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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

CP Miami should be taken out back and shot.

V. Barbarino

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Nick and Pod, that board is done, only like 5 people post in there, I checked in there yesterday after probably a year or so. It's a ghost town, it's time to kill it off once and for all...

Also I took the CJ stats and plotted them in a chart, doesn't look good boys, the trend is downward.



And yes I have far too much free time on my hands.

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Guest pod

Well, one of the things I've noticed is that the traffic on this board is really dependent on what is going on in clubland. For example, there's always a little spike when something goes down like the Grutman move last week. Other than that, there's nothing controversial going down at the moment.

We'll see a bit of traffic above the norm next week as New Years rolls around, and then the obvious post-New Years posting.

The next big blip after that is when The Cameo comes online. You'll see a lot of traffic from that.

Frankly, no one wants to read "rinse and repeat" club reviews anymore. No one cares really what tracks are being played, and no one cares how drunk you got. It's only of interest to a small subset of the board population.

What people are looking for is dirt and controversy.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find that dirt and controversy, and post about it. Within reason of course. I've got to maintain the usual community standards around here, but I'd like to think that still gives you all a lot of leeway to post the dirt.

The Dirt has been sold and is on hiatus. This is a perfect opportunity for this community to pick up that torch and go with it.


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Guest pod

Yes, I know. I'm beating a dead horse. I just have this glimmer of hope that at some point, people will realize how this city's club industry works.

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Saleen... September - December are ALWAYS the slowest months of the year (no matter what type of site it is.. unless it's myspace). People are busy as shit at work... school is in session.. final exams.. busy out XMAS shopping.. busy planning out of town trips, etc.

Since I am somewhat of a computer geek and ceo of a successful music website.. im pretty confident that I know what I am talking about.

FYI, I have viewed the new beta version of ClubPlanet... it's not too difficult to figure out how to find that info out... I think the future is going to be very bright for ClubPlanet. Im not going to spill the beans, but from what I have seen with my own two eyes... it's going to be a site like no other. Once they launch it... and people start raving about it... people will be back over there posting no time. Some of the shit I saw "wow'd" me.

My only gripe with the CP board... the assholes that post one line smart ass remarks... they also need to do something with those fucking signatures that people put in their posts that take up the whole screen.

I personally like CJ better because it is more focused on Miami, as opposed to CP more focused on NY.. which i dont give a damn about. In addition, CJ has a lot cleaner design. I actually like this forum software better than VBulletin.

Just my 2 cents.

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Saleen... September - December are ALWAYS the slowest months of the year (no matter what type of site it is.. unless it's myspace). People are busy as shit at work... busy out XMAS shopping.. busy planning out of town trips, etc.

Since I am somewhat of a computer geek and ceo of a very successful music website.. im pretty confident that I know what I am talking about.

FYI, I have viewed the new beta version of ClubPlanet... it's not too difficult to figure out how to find that info out... I think the future is going to be very bright for ClubPlanet. Im not going to spill the beans, but from what I have seen with my own two eyes... it's going to be a site like no other. Once they launch it... and people start raving about it... people will be back over there posting no time.

My only gripe with the CP board... the assholes that post one line smart ass remarks... they also need to do something with those fucking signatures that people put in their posts that take up the whole screen.

I personally like CJ better because it is more focused on Miami, as opposed to CP more focused on NY.. which i dont give a damn about. In addition, CJ has a lot cleaner design. I actually like this forum software better than VBulletin.

Just my 2 cents.

if you are a "successful ceo" than you should know how to use technical analysis in reading charts. If you took cjs name off those charts and put up a fake company name then asked people if they would buy that stock, they would say no, in fact they would short it.

Compare months year to year the trend is downward. CP will and can never get the traffic back. My space killed it and the fact that no one listens to techno anymore compounds the problem. There are only so many Blue promo threads one can take.

My point in posting it is because I keep telling Hans and Frans they need to kill off the edm element on this site and make it a Miami destination site, with restaurants and hotels a major theme.

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its a fucking website dude.. not the stock market. every website has its ups and downs besides the myspace and youtubes.

holy shit.. i guess i should sell back all of my shares to ESPN


or CNN




Miami's Local 10 News must be in some deep shit


Miami's CBS 4 in even deeper shit


Holy shit.. even the miami herald is going down!!


Have you seen the Miami New Times?? They must be going out of fucking business!


You are clueless saleen.. stick to your day job and golf.

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Guest pod

I'm all for people posting about non-club related stuff. We have Chat and the new Restaurant and Food forum for that sort of thing. As other topics become stronger, I'll probably branch them off into separate forums just for organizational purposes.

True enough, there's only so many club reviews I can take. I'm not in charge of generating content for the forums though. You guys are.

