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Venezuela Dictator Vows To Bring Down U.S. Government

Guest obby

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Guest obby

Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez has vowed to bring down the U.S. government. Chavez, president of Venezuela , told a TV audience: "Enough of imperialist aggression; we must tell the world: down with the U.S. empire. We have to bury imperialism this century."

The guest on his television program, beamed across Venezuela , was Cindy Sheehan, the antiwar activist. Chavez recently had as his guest Harry Belafonte, who called President Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world."

Chavez is pushing a socialist revolution and has a close alliance with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Regardless of your feelings about the war in Iraq , the issue here is that we have a socialist dictator vowing to bring down the government of the U.S. And he is using our money to achieve his goal!

The Venezuela government, run by dictator Chavez, is the sole owner of Citgo gas company. Sales of products at Citgo stations send money back to Chavez to help him in his vow to bring down our government.



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Guest JMT

Mass Venezuela opposition rally

BBC News, Caracas

Tens of thousands of people have marched through the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, in support of the main opposition candidate, Manuel Rosales.

Mr Rosales will face President Hugo Chavez in December's presidential poll.

The march, which filled the main avenues of the city centre, was the biggest opposition rally Venezuela has seen since early 2004.


Then, protesters made an unsuccessful bid to oust Mr Chavez from power in a recall referendum.

Chance to unite

Young and old took to the streets to throw their weight behind the campaign of Mr Rosales, a middle-class Social Democrat who governs the state of Zulia, on the Colombian border.

Many claimed that they were seeking liberty and democracy and that made Mr Rosales their only option: "The problem of the opposition is that before we had a lot of candidates and people couldn't make up their minds whom to support," one woman said.

"Right now we have just one candidate and I believe that we have a better shot if we have just one candidate against Chavez."

For some it was simply a day out to enjoy the sunshine, but for most it was a chance to listen to a speech by Mr Rosales, who declared that Venezuela was "at a crossroads".

Mr Rosales condemned what he called the cheque book diplomacy of Mr Chavez, accusing him of giving away Venezuela's oil wealth to foreign powers.

If Mr Rosales can keep up this kind of pressure against his rival, the election results may not necessarily be a foregone conclusion.

But for now, Mr Chavez still enjoys a clear lead in opinion polls because of a sense of loyalty that poor and working-class voters feel towards him.


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Guest endymion

Regardless of your feelings about the war in Iraq , the issue here is that we have a socialist dictator vowing to bring down the government of the U.S. And he is using our money to achieve his goal!

The Venezuela government, run by dictator Chavez, is the sole owner of Citgo gas company. Sales of products at Citgo stations send money back to Chavez to help him in his vow to bring down our government.

Billions of American dollars are going directly to the Saudis in the form of gasoline for the American war machine. They flew airplanes into the World Trade Center. I don't see you proposing a boycott, in fact you're saying that we should send even MORE gasoline dollars to the Saudis in order to invade Korea.

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Guest endymion

Sad that we waste our time in Iraq, while tin-pot jackasses like Chavez and Kim Jong-Il still breathe.

The legacy of a failed president.

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Guest pod

How can he be a failed president when he was a failure when he took office? ;D

"Failure that happened to become President"?

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Guest endymion

yes, its much better to go over and shake hands while they lie to your face.

It's totally telling that the stock photo that you dig up on North Korean diplomacy is from Clinton days, since there's been none of that for the last six years and hey wow look how well that worked out for Bush. His diplomatic strategy with people he doesn't agree with is to just ignore them. Doesn't seem to be working.

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Tech you offer no plan, no course of action except to blame Bush, again all the Reps thank you for your continued hatred, because it wins them elections.. In fact, you'll probably get an extra tax deduction because of it. No one cares what you have to say, the Dems and Reps care what I say, an opened minded independent thinking person who doesn't align with one side or the other, but rather I change and adapt as the parties do so in their own right.. I loved Clinton, I support Bush, I voted for Kerry, I wish Regan was still alive and kicking and I hope Rudy wins, but I hope the Dems put up a great fight, because when they do we all win!

I'll go to my grave being a Jets fan, but I won't go to my grave being only a Dem or Rep.

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Guest endymion

No one cares what you have to say, the Dems and Reps care what I say, an opened minded independent thinking person who doesn't align with one side or the other, but rather I change and adapt as the parties do so in their own right..

