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Who's right/wrong here ?


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I had a blindate-

Had dinner. The guy wants to show me his place so we go back there.

I told him in the car "No sex". But I didn't yell at him about it.

Back at his place he starts kissing my face all over and wouldn't get off. I was drunk so I was acting tipsy. Put on a little strip tease . But I still don't know if I wanted to have sex.

Being drunk, we end up banging. But I started bleeding during sex, So I stop. Then the guy yells " Can u finish me off ?" - I didn't want to but I felt like I had to finish him off , out of courtesy or something.

Now I'm fuckin mad as hell at myself and that guy for having sex with some ugly guy I didn't even like .

I should've punched him in the face and screamed NO ! But he shouldn't have slobbered all over me and wouldn't get off.

Ok - so who''s the asshole here ?

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thats a tought one!!! You should have stuck to your guns on this one cause he ended up being a total dick!!! "Can you finish me off" ewwwwww, the thought just makes me want to vomit...anyway, right it off as a learning experience and remember, next blind date, first date, whatever, try not to get drunk!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Talk about mixed messages! You should have never gone home with him first off, definitly should not have stripped, what is this guy supposed to think. Whether or not this guy is ugly or a dick, unless you down right told him no before the actual act, he did nothing wrong other than being a typical guy looking to shoot a load. Kill the person who set you up! Better luck next time!


"Play every record like it's your last"

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well youre at fault for putting yourself in a situation like that. you go back to his place drunk, you do a strip tease?!?!?!? what do you expect him to do????

ya he's an asshole for what he did, but youre stupid for a.) putting yourself in a situation like that and b.) for not slapping him when he went too far. and after all that you still 'finish him off'?!?!?!?

you should be smarter that that. it might sound like im blaming you, but im not, just want to wake you up. i hate it when girls go out with losers like this guy.

i've been in situations where we were getting all hot and heavy and the girl told me to stop and i DID. good luck finding men that would do that.

im sorry this happened, i hope next time youre smarter than that.

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IMHO... You are both in the wrong. We as women have got to learn to say NO and mean it. If it was not what you wanted to do, than you should have stuck to your guns. Stripping down, prancing around, gives him the impression that you are wanting to fool around, he had no right to force himself, however you should never have put yourself in that position. Learn that you are valued and do not allow shitty things to happen to you.

Don't sit around and worry about it or beat yourself up over it, just chalk it up to experience and make sure you never put yourself in a position like that again.


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

I had a blindate-

Had dinner. The guy wants to show me his place so we go back there.

I told him in the car "No sex". But I didn't yell at him about it.

Back at his place he starts kissing my face all over and wouldn't get off. I was drunk so I was acting tipsy. Put on a little strip tease . But I still don't know if I wanted to have sex.

Being drunk, we end up banging. But I started bleeding during sex, So I stop. Then the guy yells " Can u finish me off ?" - I didn't want to but I felt like I had to finish him off , out of courtesy or something.

Now I'm fuckin mad as hell at myself and that guy for having sex with some ugly guy I didn't even like .

I should've punched him in the face and screamed NO ! But he shouldn't have slobbered all over me and wouldn't get off.

Ok - so who''s the asshole here ?

If he was a gentlemen he wouldn't have let things happen but you should have had more self control. Telling the guy "no sex" and then going to his apt. in the middle of the night is a sign of confusion and only asking for trouble



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 02-06-2001).]

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