI

Do you factor in the cost of your mortgage in that? What about the cost of repairs and upkeep? Homeowners insurance? Factor all of those things in, THEN see if it is a good investment. It might still be, but it might not be.
where is my return on renting ?

So, say you rent. Your monthly/yearly expenses are lower than they would be with a house. You take that extra money and put it in a good yield investment. After 30 years, do you have more or less money than if you had purchased and sold a house?

This is the great scam of the mortgage brokers. I am not saying that one is ALWAYS better than the other, but *they* (banks, mortgage companies, realtors, etc) say that buying is always better than renting, and that is utter bullshit. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Depends on your lifestyle and your circumstance.

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Exactly. Right now, renting for me is far better than mortgage.

Don't get involved in anything you can't walk away from in 30 seconds.

Case in point. My parents had a home built in the 90s when we lived in New York. There were huge opportunities elsewhere, and they had a bitch of a time unloading the place. With a rental, they could have split, paid the penalty on breaking a lease, and moved on.

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Guest Adam Singer

Exactly. Right now, renting for me is far better than mortgage.

Don't get involved in anything you can't walk away from in 30 seconds.

Case in point. My parents had a home built in the 90s when we lived in New York. There were huge opportunities elsewhere, and they had a bitch of a time unloading the place. With a rental, they could have split, paid the penalty on breaking a lease, and moved on.

my brother is a broker, i can unload at any point though with ease

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I wouldn't guarantee that. There's only so much he can do and stay legal.

Nonetheless, I wouldn't demonize people who rent. It sometimes works out better.

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yes, sometimes renting is the better option. but for someone who isnt planning a serious life change any time soon, buying is the greatest investment you can make. property only has one way to go in value, up (barring a natural disaster). interest rates are still pretty low, if you have the ways and the means to buy a place and you still rent, you might as well be paying someone to come over and kick you in the nuts every month.

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