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What are some rules of club behavior ettiquette people should follow?

Guest mr.miami

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Guest mr.miami

I decided to post this just to see what people here think is the proper way to act at a club. Also I was actually nice this weekend and asked someone that had toppled over from drugs, or alcohol if they were ok. My good deed for the month. Ok anyone here have thoughts on this? Also feel free to post here some nice things you did while actually being at a club.

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Guest soozin

freakin apologize or at least acknowledge a person when you step on them/spill their drink/elbow them in the head (shorties you KNOW what i am talkin about)/etc..

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Guest JMT

extending simple common courtesy would be a good start. a couple months ago i stopped some dickhead on the patio to flick a burning cherry off his shoulder that a passing smoker branded his shirt with. the douche watches me do it and doesnt even say thanks.

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Guest myles hie

When walking through a crowd do not hold your cigarette at eye level as you pass someone. You burn people you fucking moron. Cup it in your hand and keep you hand by your waist.


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Guest Gladius

Common fucking decency. Real easy.

yea its amazing how many people just don't have this. I think if I was raised by wild deer and instantly thrown into the club scene I would have more common decency than some of the people I see in there.

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Guest lulamishka

When walking through a crowd do not hold your cigarette at eye level as you pass someone. You burn people you fucking moron. Cup it in your hand and keep you hand by your waist.


Wow, thank you thank you thank you. I can't STAND people holding their cigarrettes irresponsibly in a club. I've gotten burned one too many times from people not even paying attention to where their cigarette is facing.

Not to mention I can't stand when someone blows smoke in my face.

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Guest Gladius

When walking through a crowd do not hold your cigarette at eye level as you pass someone. You burn people you fucking moron. Cup it in your hand and keep you hand by your waist.


Wow, thank you thank you thank you. I can't STAND people holding their cigarrettes irresponsibly in a club. I've gotten burned one too many times from people not even paying attention to where their cigarette is facing.

Not to mention I can't stand when someone blows smoke in my face.

Cigarettes.... Psh try getting stabbed by a giant lit cigar, you might as well soak your hand in gasoline and light it up haha.

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Guest tekniQz

I hate it when you go out to have a couple of drinks and someone is sitting in a chair that you want to sit in and they are all layed e-tarded style. ;D ;D

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Guest LeVeL

If your a club whore and you like to fuck and be seen with different men. Then atleast do it discretely by not going to the same club week in and week out and even worse dont let your picture be taken and posted on a website..lol. Atleast be a descent whore.

Also if your dancing please stay in your own space, dont dance like the whole club belongs to you and then start bumping into people in the process.

If you dont like to tip descently then dont complain about not enough liquor being in your drink or good service in a club.

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Guest deprivation

Don't cigarette burn or hit me in the balls. I've been hit in the balls with someone's hand at least twice in the last few weeks by accident. I hope it was an accident. And watch that cigarette.

And for guys that like to take off your shirts, don't walk into me with your sweaty body.

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Guest pod

That's a pet peeve of mine. Don't ask me for a photo if you don't want it published. Last time I checked, L2N cuts my checks every week, not you (generic you, not you, Level).

I'll agree with you there, teq. I generally am nice to everyone and it works out.

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Guest djcarlosf

if youre going to kill yourself by cancer stick, dont kill me by blowing YOUR fucking smoke in MY fucking face...

son of a bitch....


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Guest ericac

please dont touch or grab me if u dont know me.

if u push me acknowledge that u did and apologize.

I dont mind sharing cigarettes but really, if u know u r a social smoker..get your own before you go out so others dont support your habit. (although I dont mind sharing because i c it as im smoking less )

MOST definitely..if you knock over my drink...BUY ME ONE.

oh...and i LOVE to dance but be courteous and dont almost trip others trying that new move. im always aware of my surroundings. ;) ;)

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Guest Clarisa

Brush your teeth or chew gum. I hate it when people speak to me with bad breath. EWWWWWWW!!

No speaking in the ear while drinking alcohol. That only causes the person to spit in your ear.

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