Would you like me to post a scan of my voter registration card to prove to you that I'm literally a card-carrying Republican?

Oh and I hate to throw a monkey wrench into your simplistic black-or-white world view, but do you realize how many Americans depend on Citgo? Not just the low-income recipients of Venezuela's natural gas handouts but also the huge numbers of Americans who work in Citgo refineries in the US. The world isn't as simple as you wish it could be.

I have this image in my head of me pointing to a cockroach, you pouring gasoline on it and lighting the whole room on fire, then pointing at me and going "NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, YOU HAVE NO PLAN!!"

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Guest JMT

you make incessant mass generalizations based on nothing but political party. not the sign of someone who doesnt see things in only "black-or-white".

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Guest endymion

you make incessant mass generalizations based on nothing but political party. not the sign of someone who doesnt see things in only "black-or-white".

I have been pigeonholed into representing "Dems" and painted to look like Michael Moore by people on these forums who don't understand how a conservative could possibly oppose Bush policy.

I'm what used to be called a "Barry Goldwater conservative", a species that no longer exists.

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Guest endymion

I'll agree with ya there, TJ. If you're against Bush, you're automatically a liberal it seems. Liberals blow.

The people who hijacked the Republican party away from conservatives have done a really good job with their doublespeak. Now people who oppose Bush's huge government and massive deficit spending are "liberals", which is what conservatives used to stand for.

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Guest jamu

I think we should attack Venezuela based on the fact that they might possibly posses weapons of mass destruction, we should claim their oil fields (and set that as the top priority in our strategic plan to invade Venezuela), then send out no bid contracts to our best buddies companies, and then when we don't discover any weapons of mass destruction, and have a civil war about to break out, we should make sure we do what we can to make it seem like a winning situation, until something else comes up to distract us. Then hope that people forget that their loved ones are being killed everyday, and pray that poll numbers don't drop, and that the American people don't know that they are being lied too.

I think that is the best way to take care of Venezuela. 8)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Sad that we waste our time in Iraq, while tin-pot jackasses like Chavez and Kim Jong-Il still breathe.

Yep. One guy controls 10% of the worlds oil. Another guy detonates a 5-10 Kiloton bomb underground. And another guy sits in an Iraqi prison and yet can still kill people from his jail cell...
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Guest slamminshaun

I'm what used to be called a "Barry Goldwater conservative", a species that no longer exists.

What do you mean they no longer exists? Today, they're called "Libertarians".

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Guest endymion

I'm what used to be called a "Barry Goldwater conservative"' date=' a species that no longer exists.


What do you mean they no longer exists? Today, they're called "Libertarians".

We used to be called "Republicans".

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Guest slamminshaun

I'm what used to be called a "Barry Goldwater conservative", a species that no longer exists.

What do you mean they no longer exists? Today, they're called "Libertarians".

We used to be called "Republicans".

Yeah...so Democrats used to get all of the southern vote, and they no longer do. Political parties change, evolve, whatever....its true, yesterday's Republicans are today's Libertarians. Here's an article you might get a kick out of.


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Guest maru37

Who's Kim Jong Il's tailor? I'm trying to get me some of those Dr.Evil-esque suits with the top button and zip up front.

Maybe Iran's Prez could give him some fashion tips. He always looks very breezy and comfortable for someone who is completely disconnected with reality.

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Guest obby

Who's Kim Jong Il's tailor? I'm trying to get me some of those Dr.Evil-esque suits with the top button and zip up front.

Maybe Iran's Prez could give him some fashion tips. He always looks very breezy and comfortable for someone who is completely disconnected with reality.


That is true, Ahmadinezhad has some pimp ass suites. I'll give him that.



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Guest drlogic

can't we all just get along? LOL

War is "never" the answer. LOL

Have no fear, the UN(United Nothing) will sanction NORTH Korea. Maybe, they'll draft another angry letter and send it to N. Korea,,only this time they'll type it in all CAPS...then the next warning will be in CAPS & BOLD. ...What's next? Red font? LOL

We arm UBL to fight the Russians in Afghan.

Then we give Iraq WMD to fight Iran

Then we give N. Korea NUKE TECHNOLOGY in 1994 to shut them up and share a glass of "champagne in ma' campaign".

Why does America keep shooting itself in the foot? Simple, Bush! Push, push in the da' Bush, in da' Bush you push! LOL




Sip sip ang malekin titiko!

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