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our celebrity-driven music 'culture' blows...

Guest Adam Singer

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Guest pod

Well yeah, I'll admit to being condescending, but realistically only in concrete matters such as the business of clubland. There's no subjectivity in business, you either pass or fail.

I've never begrudged anyone on their art, which is where Adam seems to go, and I'm trying to discourage him from that, because he could miss out on some opportunities.

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Guest rhythmburn

(electronic music) is not about you or me or any one person or group of people... its not really about anyone, it is about a movement of exciting music (or at least it was)

all the promoters/publicists incessantly flooding us with people's names, and pushing their musical tastes on electronic culture suck - they're missing the point entirely of what music culture should be - and further serve to dilute "the scene" (or whatever is left of it, god i hate that word)...there is also accepted promotion, and there is hype...its a fine line, you know if you're crossing it

maybe im just tired of/don't buy all the hype around certain things in edm culture (especially in miami)...yeah yeah saleen its 'entertainment' not 'art' to you, and to many of you -- but not to some of us...

i challenge you to de-market/de-program yourself and seek out something unique, instead of embracing and following music that is the status quo...not anything specific, just try something different for a week -- you'll be surprised what's out there

The man who follows the crowd, will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been before. You have two choices in life; you can dissolve into the mainstream, or you can be distinct. To be distinct, you must be different. To be different you must strive to be what no one else but you can be.


very well said =)

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Guest pod

By all means, follow your own path...I'm not suggesting merge into the mainstream.

I'm advocating:

1) Don't talk down to your potential audience, even if you're doing art for art's sake.

2) Don't talk down to others in the field, you may consider them "commercial" or "sellouts", but it's those guys who can potentially help you advance your own art. Your art can't exist in a vacuum.

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Guest Cosmigonon

im not bitching, just stirring the waters

dude, when the call to "de-market/de-program yourself" theme appears in most articles you write - thats bitchn'. it also comes across as talking down to your audience. people that go out and have fun every weekend (unlike you) don't need to hear how bad or how wrong it is. that aspect of your writing makes you appear WAY out of touch as well.

Adam, I don't mean to rip into you to much - your a nice guy in person and every time ive seen you out. normally i wouldn't even take the time of day to respond to someone mouthing off on the board, but your presenting us with a published article that is representing are scene to the public. i think you would agree that automatically turns you into a dartboard. so if i disagree i am definitely gonna let it rip. nothing personal.

very welll said. 8)

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Guest myles hie

Well yeah, I'll admit to being condescending, but realistically only in concrete matters such as the business of clubland. There's no subjectivity in business, you either pass or fail.

I don't think there really is anything concrete about clubland. The back end of alot of clubs are held together by rubber bands and bubblegum. Thats why most corps are LLC's. Things are so wishy washy and clubs have a shelf life of only a few years. I think there is plenty of subjectivity in nightlife entertainment but you are correct the bottom line is pass (stay open) or fail (close)

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Guest pod

It makes sense to be an LLC in any high-risk business. Even the most solid nightclub with the most upstanding business practices can fall victim to unforeseen circumstances. Something as simple as the government changing the tax laws that year could send a solid club with no black marks on it's record down the drain.

But anyway, other than that aspect, yeah pretty much everything about clubland is subjective. Like it or not, there's people who consider some place like Club Deep heaven on Earth.

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Guest myles hie

It makes sense to be an LLC in any high-risk business. Even the most solid nightclub with the most upstanding business practices can fall victim to unforeseen circumstances. Something as simple as the government changing the tax laws that year could send a solid club with no black marks on it's record down the drain.

But anyway, other than that aspect, yeah pretty much everything about clubland is subjective. Like it or not, there's people who consider some place like Club Deep heaven on Earth.

and in an ironic slice of life Club Deep celebrates its 9th anniversary soon. I should have learned how to rap :P

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Guest pod

I've talked with the guy who ran the joint (still runs in a consulting role) several times. He knows he runs the "lowest common denominator" of clubs. Older guy with a family. When you're in that situation you're not concerned about being hip, you're concerned about your bottom line so you can put your kids in good private schools so they don't get shot up in a government-run school.

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Guest pod

Running the hot club is fine when you're single and have no responsibilities other than to yourself, but when you've got kids depending on you to bring home the bacon, well, booking DJ Box-Of-Rocks isn't gonna cut it.

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Guest DJ Box-of-Rocks

Running the hot club is fine when you're single and have no responsibilities other than to yourself, but when you've got kids depending on you to bring home the bacon, well, booking DJ Box-Of-Rocks isn't gonna cut it.

fuck you

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Guest DJ Box-of-Rocks

yeah you should come check me out sometime. always talking that jive. someone get me booked at space so i can show this nigger whats up.

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yeah you should come check me out sometime. always talking that jive. someone get me booked at space so i can show this nigger whats up.

i assume u play all vinyl??? and dj box of rocks would never play space its not underground enough man.. u need to play at some grimey warehouse with like one strobe light and tiny disco ball and thats it

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Guest pod

I'd book him just to see if it sounded like a Box of Rocks.

I love it though when people finally notice the obvious of stuff like this. It's like noticing that the sky is blue, or that the grass is green.

But seriously though folks...I've been saying this for a couple of days now, why does it matter at the end of the day? Is it really that life-threatening that someone listens to something that isn't "intelligent"? Whoop de fucking do, ya know? I just can't see how it affects you directly, on like a level that matters.

In other words, so fucking what? You've got your health, your career, and your life. Just because someone wants to listen to Christina Aguilera as opposed to Boards of Canada shouldn't affect you.

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Guest yume

I love Christina Aguilera. ;D

That girl can really sing. She's got soul!

She'll grow out of the trashy image, and be a major force in music (in a different way than she is now).

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Guest pod

I'll agree with you there. But even if she stayed trashy, so what if someone liked her? What I'm getting at is that people take shit like that too personally. I deride trainspotter culture, but you know what, if they wanna scrawl down track names and make fun of DJs all night that have careers they could only dream of, that's fine by me. I wake up the next day and have my health either way.

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Guest pod

Oh, totally. Trashy entertainers serve a purpose. So do cheesy ones. So do the ones the intelligentsia and local dilettantes love to slobber over on their blogs and forum posts.

What it comes down to is shit like this is all subjective, and at the end of the day, who cares what you like?

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