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Technjunkie is now the president...

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Guest endymion

It isn't up to us. We are not a "super power" any more with respect to North Korea. We are one of many players with little leverage. The idea that it's up to us is a mistake.

You think that we should strike North Korea militarily? How?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It isn't up to us. We are not a "super power" any more with respect to North Korea. We are one of many players with little leverage. The idea that it's up to us is a mistake.

You think that we should strike North Korea militarily? How?

Via another ground invasion.


Maybe if Kim Jong ILL had a bunch of yellow cakes and 30 year old rusty artillary shells on the back of those trucks parading around Pyongyang we would act.

North Korea must be stopped at any cost. They have the smoking gun. What do they need next? A smoking bomb?? If that happens it's to late!

Any way you cut we are fucked! We look like a bunch of jack asses to the rest of the world right now! What kind of credibility do we have right now? NONE!!

We dig Sadam out of a rat hole along with some 30 year old soup cans and we call those WMDs!!! LMFAO!!

Yellow cakes in Iraq?? How is that a smoking gun? How are those WMDs compared to a 5-15 KILOTON BOMB???

If we do not act in proportion to the reasons why we invaded Iraq, the world is going to look at us like a bunch of idiots, lead by a group of idiots......Democrats and Republicans both!!

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Guest coach

You think that we should strike North Korea militarily? How?

That went really well the first time around, don't you think?
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Guest obby

So mr president, how do you solve the North Korean problem? You are clearly against hitting them, so how do you solve this issue?

You should know better than to ask a Lib what their plan is. It's a secret remember? You have to vote for them an THEN they will tell you. ;D

It isn't up to us. We are not a "super power" any more with respect to North Korea.


"We are not a super power anymore"


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Guest endymion

You guys are missing a really fundamental aspect of this: we have no control over the situation, especially through military force. Bush spoke a bunch of empty words today about North Korea because that's all that he can do. He is powerless.

Let me ask: what do you think will happen after we start bombing North Korea? You don't think that China will have a response? They did last time we did it.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

So mr president, how do you solve the North Korean problem? You are clearly against hitting them, so how do you solve this issue?

You should know better than to ask a Lib what their plan is.

This is the plan.

Send new troops to North Korea to disarm them. Talks and Sanctions will do no good. North Korea is already a dead country. The people are to weak to revolt. Kim Jong Il's hold on them is to strong. The Korean regime has enough supplies to last them a while. We can not be stupid enough to think they have not planned for this day.

North Korea will never give up it's nuclear program. Detonating this bomb today has unleashed the nuclear crack pipe and Kim Jong Il has just taken his first hit from that pipe. Do you think he's going to give it up now?

There is nothing that the west can bring to the table beisdes a military response. There is no sanction that the UN can impose that can hurt North Korea even further. They've been cut off from the rest of the world for so long and they don't depend on any sort of trade outside of illegal drug trafficing of their opium product and illegal arms dealings which go on under the nose of the UN anyways..

They defy the US. They don't listen to the UN. China has not been able to influence them in our favor.

What else is left but military action?

To bad our military is over commited in the wrong place and at the wrong time...

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It isn't up to us. We are not a "super power" any more with respect to North Korea. We are one of many players with little leverage. The idea that it's up to us is a mistake.

You think that we should strike North Korea militarily? How?

Great plan...

If you can't put forth a plan you have no right to question our action or inaction.

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People, we use like 1% of our air power in Iraq and Afaganistan, we have carrier after carrier after sub after sub at our disposal. We have bases in Japan and Guam, it's sorrounded by water... We already have an arsenal over there.

Give our air force a week then a cigar for a job well done. China won't do shit they can't, they don't want none of us, it's clear with Tawian.

Bush needs to hit them and hit them hard, but it has to be a coalition, not us alone.