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He makes it look like that CP and CJ are both just going to hell.. It has nothing to do with the sites, content, etc.. they are trends that the entire internet world are going through... and of course, and he wants to blame it on dance music.

Every website on the planet goes up.. then down..it's a fact.

He says that the site should turn into a source about restaurant reviews, etc... but take a look at Miami Times site... isnt this the same thing that they are doing? How many people do you know that post links to club reviews, restaurant reviews, and upcoming events in other message forums on the net? not many.. but every message forum that i visit has people posting links to videos from youtube, myspace personal pages, etc... which is why these sites keep growing.. and sites like this keep going up and down... It has nothing to do with fucking dance music.

I personally could careless reading about a saturday night review at space per say... if im not there.. then i dont really give a shit... however, i enjoy visiting this site to see what events are taking place in the next few weeks.

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Guest pod

I'll agree with you there. If I didn't go to an event, it's hard for me to care what people post about it. Not to sound selfish or anything.

The reviews, realistically are just people who went airing their thoughts and reminiscing. If I didn't go, I have no basis of which to read the review on.

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Guest spinderella7713

I think we have missed the obvious question.....who wants to chart the rise and fall of CP and CJ in their free time? Isnt there something more fruitfull you could be doing Saleen?

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Guest ramon

Message boards and forums are sooooo 2002 anyway. ::)

Lets all shave our heads and buy vespas!

let's move to berlin and buy trendy tshirts.

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Guest myles hie

Message boards and forums are sooooo 2002 anyway. ::)

Lets all shave our heads and buy vespas!

let's move to berlin and buy trendy tshirts.


My name is Deiter and you have tuned into Shprokets.

ok. time to dance.

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miami and nj CP was sooo fun back in the day... it all went downhill when the battles quit being fought and GA2 quit photo-shopping..

ohhh the good ol' days of Saleen vs...well everyone!

Saleen vs shroomy

Saleen vs Liquids owner

MikeyDny & Saleen vs all of miami

GA2 king of photoshop

siiiick siick sick times... i miss those days.. back when posting was so fun and people could take jokes (or at least act like they did)..

waah :'(

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I think we have missed the obvious question.....who wants to chart the rise and fall of CP and CJ in their free time? Isnt there something more fruitfull you could be doing Saleen?

cj displays their stats in a cell format, so I can take that and turn it into a chart in under 15 seconds. Total time to make both charts and post them under 2 minutes. I did it while my work lap top was booting up and connecting to the vpn.

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Guest frankthetank

miami and nj CP was sooo fun back in the day... it all went downhill when the battles quit being fought and GA2 quit photo-shopping..

ohhh the good ol' days of Saleen vs...well everyone!

Saleen vs shroomy

Saleen vs Liquids owner

MikeyDny & Saleen vs all of miami

GA2 king of photoshop

siiiick siick sick times... i miss those days.. back when posting was so fun and people could take jokes (or at least act like they did)..

waah :'(

You forgot about BEYONDO! That guy was hilarious. ;)

Not to mention Funkateer. :)

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Guest Adam Singer

hate to point out the obvious, but most of the forum traffic to BOTH cooljunkie & clubplanet is to the actual websites itself, not the webforums

and by most i mean an overwhelming majority...

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Guest pod

CJ's forum traffic is very close to main page traffic.

That being said though, what killed the community on our sister site's Miami section was certain people's sense of self-importance over there. There's one thing to have that sense, there's something else if it turns into flagrant abuse of other people because you happen to think you are better.

It all happened around 2002-03 where there was this influx of new users that just didn't "get" participating in an online community. Sorry to sound elitist, but it's the truth. You guys know who you are, and ruined it.

Back in the day, and I'm talking in the nascent days of forums and online chats, the moderators operated in a sort of wrath-of-god mode. Read up on BOFH for examples of this. And yes, I take my cues on moderation from the old school way of handling things. Bannings and account deletions were handed out like candy on Halloween. Sure, it was "totalitarian" or what-have-you, but in the end it did engender a sense of belonging and community amongst those users who were there for the stated purpose of the forum, newsgroup, or IRC channel.

What happened over on CP Miami and what I and the other mods have managed to prevent over here so far is a case of the lunatics taking over the asylum. After awhile, the people modding and running the CP-Miami forum just didn't care, and it degraded even further. It's a case of "well, if the users don't care, why should we?"

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Guest Adam Singer

CJ's forum traffic is very close to main page traffic.

alexa begs to differ:


Where do people go on clubplanet.com?

* clubplanet.com - 40%

* listings.clubplanet.com - 23%

* photos.clubplanet.com - 15%

* bbs.clubplanet.com - 11%

* ads.clubplanet.com - 4%

* mailers.clubplanet.com - 2%

* beta.clubplanet.com - 1%

* Other websites - 4%

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