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what about pre-cum?

your saying those lil bitches forgot how to swim upstream???

"condoms are cheaper then children... or The price you would have to pay for dr's bills to treat an HIV infection"






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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

what about pre-cum?

your saying those lil bitches forgot how to swim upstream???

"condoms are cheaper then children... or The price you would have to pay for dr's bills to treat an HIV infection"

Pre-cum is not a problem for me cuz my girl uses birth control pills. But i do agree with you on "condoms are cheaper then children"

<a  href="]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm35.gif' alt='cwm35.gif'>

ps...did u ever find out who omie was hehehe.....

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Originally posted by clubhead32:

Pre-cum is not a problem for me cuz my girl uses birth control pills. But i do agree with you on "condoms are cheaper then children"

cwm35.gif" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm35.gif</A>

ps...did u ever find out who omie was hehehe.....

no, i'm still pretty clueless on who omie is.. i have no idea who he is..






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pulling out is almost as reliable as blowing a load as far as trying to *get* pregnant! unless you have practiced taoist ejaculation control, or some other physical discipline, then there is no way to be sure not to spill pre-cum. pre-cum is potent.

personally, i have practiced meditations that prevent ejaculation. still, i dont think the pull-out method should be used as the only means of birth control. i came to this realization one night after a bottle of wine made me sloppy and i accidentally lost some pre-come, despite my training.

another problem occurs when the woman can not control herself. if she is on top, or you wait too long and she follws your movements with her body, then it might be impossible to pull out before its too late.

think about it. shes on top and about to come. you tell her to pull out or try to heave her off of you as you are about to shoot. one or two seconds pass, yet you have just created "junior." pulling out is simply a bad method of contraception.

if you want a baby, have a baby. if you dont want a baby, use contraception. either way, if you have sex, be prepared to have a child bc no form of contraception is 100% reliable.


i love music!

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Originally posted by mrdick:

Pulling out is only for spraying all over her smile.gif Its for artistic effect - not contraception.

LMFAO...no doubt....but why not just get on the pill if you are a girl, mine is on it and it only costs 24 a month, i think?? I know it is cheap though, plus it is more fun not haveing to stresss every month if she is going to get her "friend"


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