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Guest endymion

We could have had leverage over this situation but Bush thought that other things were more important. You guys like to pick on Democracts, here's what Democrats had to say about this SIX YEARS AGO back when there was time to influence the outcome:

On December 19, 2000, when George W. Bush first took office, Bill Clinton briefed him privately about priorities for the new administration. Clinton told Bush that he had read Bush campaign speeches and he was under the impression that Bush intended to set two top priorities for the new administration: a national missile defense system and Iraq. Bush confirmed that was correct. Clinton then proposed a different set of priorities: al Qaeda, Middle East diplomacy, North Korea, the nuclear competition in South Asia, and only then, Iraq. Bush did not respond. (Cobra II, p 14)

Clinton's recommended priorities:

1) Al Qaeda

2) Middle East diplomacy

3) North Korea

4) nuclear competition in South Asia

5) Iraq

Bush priorities:

1) a national missile defense system (pork)

2) Iraq

"Look haha Democracts have no plan!" It's pretty idiotic to take a situation that's just unfolding and try to skewer you own internal opposition for not having a plan on the day that it happens, especially six years after the above exchange between the outgoing Democrat and the incoming Republican who spent most of his term with his own party controlling congress.

Aside from that I'm not a Democrat.

And aside from that, it was Democrats who sent American forces to Korea.

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Guest obby

People, we use like 1% of our air power in Iraq and Afaganistan, we have carrier after carrier after sub after sub at our disposal. We have bases in Japan and Guam, it's sorrounded by water... We already have an arsenal over there.

Give our air force a week then a cigar for a job well done. China won't do shit they can't, they don't want none of us, it's clear with Tawian.

Bush needs to hit them and hit them hard, but it has to be a coalition, not us alone.

So true!!!!

However I do say we give China a chance first. China is super embarrassed right now and steamed @ NK. Especially after claiming that they have NK in control. Today has proven otherwise. China has the power to tame this wild beat known as Kim Jong-il. If China won't intervene and control this crazy fuck then I say we arm the hell out of Japan (their neighbor). That will definitely motivate China to step up to the plate. The last thing China wants is a nuclear Japan as their neighbors.

Kim Jong-il is a fuckin joke. He laughs at the UN (another joke) and thumbs his nose at the World yet when surrounded by our battleships wants to return to 6 party talks. Our battle ships back off, he thumbs his nose again, our battleships are back over there, and the cycle continues. How long will the free World put up with this? Not long after today.

Nobody wants a nuclear war because that would be the end of civilization. The only ones who would want a nuclear confrontation are those who cherish death rather than life itself (aka Iran aka radicals).

We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

I've listen to a lot of debates/ideas concerning NK and till today the only acceptable idea (prior to military strikes) is arming the fuck out of Japan. Until someone comes up with a better plan.......expect a Nuclear Japan soon.

Taiwan now wants to go nuclear due to NK's test today. Another nuclear neighbor that China does not want.

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Guest coach
We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

LOL, the great conservative battle cry. Tell me, when have we NOT been in "scary times"?

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Guest endymion

We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

Your guy has had his head buried in the sand on North Korea since he came to office and now we're supposed to all become hard-liner war hawks, after they built a nuke while Bush wasn't looking? Why would the abject failure of your outlook lead more people to support it? The North Korean nuclear tests are hard evidence of Bush's weakness on national security. We invaded Iraq instead of dealing with Al Qaeda or North Korea. Now North Korea has nukes and Osama bin Laden is still plotting attacks against us.

I've listen to a lot of debates/ideas concerning NK and till today the only acceptable idea (prior to military strikes) is arming the fuck out of Japan. Until someone comes up with a better plan.......expect a Nuclear Japan soon.

To fight the Soviets we armed Al Qaeda. To support 'our guy' we sold Iran its first nuclear reactors. To counter Iran later, we armed Saddam Hussein. Now your solution is to arm somebody else? A former US enemy? We're going to arm a nuclear Japan and call that a "solution"?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

People, we use like 1% of our air power in Iraq and Afaganistan, we have carrier after carrier after sub after sub at our disposal. We have bases in Japan and Guam, it's sorrounded by water... We already have an arsenal over there.

Give our air force a week then a cigar for a job well done. China won't do shit they can't, they don't want none of us, it's clear with Tawian.

Bush needs to hit them and hit them hard, but it has to be a coalition, not us alone.

So true!!!!

However I do say we give China a chance first. China is super embarrassed right now and steamed @ NK. Especially after claiming that they have NK in control. Today has proven otherwise. China has the power to tame this wild beat known as Kim Jong-il. If China won't intervene and control this crazy fuck then I say we arm the hell out of Japan (their neighbor). That will definitely motivate China to step up to the plate. The last thing China wants is a nuclear Japan as their neighbors.

