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I swear.....


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between humanity killing each other in senseless wars.... (suicide bombings... genocides.....etc) global warming.. killing off entire species of animals...Republicans....sorry had to throw that in... ;D

and other atrocities..... i swear each and every day i have less hope for this world. Humanity will be the downfall of this planet..

what kind of world are we going to hand down to our kids and generations to come..

very sad

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Guest raffa711

we take things for granted every single day.

then we have children and we start asking ourselves what type of life they are going to have when we die.

it's sad and scary.

we need to be thankful for what we have in this country but also held responsible for what we have done to this world.

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Guest slamminshaun

.. killing off entire species of animals, (Republicans)... sorry had to throw that in... ;D

Sometimes, you're a major dumbass.

What did this have to do with Republicans? Geez dude...you even posted that story.

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Guest Cosmigonon

Bling, people have been killing each other since the begginning of times, nothing new under the sun.

If anything, we live in a better world than ever before. Just 150 years ago blacks were still slaves in several parts of the world, jews were being killed in progroms in eastern europe, children were working in inhumane conditions, women had no rights and forget about it if you were a homosexual, so I think each and everyone of us should be grateful to be living in this time and age.

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Guest lulamishka

The only reason we notice now is because of the immediacy of the newscasts.


Living in a connected society with television, video, the internet, etc., nothing goes unnoticed anymore.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

The only reason we notice now is because of the immediacy of the newscasts.

That's true, but there have been more and more child adbductions, child murders, children and whole families killed by their own parents or stepparents, and other horrendous cases. It this really because it's being reported more, or because it's happening more? I wondered about that a few years ago when there were so many murdered children by suicidal (and non suicidal) parents over a short period of time. And don't forget the number of mass shootings and school shootings, and children going postal in their schools. So does it seem like the number of murders and horrendous crimes is increasing because they really are, or because Bling is reposting them more and more.

I've always been a man with hope for the world, who believed that good always prevails in the end. But I'm losing hope in the world myself, and I don't even like to watch the news anymore because it's all so depressing. Call me an ostrich with my head in the sand, call me weak, but I can't handle it anymore.

And no, this is not Bling with a new screenname posting this. ;D

I need a hug. :(

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Guest Seb

Bling, people have been killing each other since the begginning of times, nothing new under the sun.

If anything, we live in a better world than ever before. Just 150 years ago blacks were still slaves in several parts of the world, jews were being killed in progroms in eastern europe, children were working in inhumane conditions, women had no rights and forget about it if you were a homosexual, so I think each and everyone of us should be grateful to be living in this time and age.

true that. Take any History class and you'll be thankful you live in these times. Sure things could be better, they can always be better but their not that bad either.

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Bling, people have been killing each other since the begginning of times, nothing new under the sun.

If anything, we live in a better world than ever before. Just 150 years ago blacks were still slaves in several parts of the world, jews were being killed in progroms in eastern europe, children were working in inhumane conditions, women had no rights and forget about it if you were a homosexual, so I think each and everyone of us should be grateful to be living in this time and age.

true that. Take any History class and you'll be thankful you live in these times. Sure things could be better, they can always be better but their not that bad either.

i hate to be pesemistic though i come off as such online a lot. trust me i dont like it.. just so much crap goin on

and slide mentioned the school killings as well. thats been just crazy lately as well.

one thing i know about history is unfortunately "History always repeats itself"

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Guest durrtylexx

we didnt start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning.


Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team

Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland

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Guest lulamishka

You need to also realize that the population is bigger than it was "back in the day".... I'm willing to bet that the ratio between population and murders or what have you then is pretty much the same as it is now. Add to that that you hear about it a helluva lot more 'cause of how connected we are as a society.

If you're going to go thru life boohooing about all the shitty stuff happening, you're not doing yourself any favors. Look at the positives. Try to make a difference somehow yourself. Otherwise, might as well slit your wrists now. [please do not take that literally]

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Guest coach

The only reason we notice now is because of the immediacy of the newscasts.

That's true, but there have been more and more child adbductions, child murders, children and whole families killed by their own parents or stepparents, and other horrendous cases. It this really because it's being reported more, or because it's happening more?

It is really because it is reported more. Ever wonder where the term Shanghaid came from?
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