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Guest biznation00

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Guest pod

It is funny though, I look at other scenes, and there's nothing else quite like how the drama unfolds in the Miami scene. A club closes down and that's that. No one knows why, and there's speculation, often false.

We've got ourselves quite the detective force here in Miami clubland.

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Guest frankthetank

Watch out Nick' date=' someday someone's going to do some detective work on you. :o Ever been to Bangkok?


Reminds me of that chinese proverb...

'Man who walks through turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok'

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Watch out Nick, someday someone's going to do some detective work on you. :o Ever been to Bangkok?

Reminds me of that chinese proverb...

'Man who walks through turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok'

Reminds me of that person that has no life and nothing better to do with his life.. so he goes and searches on the internet for dirt to dig up about a particular person/business... and then talk shit about them like someone told him because he is Mr. Important.

if you ask me.. it's pretty fucking pathetic that someone would take the time and do detective work on a nightclub.

If they are open.. then they are open.. if they are closed.. then they are closed... if they arent making money.. then who gives a fuck.

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Guest LeVeL

Watch out Nick, someday someone's going to do some detective work on you. :o Ever been to Bangkok?

Reminds me of that chinese proverb...

'Man who walks through turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok'

Reminds me of that person that has no life and nothing better to do with his life.. so he goes and searches on the internet for dirt to dig up about a particular person/business... and then talk shit about them like someone told him because he is Mr. Important.

if you ask me.. it's pretty fucking pathetic that someone would take the time and do detective work on a nightclub.

If they are open.. then they are open.. if they are closed.. then they are closed... if they arent making money.. then who gives a fuck.

Dude relax...its just a club...your acting like if Saleen is taking money from you plate by posting this stuff on CJ.

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Guest pod

Well it is a nightlife messageboard, and like I said, it makes for much more interesting conversation than trainspotting or how drunk someone got last night.

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Guest pod

Well not to shit in anyone's cornflakes, but there should be a form letter for club review posts.

Most posts read like this:

1. Went out

2. DJ so and so rocked or sucked

2a. Trainspotters will yap about whichever track of the week the DJ happened to drop or failed to do so. The more rabid will insult the DJ's mom and demand that the club owner hire them instead, because they're "the future" and "know what the people want".

3. Got drunk

4. Good seeing xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx,

5. See ya next week!

Nothing wrong with getting tanked and seeing your buddies, but that's not engaging reading. Call me strange, but the seedy drama of the clubs we love and hate is quite the topic.

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Guest biznation00

Few if anyone know where my intel comes from, but I can tell you, I do maybe 1% of the searching, sometimes I search to confirm leads but in this case, this stuff pops into my email, just not gonna say who sends this stuff to me, but I can say it's multiple people.

My point exactly! Glad you could come on here & admit to this after I called you out. "Stuff pops into your email". Hence you are the messenger... You are a puppet public figure for them buddy & you enjoy it. You've established yourself the gossip queen of CJ & I admit, even sometimes you have a point. So when you seldom do, it gives you an ounce of credibility. Don't get too excited... I said an ounce.

So why wouldn't they use you to carry their message? You make for interesting reading & some people actually listen to you. While you might state some notable facts, you never seem to have "the other side" of the story. It's always a one sided rumor.

What if I sent you some facts via email that go against & rule out the statements you posted from the "others" that you refer to as the "stuff that pops into your email"? Would you post them in a thread called "The New Nocturnal: Refinanced & Restructured in 2007"? I very much doubt that you would.

Ciao Nick, I had a fun time with you on the message board. It was indeed another action-packed-productive wednesday for you after all. Hang in there, it's almost friday! ;)

Biz Martinez



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Watch out Nick' date=' someday someone's going to do some detective work on you. :o Ever been to Bangkok?


Reminds me of that chinese proverb...