Kim Jong-il is a fuckin joke. He laughs at the UN (another joke) and thumbs his nose at the World yet when surrounded by our battleships wants to return to 6 party talks. Our battle ships back off, he thumbs his nose again, our battleships are back over there, and the cycle continues. How long will the free World put up with this? Not long after today.

Nobody wants a nuclear war because that would be the end of civilization. The only ones who would want a nuclear confrontation are those who cherish death rather than life itself (aka Iran aka radicals).

We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

I've listen to a lot of debates/ideas concerning NK and till today the only acceptable idea (prior to military strikes) is arming the fuck out of Japan. Until someone comes up with a better plan.......expect a Nuclear Japan soon.

Taiwan now wants to go nuclear due to NK's test today. Another nuclear neighbor that China does not want.

Arming Japan would be a bad idea. Even though World War II was more than half a century ago. The actions and atrocities of the old Imperial Japan is still a recent memory and fear in that area.

The last thing we want on our hands is an arms race in Asia. They are some crazy cass MOFOs over there. You should all know that by now with your dealings with me.... ;D

I call for Operation 'Rice Bowl' to begin immediatley!! :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

We're going to arm a nuclear Japan and call that a "solution"?

No shit....??LOL ..I thought the point was to dis-arm countries not further precipitate the situation...
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Guest obby
We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

LOL, the great conservative battle cry. Tell me, when have we NOT been in "scary times"?

In our life time or in all History? I'll assume you mean in the past century. i won't count the cold war concidering not a sigle bullet was fired hence "cold war".




I would say the 90's were our tranquil years. Wait scratch that. In the 90's we just turned our heads and looked the other way to the threats we are now dealing with today.

Now let me ask you a question Coach.

1- When do you think Utopia will be achieved?

2- Have you noticed how Liberals tend to win elections when they act conservative?


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Guest endymion

The last thing we want on our hands is an arms race in Asia. They are some crazy cass MOFOs over there. You should all know that by now with your dealings with me.... ;D

There already is a nuclear arms race in Asia, and there has been for a long time. Number four on Clinton's suggested priority list that Bush ignored. Pakistan and India's nuclear arms race will probably result in a nuclear Iran.

It's interesting to see these glaring examples of abject failures of the Bush administration on national security, and then to see Bush fans try to twist them and spin them into reasons to support more Bush policies, more military intervention, more deaf-mute diplomacy.

Bush had a chance six years ago to do something about North Korea, it's a little late now. Bush had a chance over the last five years to do something about Al Qaeda, we invaded a country that was no threat to us instead and we're still stuck there. Bush has spent the last six years failing to stop Iran from pursuing nuclear ambitions, but when Iran tests their first bomb you're going to see Bush fans jumping up and down saying "AAAAAIIIGGGHHH WE HAVE TO BOMB IRAN NOW!!!" Because it's the only type of action that some people can understand.

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Guest coach
We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

LOL, the great conservative battle cry. Tell me, when have we NOT been in "scary times"?

In our life time or in all History? I'll assume you mean in the past century. i won't count the cold war concidering not a sigle bullet was fired hence "cold war".




I would say the 90's were our tranquil years. Wait scratch that. In the 90's we just turned our heads and looked the other way to the threats we are now dealing with today.

Now let me ask you a question Coach.

1- When do you think Utopia will be achieved?

2- Have you noticed how Liberals tend to win elections when they act conservative?


If you are going to discount what was, at the time, the most "scary time" in recent memory, the Cold War, then there is no reason to continue. They had us school kids cowering under our desks twice a month because they were so scared. The government used the Cold War as an excuse for a massive buildup in military spending. One which you yourself admit above was eventually pointless. You check the history, you will find that the Cold War was one of *the* most terrifying times in modern history. There were plenty of people that quite literally thought that the USSR was going to start bombing us at any moment. And I only lived through the end of it, the terror was much greater in the 50s, well before my time.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the Civil Rights movement in the 50s and 60s? That was a pretty scary time.

1974, we had the Nixon debacle, that was pretty scary. 1982 Falklands Island conflict.


In answer to your questions:

1) Utopia will never be acheived on Earth, but that does not exempt us from trying to make things better for everybody. I do think that life can get a lot better from where it is now. But utopia? No.

2) Actually, I have noticed just the opposite. John Kerry is a prime example. He was basically a "republican-lite" and he fucked up miserably.

