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Guest endymion

Okay JMT, so how many casualties would it take to force the United States to surrender, if you were going to mount a long-term Hezbollah-style attack against the American homeland? 500,000? A million? Wouldn't nuking DC save lives in the long run? That's a very dangerous argument that you're using and you should be careful with dangerous rhetoric when you're talking about nuclear weapons in a world where the US doesn't control their use any more.

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Guest JMT

Okay JMT, so how many casualties would it take to force the United States to surrender, if you were going to mount a long-term Hezbollah-style attack against the American homeland? 500,000? A million? Wouldn't nuking DC save lives in the long run? That's a very dangerous argument that you're using and you should be careful with dangerous rhetoric when you're talking about nuclear weapons in a world where the US doesn't control their use any more.

huh? i dont see any comparison since muslim extremists dont want surrender. and i wouldnt think that the US would ever surrender in a fight on the homeland, but considering all the advantages we already give terrorists, perhaps some entrepreneurial american muslims should start selling 2 for 1 islam home-conversion kits so our population can get a head start just in case.

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Guest endymion

So you're saying that any rational, reasonable Islamist extremist terrorist would see differences in the two situations and they would be honor-bound not to turn our rationalization for killing hundreds of thousands against us.

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Guest JMT

So you're saying that any rational, reasonable Islamist extremist terrorist would see differences in the two situations and they would be honor-bound not to turn our rationalization for killing hundreds of thousands against us.

no, im saying the exact opposite. there is no such thing as a rational islamo-extremist. they are going to use whatever means they can to achieve their goal (i.e. 9-11), regardless of what we did over 60 years ago.

in conclusion of the original subject, the bomb saved lives.

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Guest JMT
...paraphrasing your conclusion:


if you punch someone in the face you only have yourself to blame when he knocks you out.

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Guest endymion

if you punch someone in the face you only have yourself to blame when he knocks you out.

And that's why we should bomb North Korea?

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how would the US terminate the 1 million or so anti-US or let's just say muslim extremists that are spread in almost every country including the US alone...if the US goes and bombs someone like Iran or NK and kills just one extremist that would automatically set up ticking bomb, dont u think?

There are over 1 billion people in this globe that are muslism...macboy i believe put a good documentary on here a month or so ago about this...it said that 10% of those 1 billion plus classify as anti-everything but islam groups, and they are widely spread all over the globe. These are not your "oh they got a bomb let's go nuke them cuz we r #1 in the world!" people either. They plan and train for years and years b4 their time has come.

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Guest jamu

I think the problem is just equally ours as it is their's. Everyone wants the same solutions. An action solution that involves weapons and ammunition. This is really a cultural war and too many idiots in the White House and its supporters (and some people on here) don't really understand whats going on here. This is a war against individuals that believe and Ideology and a way of life to be the only way of life. You can't attack someone with a gun and make the problem go away. You need to reverse engineer the way of thinking, not the way they arm themselves.

Of course some idiot will come on and say so what do we do just stand there while they shoot at us.... Let me answer that ahead.... NO STUPID. You need to keep defending yourselves, and creating allies, not enemies while you do so, thus forcing terrorists into a smaller and smaller corner, and a worse and worse state until they have no choice to but to conform. Of course this is a long term thing that requires money, excellent intelligence (who is not replaced for party needs), and amazing deplomacy on the part of the executive branch to bring allies not more enemies in the Middle East. This is also done by giving countries that support an initiative economic benefits so the neighbooring countires want a piece of the economic growth. Reward good countries and push out bad countries, thus creating a demand effect that benefits you, and them.

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Guest JMT

if you punch someone in the face you only have yourself to blame when he knocks you out.

And that's why we should bomb North Korea?

WW2 has nothing at all to do with N.K.

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Guest drlogic

it saved human lives, period. you cannot argue that it killed more than it saved. there is simply no data to support that. the casualties it would have taken to force the japanese to surrender were incalculable (500,000 is the number most widely used). the imperial army already had orders to fight until the last man. not to mention they also held hundreds of thousands of war prisoners, and had already killed 300,000 chinese civilians in the the "Nanking Massacre" alone.


Well said JMT. I noticed the reply was akin to a litany of more questions. That's all you'll get when debating a lib,,more questions,,more questions, more questions......Nuke one argument and they whip out another,,and another,,,etc.....

"well answer me this"

"well, what about that"

"so, what would you do IF, blah, blah, blah"

these debates are silly. Granted, they're great brain exersize, but at the end of they day, they're nothing more than an illustration of why we need to seriously address public education standards in this country. People come out of hs clueless and proud of it. Completely OBLIVIOUS to their lack of understanding of gov't, history and perspective. LOL ;D

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Guest endymion

Logic, you supported military action and nothing else against Iraq to disarm their WMDs. It turned out to be unnecessary, costly, and more damaging than it was worth.

You support the same exact strategy, military force and nothing else, for disarming North Korea. Didn't work, now they have nukes.

Now you're supporting the exact same losing strategy, military force and nothing else, to disarm Iran. It doesn't seem to be working and it looks like they'll have nukes soon.

These are not abstract exercises. It's Your Plan failing three times in a row.

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Guest drlogic

Logic, you supported military action and nothing else against Iraq to disarm their WMDs. It turned out to be unnecessary, costly, and more damaging than it was worth.

You support the same exact strategy, military force and nothing else, for disarming North Korea. Didn't work, now they have nukes.

Now you're supporting the exact same losing strategy, military force and nothing else, to disarm Iran. It doesn't seem to be working and it looks like they'll have nukes soon.

These are not abstract exercises. It's Your Plan failing three times in a row.


I supported military action after 12 yrs. of failed diplomacy(oops,,you must have overlooked that tiny, itsy bitsy teeny wheenie detail....I FORGIVE YOU, MY SON)

I supported the homo says what? LOL (J/K..of course).

I don't suport giving this little pipsqueak everything he wants when he screams for attn. That's what America did in 94', he burned us. He lied..IMAGINE THAT,,,A commi dicatator lying to us? go fig'r? holy makarol! LOL

China has to deal NK. NK crumbling only means massive problems for China. Keeping them afloat enables China to kick the problem down the hall and buy themselves more time. NK getting nukes and sharing them w/ others is not in China's best interest....Especially if TAIWAN get's NUKES....Get my drift, slick? That's why unilateral talks w/ NK won't work. As a matter of fact, it's already been proven to fail.

So where you got the notion of supporting the same failed stratedgy,yatah, yatah, yatah,,,I DUNNO? OBAHKAYBEE, KEEMOSABI?

So, "my" plan (LOL) failed......what 3 times...LOL Compared to your bitching? Is this the part where the marching band marches by?

c'mon dude...? i really hope you were kidding w/ that reply...cause that's CRACK ROCK shit...if you ask me.

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Guest endymion

China has to deal NK.

Oh so diplomacy through China is your plan. Sorry I thought you were one of the "BOMB THEM!!" voices yesterday.

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