'Man who walks through turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok'

Reminds me of that person that has no life and nothing better to do with his life.. so he goes and searches on the internet for dirt to dig up about a particular person/business... and then talk shit about them like someone told him because he is Mr. Important.

if you ask me.. it's pretty fucking pathetic that someone would take the time and do detective work on a nightclub.

If they are open.. then they are open.. if they are closed.. then they are closed... if they arent making money.. then who gives a fuck.

Dude relax...its just a club...your acting like if Saleen is taking money from you plate by posting this stuff on CJ.

im relaxed dude... its just everytime i click on a message that saleen starts... its either one of the following:

1) EDM is dead

2) EDM DJs are losers and they are ALL DONE

3) All EDM events in Miami will no longer be

4) All Clubs in Miami are losing money

5) Any festival that comes to Miami are ran by idiots and they are dumbasses for trying it

6) ALL festivals lose money

7) Nightlife in Miami is DONE

8) "Spicks" are dumbasses

9) Get rid of EDM events and make them Rock events

10) Space will be closing soon

11) Nocturnal will be done soon (which he has been saying for the past year and they are still opened

12) No more 24 hour disctrict... "Get over it people.. it's done hahaa"

13) You're an idiot for supporting nightclubbing in Miami

14) Miami's scene is finished

15) Crobar is the dumbest idea in the history of miami nightlife

16) Miami's scene is DEAD

the list can keep going on and on and on. it's almost like he would be happy if every club in miami were to shut down.. and he just sits back laughing whenever any negative news comes out of clubland... and notice.. he is always the first to post about it laughing about it with smartass remarks.

When was the last time Saleen said anything positive about our scene... and Tsettos coming into town does not count.

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Guest pod

The way I see things on a pure theoretical level is that it's traffic. Our stats are up noticeably when The Club Legend makes one of his pronouncements. Whether they err or not, doesn't matter, it drives traffic to our little forum.

Oh, and he'll be right about dance music dying if people don't get off their genrefied high horses and support.

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Guest pod

That's all proprietary information actually as per L2N policy. I'm not saying a massive spike, but there is a noticeable blip in forum traffic.

Kind of like the blip I get on our stats engine from Bling's job.

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Guest dudeitzdiesel

all i gotta say is i just saw the flyer for wmc week, boris thursday night....and that keeps nocturnal open for another half a year so let's take some liquid cocaine and keep on dancin' !!!!!

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Guest Major

Better than reading about what Bling had for breakfast.

I'd like to know what Bling has for breakfast? It's got-to-be better than a greasy Irish breakfast with a pint of Guiness at Playwright every morning.

What does Bling eat to keep himself so slender all year round? It's certainly not raving till dawn, cause he's home by 2:34a.m..

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Few if anyone know where my intel comes from, but I can tell you, I do maybe 1% of the searching, sometimes I search to confirm leads but in this case, this stuff pops into my email, just not gonna say who sends this stuff to me, but I can say it's multiple people.

My point exactly! Glad you could come on here & admit to this after I called you out. "Stuff pops into your email". Hence you are the messenger... You are a puppet public figure for them buddy & you enjoy it. You've established yourself the gossip queen of CJ & I admit, even sometimes you have a point. So when you seldom do, it gives you an ounce of credibility. Don't get too excited... I said an ounce.

So why wouldn't they use you to carry their message? You make for interesting reading & some people actually listen to you. While you might state some notable facts, you never seem to have "the other side" of the story. It's always a one sided rumor.

What if I sent you some facts via email that go against & rule out the statements you posted from the "others" that you refer to as the "stuff that pops into your email"? Would you post them in a thread called "The New Nocturnal: Refinanced & Restructured in 2007"? I very much doubt that you would.

Ciao Nick, I had a fun time with you on the message board. It was indeed another action-packed-productive wednesday for you after all. Hang in there, it's almost friday! ;)

Biz Martinez



I have no idea what you just said, but you still owe me an apology and a refinanced Nocturnal is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

It would be nice for you to man up and admit your entire first post was incorrect bs.

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