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this might sound like an uneducated question as im not familiar with this but why isn't the world concerned if the united states of america is making any nukes or had/has any nuclear underground top secret somewhere like area 51 for say?

it's one thing to say oh we dont have such thing, but how does the other countries know for sure? why havent they come out to this country to find out for themselves as the govt has done in iraq.

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Guest JMT

this might sound like an uneducated question as im not familiar with this but why isn't the world concerned if the united states of america is making any nukes or had/has any nuclear underground top secret somewhere like area 51 for say?

because it would be pointless since everyone knows we already have enough to nuke the entire planet.

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this might sound like an uneducated question as im not familiar with this but why isn't the world concerned if the united states of america is making any nukes or had/has any nuclear underground top secret somewhere like area 51 for say?

because it would be pointless since everyone knows we already have enough to nuke the entire planet.

so what you are saying is that the US wants to be the one to take over the globe whenever they feel like it?

who is to say that north korea doesnt feel threathen about us having weapons of mass destruction?

if the US is so worried about north korea and other countries having the same "power" i still havent seen other countries bringing up the topic to investigate the "US".

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Guest endymion

this might sound like an uneducated question as im not familiar with this but why isn't the world concerned if the united states of america is making any nukes or had/has any nuclear underground top secret somewhere like area 51 for say?

Other countries know for sure that we have nuclear weapons because we're the only people who have ever used them. We do still produce nukes and we do it at top secret facilities. And we may resume nuclear testing soon.

it's one thing to say oh we dont have such thing, but how does the other countries know for sure? why havent they come out to this country to find out for themselves as the govt has done in iraq.

A closer analogy to North Korea might be Israel. Does Israel have nukes? A lot of people treat it as an assumption that an Israel with nuclear weapons is a terrible thing. Does China treat it as an assumption that a North Korea with nuclear weapons is a bad thing?

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this might sound like an uneducated question as im not familiar with this but why isn't the world concerned if the united states of america is making any nukes or had/has any nuclear underground top secret somewhere like area 51 for say?

Other countries know for sure that we have nuclear weapons because we're the only people who have ever used them. We do still produce nukes and we do it at top secret facilities. And we may resume nuclear testing soon.

it's one thing to say oh we dont have such thing, but how does the other countries know for sure? why havent they come out to this country to find out for themselves as the govt has done in iraq.

A closer analogy to North Korea might be Israel. Does Israel have nukes? A lot of people treat it as an assumption that an Israel with nuclear weapons is a terrible thing. Does China treat it as an assumption that a North Korea with nuclear weapons is a bad thing?

so basically if everyone knows we have nukes, why are "we" so worried that other countries may produce them?

who is to say that we should be making nukes in the first place and or the ones to go around saying we are gonna start another war because we dont like the fact that we arent the only ones now that can produce weapons of mass destruction?

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When we used the Nukes we actually saved lives.. Look it up, you'll see I'm right and in fact the dumb slant eyes didn't give up after the 1st one, we had to drop a second one for them to give in. Imgaine if we had to fight them without nukes, we would have to turn every city in japan into a parking lot, which was going to happen since we were crusing across the pacific, we were unstoppable.

ps. They attacked us first..

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When we used the Nukes we actually saved lives.. Look it up, you'll see I'm right and in fact the dumb slant eyes didn't give up after the 1st one, we had to drop a second one for them to give in. Imgaine if we had to fight them without nukes, we would have to turn every city in japan into a parking lot, which was going to happen since we were crusing across the pacific, we were unstoppable.

ps. They attacked us first..

I know about that war.

so we used nukes back in those days, why should we still make them now...again who is to say that we should be the only country to still be able to use nukes, why does it make a right thing to go to other countries and threathen them to disarm their nuclear plants if we are apparently the ones with nuclear plants in the first place.

so you are saying we will only use nukes "again" if someone attacks us? here's an example...if i owned a gun w/out a license to obtain a gun, and someone broke into my home and shot me in the leg, would it make it right for me to go and shoot them in the head? i shouldn't have to go to prison, right? i mean "they shot me first" so i had the right to kill.

maybe this is one of the reasons why the rest of world hates the US and or Bush in their political views...the govt spends all their time and money to investigate who has these type of weapons and tries to prove/show to the world why they are such a threat, when they are the ones making the nukes in their "basements".

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