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Me and my dog were attacked and my dog got mauled last night!!

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I was walking my dog 'Darko' like I normally do at 9pm last night.

In a nut shell we were walking by a house (2 houses down from ours) and the new person who is renting the house had their dog (a Staffordshire Terrier) in the back yard behind what we all thought was a secure fence.

Now the girl renting the house has only been there for 2 weeks so I had not seen her dog until last night.

The dog tried to get through one fence door and could not and then it ran around the other side of the house and got of the back yard through the other fence door.

It charged us and chased us around the driveway for several seconds and then it locked it jaws onto the side of my dog, a small rat terrier.

I was wearing socks and sandles and I tried to kick the dog in the side but my kicking did not phase it.

Then the dog picked my little dog up in the air, shaked it and tore the flesh from the side of my dog before the owner of the dog could get to her dog and restrain him.

My dog is now at the vet and has a 50-50 chance to live. The thing they are worried about right now is preventing my dog from getting an infection which most dogs die from when they are attacked by other dogs.

My other neighbor had to pick up my dogs flesh off the street which wss about the size of a small hand towel.

I called the landlord, the police and animal control and I demanded to have the dog removed immediately.

The owner of the dog is refusing to cooperate.

Further action will be taken. Even if it means doing something I don't want to do if you know what I mean!

This is also the second time in 2 weeks that this same dog had gotten out of the house and charged anohter dog and owner. But that god was much bigger than mine so it was able to defend itself.


My dog at the vet this morning


The kind of dog that attacked my dog. Staffordshire Terrier


The fence it got out from under

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Guest pod

Dogs with aggressive tendencies shouldn't be arbitrarily sold.

That being said, if you neighbor isn't cooperating, I'd throw a rock through her window.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Dogs with aggressive tendencies shouldn't be arbitrarily sold.

That being said, if you neighbor isn't cooperating, I'd throw a rock through her window.

I went over there a little while ago and personally told her that I'm going to do everythibng in my power to have her dog removed from the area. One way or another that dog is leaving.

I handed her s copy of the first vet bill of $600. If I did not have $600 just laying around last night, my dog would be dead right now.

She's trying to tell me that her dog is not dangerous. WTF??

And if my dog does live, the vet bills are going to get into the thousands of dollars. Treatment, aftercare, boarding, skin graphs.

I told the land lord of the house that if the dog was not removed immediately and if all my vet bills were not paid for then I would sue him and go after his homeowners insurance..

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Guest JMT

sorry about your pooch TJ.

if its the second reported incident the dog should be removed by law, no? at least thats what they do on "Animal Cops".

i say persue all legal options, like you are doing. if that doesnt work, bring a club to bonk that dog mercilessly the next time it comes near you, and/or throw a rock through her car window like pod suggested.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Make sure ALL your neighbors know about this, they can help put pressure on the dog's owner and landlord.

I live on a street with about 16 homes. Most of them where outside last night. One of my neighbors accross the street was outsdie playing with his kids and saw the whole thing.

His kids are now terrified to go outsdie.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

sorry about your pooch TJ.

if its the second reported incident the dog should be removed by law, no? at least thats what they do on "Animal Cops".

i say persue all legal options, like you are doing. if that doesnt work, bring a club to bonk that dog mercilessly the next time it comes near you, and/or throw a rock through her car window like pod suggested.

The first incident was not reported becasue neither the dog or the owner got hurt. The fight was broken up before it got that far.

The thing that urks me the most is that the dog owner has a 6 year old kid and she is not bothered by the possibility that her dog can attack her also.

No throwing rocks through windows. I don't want to ge put into jail and have to pay any more moeny than I already have to, to keep my dog alive...

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Guest lulamishka

Omg Terry that is horrible! I hope your dog recovers well! Please keep us posted.

And that dog definitely needs to be euthanized. God forbid it were to attack one of the children in the neighborhood!

Definitely tell all your neighbors, like Saleen said.

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sorry about your pooch TJ.

if its the second reported incident the dog should be removed by law, no? at least thats what they do on "Animal Cops".

i say persue all legal options, like you are doing. if that doesnt work, bring a club to bonk that dog mercilessly the next time it comes near you, and/or throw a rock through her car window like pod suggested.

The first incident was not reported becasue neither the dog or the owner got hurt. The fight was broken up before it got that far.

The thing that urks me the most is that the dog owner has a 6 year old kid and she is not bothered by the possibility that her dog can attack her also.

No throwing rocks through windows. I don't want to ge put into jail and have to pay any more moeny than I already have to, to keep my dog alive...

thats what you have to stress "her dog is a danger to the owner's kids as well." .. you cant trust a dog like that

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Guest JMT
The first incident was not reported becasue neither the dog or the owner got hurt. The fight was broken up before it got that far.

The thing that urks me the most is that the dog owner has a 6 year old kid and she is not bothered by the possibility that her dog can attack her also.

No throwing rocks through windows. I don't want to ge put into jail and have to pay any more moeny than I already have to, to keep my dog alive...

ok then, you can always slide a little chuck wagon/rat poison christmas casserole under the fence.

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Guest Electric Eel

Wow Terry, thats horrible!! You definitely need to get that dog removed, its obviously a threat to the neighborhood. If its done that twice already you know its going to happen again. You need to speak with animal control to see what can be done.

I found some stuff online for you Florida Dog Bite and Dangerous Dog Laws

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when it comes to pets .. i hate to see that shit....... not cool

poor dog........ :(

i feel you...i am a pet owner myself...i agree....

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Good news everyone!

First the vet told my wife that they are going to close the wound and that my dog should be fine.

Second the landlord of the house called me a few minutes ago and informed me that her renter is having the dog removed on Friday and sending it to some local dog ranch.

Third the renters landlord told me that the renter is going to work it out with the animal hospital to pay the vet bills as they come. (She better!!)

And 4th animal control is actually outside issuing the girl a citation of $500 for having her dog loose in the street.

What a day so far....

Thanks everyone for your colorful advice....!!

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Guest durrtylexx

i'm happy to hear that everything worked out

It won't be worked out until all the vet bills are paid...

blah.....so far :P

btw i hope you lose this week (ff) :)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i'm happy to hear that everything worked out

It won't be worked out until all the vet bills are paid...

blah.....so far :P

btw i hope you lose this week (ff) :)

You like RBS that much??
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