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What is the time limit for....

V. Barbarino

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Guest cire

^ def. a possibility...i would def. have called and thanked you though....i have lost and found my wallet too many times and wondered who actually turned it in...i would def. give a call...if not, youre basically bein' a curnt ;)

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Guest mr.miami

From the words of Stan Lee

"Another definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about other people's well-being, and will go out of his or her way to help them -- even if there is no chance of a reward. That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero."

Sounds like many here wouldnt be able to make it on this tv show


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Guest pod

South Florida isn't civilized though. The only difference between us and the savages in the Amazon is that we have cell phones, broadband, and cars.

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Guest mr.miami

I tend to say thank you sometimes. I wont guarantee a thank you. Still there is a point where it can get repetitive. Who here says thank you every time a waiter fills your glass, gives you silverware, or brings out your food?

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Guest lulamishka

Damn cold cant sleep. So say you did something for someone and they didnt say thank you like say in this example and then the same thing happend. Would you help them again or just not do it because they didnt say thank you to you?

Regardless of whether I got a "thank you" the first time or not, I would still return the lost wallet if it happened a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. time.

I'm just saying, hearing a "thank you" would be appreciated. Especially for something like that... its a common courtesy.

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Guest Seb

Ya it's all about common courtesy. Like when your driving and you let somebody in your lane and they don't wave, that pisses me off >:( Is it that hard to wave your hand and say thanks?

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Guest JMT


better late than never.

a drink? how about a tax and wax?

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Guest mr.miami

So if you thought this girl was dog ugly would you have put all the effort into this, or done the easy thing and give it to your friend? Cant wait for the next thread on How long after being told by her that you two should have drinks to go out and do it. Hmm maybe she was just saying that to be nice.

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Guest Electric Eel

I tend to say thank you sometimes. I wont guarantee a thank you. Still there is a point where it can get repetitive. Who here says thank you every time a waiter fills your glass, gives you silverware, or brings out your food?

I say thank you everytime a waiter does all the above, I dont care if its repetitve, its called manners and my parents taught me well.

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Guest Cosmigonon

I tend to say thank you sometimes. I wont guarantee a thank you. Still there is a point where it can get repetitive. Who here says thank you every time a waiter fills your glass, gives you silverware, or brings out your food?

same here, but hey, that's just me...

I say thank you everytime a waiter does all the above, I dont care if its repetitve, its called manners and my parents taught me well.

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To each's own but, when I do something for somebody I do it because I want to, not to receive anything in return or with an ulterior motive. I enjoy helping people and I never expect anything. However, if you have any manners to speak of you should say thank you. It's the ethical thing to do. If you don't you're a self centered, not to mention rude and ungrateful douchebag.

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