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Umm Im not horny anymore I guess I should say...


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So its now Feb 2001 and the sex update for me this year is a whopping ZERO! Not as if any of you care but I feel like expressing myself.

Now Im not mad I havent gotten any. Nah, thats deffinately not it. Im horny at times but I have a big concern here. Sometimes I can be driving and I get this incredible sensation. Practically orgasm out of now where at all. Totally left field its crazy. But I havent had sex in about 5 months so Im beginning to wonder where its coming from.

Do ya think its possible that Im building up inside? I guess thats what we can call it. Its crazy though because I havent found a guy that "does it" for me persay. One that really drives me wild and makes me wanna tear his clothes off with my teeth like the good old days.

I guess my concern is....why am I not finding guys that just turn me on. Their voice or the site of them? The way they kiss. Could it be Im just soo damn picky? I know I like good sex but damn at this rate, it looks like Im never getting it again. I cant just have a one night stand either so ya know. Thats not my style at all. So, just a cheap fuck wont even happen for me.

Oh yea and....I havent even really had the urge in general. Sure I get this uncontrollable sexual urge at times but it fades within 30 minutes. Its strong and can we say "OMFG"?!?!? Well, I guess what im trying to ask is...should I be alarmed?? Whatcha think? Or am I just wacked?? (dont answer that I already know the answer thankyouverymuch)



Oh...anyone else ever get like this? Knwo where Im comin from?? Or am I not making sense...cuz thats how Im feelin over here...



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - uNKoWN

- "It's better to be baked, not fried!" - GrOOvE

- Myrlin's ho!

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Hi Kittie Kat-

I hear yew gerl.. .. actually.. first i must say.. DAMN 5 months is a long time. I haven't gone 5 months, in a really long time.. and to be honest, Im not sure if i could go that long.. BUT.. I feel the same way you do about not meeting anyone that "does it" for you.. Maybe it's age... Maybe because were getting older, and were not little girls anymore, sex has become more then bustin a nut.. You know.. I feel this is true in my case..

I often wonder too though, I thikn, maybe its just that I'm not meeting the men who turn me on. I used to be much easier to please, but as I got older, things changed.

But, I have to have a feeling that the reason I'm not meeting anyone that does it for me, is becuase I was recently in a long-term relationship, and that ended 5 months ago.. (ironic .. 5 months).. ever since then, every guy I meet, i can't help but to wonder what their alterior motives are (my relationship ended in a REALLY fucked up way).. So, I guess my problem is a little more psychological then physical..

Im babbling!!.. Sorry!

Anyway I dunn0 if that helps, but your not alone.. I feel the same way you do in certain aspects..


"I'm gone, you ain't worth tha tears

You lost tha best thing you ever had in ya life..a waste of my years"

"ouT 4 doL"


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hopefully when u get it, it's damn good! i haven't seen pics of u, but i don't think your too picky - you know what u like - so don't lower your standards ... i'm sure the right one is out there some where cwm38.gif


* starcapone * modus operandi * athenalust@hotmail.com

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I understand about that feeling you get... it's so intense for a little while, and if there was a bloke around at that point then I don't think the boy would be left standing. But it seems to fade so quickly...

However my personal worry at the moment has to be the amount of time I can stay interested in one guy for, at the moment I'm averaging about 5 sexual encounters before I start wishing he'd hurry up and let me sleep. I don't understand cause it's not like they've not been good, or imaginative. Dunno what it's about but it's annoying me now cause of the man I care about so much: gorgeous, kind, funny, but bores the hell out of me. And now I'm just hurting him cause he can see I'm acting. Although I haev explained why it is and he said that maybe it was better if we forgot it.

Know all of this sounds really big-headed like "I'm so amazing and no one can keep up with me" but it's not at all. Someone tell me this is a phase I'll grow out of when my hormones settle themselves down and my pathetic childish head grows up a bit?


Stay Twisted :)

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Hey girlie! OK, let me give my 2 cents.

The fact that you're not finding anyone who just sweeps you off your feet is probably due to the fact that you are looking to hard. Every man you meet, don't try to think of him as husband material yadda yadda yadda.. Going 5 months w/o sex sucks, but when you do finally have it with the right person it's gonna be incredible. All us girls need to stop looking so damn hard b/c truthfully it's when you STOP looking that your Prince Charming willl come around. I know so many girls that has happened to.

ANd as far as you not getting horny really....it's b/c you really have no REASON to be horny. You were saying you get that sensation every once in a while and practically orgasm spontaneously, but really, do you have a reason to be horny all the time? What you are feeling is totally normal for a single girl...who also hasn't been laid in 5 months. Don't sweat the small stuff.....it'll come in time. smile.gif


bluesbro.gif Please meet Jammin' Jimmy, the Dancin' Machine!! (thanks Daniela)!

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hi kat,

serious question-- have u recently started taking the pill or doing something else that would regulate your hormones? the pill def has effects like some of what you describe.

actually, sexual inactivity also regulates moods. you are in a groove and you are adjusting. with no sex it would make sense that your body goes into "powerdown" mode something like those energy saving laptops computers.

if you really think theres a prob, go see a physician. otherwise, i am sure your body/mind will let you know when the time is right to take care of the problem!




i love music!

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Hey peoplez~

Sorry for taking soo long to reply back..I just have been craZy busy.

Anyhow, cmb1975, I live in Belleville, NJ. But I dont think that my appearance is my problem. I know there are people I can sleep with but Im just majorly picky when it comes to sex. Its easy to tell when someone comes to talk to you with genuine interest of sexual intents ya know.

Im not taking any medications that could possibly make my sexual drive go caput. I have recently changed my diet, sleeping behavior and started working out at my company gym. Im sure this has nothing to do with it though.

I guess it probably has to do with Im focusing my energy on other things. I havent been looking for a guy...thats for sure. If one came along then alright but Im not a looker anymore...that was the days of yore.

Anyway, Im not really distraught about this at all to be honest. Its just crazy how I get this uncontrollable sexual urges and theres not much I can do about it to quench my thirst. Im waiting patiently and crossing my fingers that when I do get to the dirty deed, its unfuckingbelieveable!

Well thanks for listening.





- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - uNKoWN

- "It's better to be baked, not fried!" - GrOOvE

- Myrlin's ho!

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I think it's like being hungry for food. You get really famished, but then after awhile, the hunger diminishes. But, I hear ya - I'm in the same boat.

But, once you start knockin' boots again, I bet the drive goes right back up. that's what I'm expecting for myself.




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when i first moved to NY, I went a looooong time. as a matter of fact, i never, ever thought i would ever get laid again.... i even went back home and could not get a booty call hook up. than it hit me, i am o.k. like this.... i have never been one to jump from bed to bed and in this day and age you have got to be so careful.... and yes, everyone gets sexual urges that come out of clear blue sky.... when the right comes a long again.... you will know that it is right and will enjoy that relationship even more.....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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