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Where are the American mercenary bounty hunters?

Guest endymion

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Guest endymion

Before the FBI or the CIA or the DHS, when there was a dangerous fugitive on the loose we would send in a posse. For the most dangerous fugitives, like Bonnie & Clyde or Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, we sent mercenary bounty hunters to track them down and either kill or capture them. Usually kill.

Why are there no private mercenaries in Pakistan trying to kill Osama bin Laden for the 20 million dollar reward?

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Guest endymion

The problem is this, what can one do with 20 million in Pakistan or any middle eastnern country? Buy a new camel?

I was asking about American bounty hunters, not Pakistanis. Where is the modern Tom Horn?

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Guest saintjohn

Two words: Neutrality Acts.

The Wikipedia article barely touches on some of the more interesting aspects of the Acts. Looking at past prosecutions, it's obvious that if the government (or a particularly influential part thereof) likes what you're doing, then you won't be prosecuted, even if you're waging a private war on some sovereign nation ("plausible deniability").

If, however, the State Department or some member of the Cabinet finds your paramilitary activities bothersome, expect to find yourself facing serious federal charges. Of course, administrations change, and soldiers of fortune can find themselves suddenly out of favor, even if their cause is just.

Compare and contrast: William Walker; Lafayett Escadrille; the Flying Tigers; Alpha 66; Executive Outcomes; Keith Idema; DynCorp International.

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Guest saintjohn

This discussion intersects with a few other Junkie Chat topics:

John Mattes, the investigative reporter who was assaulted on camera a while back, was once a public defender in Miami. He was involved in at least one high-profile Neutrality Act case in the late 80s.

That particular case was also investigated by a senate committee looking into possible Contra drug smuggling.

The committee was headed by John Kerry.

At the time, Vice President Bush was supposedly in charge of the "War on Drugs."

Jeb Bush was connected with a plan to treat wounded Contra soldiers through a Miami HMO - and subsidize the operation with Medicare funds.

And they all drove Ford Mustangs.

Sorry - I haven't had my coffee yet.

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Guest jamu

I can imagine that there are a couple of factors as to why American Bounty Hunters don't go right into Pakistan and look for Osama. Probably first being that they don't know the language, second the culture, third the religon (which is deeply rooted in the culture which is why I mention it), fourth know the territory and its people, and finally who they could trust to even get them there in deep Northern Pakistan.

I am also sure that being as well armed as Al Queada is doesn't help, nor the fact that they were trained by our CIA during the cold war.

Unless I had a muslim background and knew the language, there would be better more successful bounties to look for.

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Guest saintjohn

Very good points - which why the best private military contractors tend to be former special operations guys, not shopping mall security guards.

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Guest endymion

St John, thanks for all of the input. I've been reading about the Neutrality Acts and all kinds of other stuff that I was unaware of that you're bringing up. That blog post about Blackwater being the new Pinktertons was really interesting and relevant, thanks.

I was curious about why private security firms can't go in and address the forgotten issue of the guy who attacked us, because as the Blackwater guys like to say: there's a void that private industry could fill. The military is failing to kill or capture Osama bin Laden or al Zawahiri. The free-market, neoconservative solution to that problem would seem to be ... private industry. Right?

And Jamu, when the Iranians took a bunch of American computer executives from EDS hostage in 1979, American business man Ross Perot hired a mercenary team to go and rescue them. They suceeded. It can be done.

I still don't quite see a good reason why there is not currently an active, free-market competition to capture Osama bin Laden. We have selectively chosen not to enforce parts of the neutrality acts before, I don't see what's the big deal. The US military isn't doing it, there is a 'void' to be filled.

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Guest jamu

Oh I am not saying that it couldn't be done. What I am saying is that its not going to be your typical redneck gun ho guy. Its going to have to be people with some background that specalize in doing work within that area or ethnic group. I doubt you'll see much successful from a guy with red hair and a southern accent having much success in Pakistan just IMO.

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Guys, parks of pakistan have been off limits for decades to foreigners, it's not like a US city, it's the back country and they are also at war with Indian in that area. The Gov has no control over those areas. Dog looks for guys in modern countries. It can't be that hard to find a meth head on an Island.

It's like looking for your contact lens on the slopes of Killington.

A great analogy is that movie Shoot to Kill....

That Eric Rudolph guy was found 15 miles from his house, how many years did it take us to catch him???

I personaly would like to get his #2 first.

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